
    Create a new AppLocker Rule object in the WEM Database.
    Create a new AppLocker Rule object in the WEM Database.
    .Parameter IdSite
    .Parameter Name
    .Parameter Description
    .Parameter Type
    .Parameter Permission
    .Parameter IdADObjects
    .Parameter ConditionObject
    .Parameter ExceptionObjects
    .Parameter Connection
    Author: Arjan Mensch

function New-WEMAppLockerRule {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]

        [string]$Description = "",
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][ValidateSet("Executable", "Windows Installer", "Scripts", "Packaged", "DLL")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][ValidateSet("Allow", "Deny")]

    process {
        Write-Verbose "Working with database version $($script:databaseVersion)"

        # check if there is a configuration for $IdSite
        if (-not (Get-WEMConfiguration -Connection $Connection -IdSite $IdSite)) {
            Write-Error "Configuration not found. Please provide a valid Site Id"

        # check if the conditionobject is actually that
        if (-not ($ConditionObject.pstypenames[0] -like "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRule*Condition")) {
            Write-Error "ConditionObject is not the correct type. Please provide a valid AppLockerRuleConditionObject"

        # check if exceptions are valid for the type of condition that is requested
        if ($ExceptionObjects) {
            if ($ConditionObject.pstypenames[0] -ne "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRulePathCondition") {
                Write-Error "ExceptionObject(s) are only valid in combination with a PathCondition type"
            } else {
                # check if the exceptionobjects are actually that
                foreach($ExceptionObject in $ExceptionObjects) {
                    if ($ExceptionObject -and -not ($ExceptionObject.pstypenames[0] -like "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRule*Condition")) {
                        Write-Error "ExceptionObject is not the correct type. Please provide a valid AppLockerRuleConditionObject"
        # check if requested type matches with conditionobject
        if ($Type -eq "Executable" -and $ConditionObject.pstypenames[0] -eq "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRulePathCondition") {
            if ($ConditionObject.Path.Substring($ConditionObject.Path.Length -2) -ne "\*" -and (@(".exe",".com") -notcontains [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($ConditionObject.Path.Substring($ConditionObject.Path.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)))) {
                Write-Error "For an Executable rule the Path Condition must be for a .exe or a .com file, or it must be a Path Condition"
        if ($Type -eq "Executable" -and $ConditionObject.pstypenames[0] -eq "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRuleHashCondition" -and $ConditionObject.Purpose -ne "Executable") {
            Write-Error "For an Executable rule the Hash Condition purpose must be 'Executable'"
        if ($Type -eq "Windows Installer" -and $ConditionObject.pstypenames[0] -eq "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRulePathCondition") {
            if ($ConditionObject.Path.Substring($ConditionObject.Path.Length -2) -ne "\*" -and (@(".msi",".msp",".mst") -notcontains [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($ConditionObject.Path.Substring($ConditionObject.Path.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)))) {
                Write-Error "For a Windows Installer rule the Path Condition must be for a .msi, a .msp or a .mst file, or it must be a Path Condition"
        if ($Type -eq "Windows Installer" -and $ConditionObject.pstypenames[0] -eq "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRuleHashCondition" -and $ConditionObject.Purpose -ne "Windows Installer") {
            Write-Error "For an Windows Installer rule the Hash Condition purpose must be 'Windows Installer'"
        if ($Type -eq "Scripts" -and $ConditionObject.pstypenames[0] -eq "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRulePathCondition") {
            if ($ConditionObject.Path.Substring($ConditionObject.Path.Length -2) -ne "\*" -and (@(".ps1",".bat",".cmd",".vbs",".js") -notcontains [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($ConditionObject.Path.Substring($ConditionObject.Path.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)))) {
                Write-Error "For a Scripts rule the Path Condition must be for a .ps1, a .bat, a .cmd, a .vbs or a .js file, or it must be a Path Condition"
        if ($Type -eq "Scripts" -and $ConditionObject.pstypenames[0] -eq "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRuleHashCondition" -and $ConditionObject.Purpose -ne "Scripts") {
            Write-Error "For a Scripts rule the Hash Condition purpose must be 'Scripts'"
        if ($Type -eq "Packaged" -and $ConditionObject.pstypenames[0] -ne "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRulePublisherCondition") {
            Write-Error "For an Packaged rule only a Publisher Condition is valid"
        if ($Type -eq "DLL" -and $ConditionObject.pstypenames[0] -eq "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRulePathCondition") {
            if ($ConditionObject.Path.Substring($ConditionObject.Path.Length -2) -ne "\*" -and (@(".dll",".ocx") -notcontains [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($ConditionObject.Path.Substring($ConditionObject.Path.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)))) {
                Write-Error "For a DLL rule the Path Condition must be for a .dll or a .ocx file, or it must be a Path Condition"
        if ($Type -eq "DLL" -and $ConditionObject.pstypenames[0] -eq "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRuleHashCondition" -and $ConditionObject.Purpose -ne "DLL") {
            Write-Error "For a DLL rule the Hash Condition purpose must be 'DLL'"

