
    Removes a Filter Rule object from the WEM Database.
    Removes a Filter Rule object from the WEM Database.
    .Parameter IdRule
    .Parameter Connection
    Author: Arjan Mensch

function Remove-WEMRule {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]


    process {
        Write-Verbose "Working with database version $($script:databaseVersion)"

        # don't update the default condition
        if ($IdRule -eq 1) {
            Write-Error "Cannot remove the default Rule"

        # grab original object
        $origRule = Get-WEMRule -Connection $Connection -IdRule $IdRule

        # only continue if the condition was found
        if (-not $origRule) { 
            Write-Warning "No Filter Rule Object found for Id $($IdRule)"
        # build query
        $SQLQuery = "DELETE FROM VUEMFiltersRules WHERE IdFilterRule = $($IdRule)"
        $null = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery

        # Updating the ChangeLog
        New-ChangesLogEntry -Connection $Connection -IdSite $origRule.IdSite -IdElement $IdRule -ChangeType "Delete" -ObjectName $origRule.Name -ObjectType "Filters\Filter Rule" -NewValue "N/A" -ChangeDescription $null -Reserved01 $null