# # Logging # $Global:LogFile = $null $Global:LogVerbose = $False # Replace with Convert-Object when updating code. Function Convert-ObjectToHashtable([psobject]$object) { $output = @{} $object.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Value -is [PSCustomObject]) { $_.Value = Convert-ObjectToHashtable($_.Value) } $output.($_.Name) = $_.Value } return $output } function Convert-ObjectToString([psobject]$object) { $objectString = $object.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Value -is [PSCustomObject]) { "$($_.Name) = $(Convert-ObjectToString($_.Value))" } elseif ($value -is [hashtable]) { "$_ = $(Convert-HashToString $value)" } elseif ($value -is [array]) { "$_ = $(Convert-ArrayToString $value)" } else { "$($_.Name) = $($_.Value)" } } return "@{" + ($objectString -join ', ') + "}" } Function Convert-ArrayToString([array] $array) { return "[" + ( $array.foreach( { if ($_ -is [PSCustomObject]) { "$(Convert-HashToString( Convert-ObjectToHashtable $_))" } elseif ($_ -is [hashtable]) { "$(Convert-HashToString $_)" } elseif ($_ -is [array]) { "$(Convert-ArrayToString $_)" } else { "$_" } }) -join ', ') + "]" } Function Convert-HashToString([psobject]$hashtable) { return "@{" + ( $hashtable.keys.foreach( { $value = $hashtable[$_] if ($value -is [hashtable]) { "$_=$(Convert-HashToString $value)" } elseif ($value -is [array]) { "$_=$(Convert-ArrayToString $value)" } else { "$_=$value" } }) -join ', ' ) + "}" } function Convert-Object([psobject]$object) { if (($object -is [string]) -or ($object -is [int])) { return $object } elseif ($object -is [array]) { $output = @() $object | ForEach-Object { $output += Convert-Object $_ } return $output } elseif ($object -is [hashtable]) { $output = @{} $object.Keys | ForEach-Object { $value = $object[$_] $output.$_ = Convert-Object $value } return $output } elseif ($object -is [PSCustomObject]) { $output = @{} $object.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $output.($_.Name) = Convert-Object $_.Value } return $output } } function GetParameters([psobject]$invocation) { $parameters = @{} foreach ($name in (Get-Command -Name $invocation.InvocationName).Parameters.keys) { $variable = Get-Variable -Name $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $parameters[$name] = if ($variable) {$variable.value} else {$Null} } return $parameters } Function LogInit([psobject]$invocation, [string]$logDir, [string]$logFile, [bool]$overwrite, [bool]$Verbose) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($logDir)) { $Global:LogFile = "$(Get-Location)\$logFile" } else { $Global:LogFile = "$logDir\$logFile" } $Global:LogVerbose = $Verbose if ($overwrite) { $timestamp = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffZ") "$($timestamp): New log" | Out-File -FilePath $Global:LogFile } else { $timestamp = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffZ") "$($timestamp): New log" | Out-File -FilePath $Global:LogFile -Append } Write-Host "Logging to $($Global:LogFile) Verbose=$Verbose" if ($null -ne $invocation) { $parameters = GetParameters $invocation if ($parameters.ContainsKey('SecureSecret') -And -not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($parameters.SecureSecret))) { $parameters['SecureSecret'] = "***" } LogIt -message "$($invocation.MyCommand) called with params: $(Convert-HashToString $parameters) from Powershell $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)" -echoToScreen $Verbose } LogIt -message "$($invocation.MyCommand.Module.Name) version $($invocation.MyCommand.Module.Version) from $($invocation.MyCommand.Module.Path)" -echoToScreen $Verbose } Function LogIt([string]$message, [bool]$echoToScreen = $True) { if ($null -ne $Global:LogFile) { if ($echoToScreen) { Write-Host $message } $timestamp = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffZ") "$($timestamp): $message" | Out-File -FilePath $Global:LogFile -Append } } Function LogItWarning([string]$message) { if ($null -ne $Global:LogFile) { Write-Warning $message $timestamp = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffZ") "$($timestamp): $message" | Out-File -FilePath $Global:LogFile -Append } } Function LogItError([string]$message) { if ($null -ne $Global:LogFile) { $Host.UI.WriteErrorLine("ERROR: $message") $timestamp = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffZ") "$($timestamp): $message" | Out-File -FilePath $Global:LogFile -Append } } Function LogFatal([string]$message, [bool]$echoToScreen = $True) { LogIt $message $echoToScreen throw $message } |