        # check if the ADObjects exist in the requested configuration
        foreach($IdADObject in $IdADObjects) {
            $adObject = Get-WEMADUserObject -Connection $Connection -IdSite $IdSite -IdADObject $IdADObject
            if (-not ($adObject)) {
                Write-Error "Could not find an ADUserObject for IdADObject $($IdADObject)"

        # escape possible query breakers
        $Name = ConvertTo-StringEscaped $Name
        $Description = ConvertTo-StringEscaped $Description

        # insert rule
        # build the query to insert the Object
        $ruleGuid = (New-Guid).Guid.ToUpper()
        $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO AppLockerRules (IdSite, RuleGuid, CollectionType, RuleType, Name, Description, Action, State, RevisionId, Reserved01) VALUES ($($IdSite),'$($ruleGuid)',$($tableVUEMAppLockerCollectionType[$Type]),$($tableVUEMAppLockerRuleType[$ConditionObject.Type]),'$($Name)','$($Description)',0,$($tableVUEMAppLockerRulePermission[$Permission]),1,NULL)"
        $null = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery

        # grab the new Object
        $SQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM AppLockerRules WHERE IdSite = $($IdSite) AND RuleGuid = '$($ruleguid)'"
        $result = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery
        $vuemAppLockerRule = $result.Tables.Rows

        # insert condition
        switch ($ConditionObject.pstypenames[0]) {
            "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRulePathCondition" { 
                # build the query to insert the Object
                $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO AppLockerRulePathConditions (IdRule, Path, IsException, RevisionId, Reserved01) VALUES ($($vuemAppLockerRule.IdRule),'$($ConditionObject.Path)',0,0,NULL)"
                $null = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery
                # insert exceptions
                foreach($ExceptionObject in $ExceptionObjects) {
                    switch ($ExceptionObject.pstypenames[0]) {
                        "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRulePathCondition" {
                            # build the query to insert the Object
                            $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO AppLockerRulePathConditions (IdRule, Path, IsException, RevisionId, Reserved01) VALUES ($($vuemAppLockerRule.IdRule),'$($ExceptionObject.Path)',1,0,NULL)"
                            $null = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery
                        "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRulePublisherCondition" {
                            # build the query to insert the Object
                            $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO AppLockerRulePublisherConditions (IdRule, FilePath, FileName, LowSection, HighSection, Product, Publisher, IsException, RevisionId, Reserved01) VALUES ($($vuemAppLockerRule.IdRule),'$($ExceptionObject.FilePath)','$($ExceptionObject.FileName)','$($ExceptionObject.LowSection)','$($ExceptionObject.HighSection)','$($ExceptionObject.Product)','$($ExceptionObject.Publisher)',1,0,NULL)"
                            $null = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery
                        "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRuleHashCondition" {
                            # build the query to insert the Object
                            $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO AppLockerRuleHashConditions (IdRule, IsException, RevisionId, Reserved01) VALUES ($($vuemAppLockerRule.IdRule),1,0,NULL)"
                            $null = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery

                            # grab the new Object
                            $SQLQuery = "SELECT TOP (1) * FROM AppLockerRuleHashConditions WHERE IdRule = $($vuemAppLockerRule.IdRule) AND IsException = 1 ORDER BY IdCondition DESC"
                            $result = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery
                            $vuemAppLockerException = $result.Tables.Rows

                            # process hashes
                            foreach($hash in $ExceptionObject.Hashes) {
                                $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO AppLockerRuleFileHashes (IdCondition, HashAlgorithm, Hash, FileLength, RevisionId, Reserved01, FileName) VALUES ($($vuemAppLockerException.IdCondition),0,$($hash.Hash),$($hash.FileLength),0,NULL,'$($hash.FileName)')"
                                $null = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery
                        Default {}
            "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRulePublisherCondition" {
                # build the query to insert the Object
                $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO AppLockerRulePublisherConditions (IdRule, FilePath, FileName, LowSection, HighSection, Product, Publisher, IsException, RevisionId, Reserved01) VALUES ($($vuemAppLockerRule.IdRule),'$($ConditionObject.FilePath)','$($ConditionObject.FileName)','$($ConditionObject.LowSection)','$($ConditionObject.HighSection)','$($ConditionObject.Product)','$($ConditionObject.Publisher)',0,0,NULL)"
                $null = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery
            "Citrix.WEMSDK.AppLockerRuleHashCondition" {
                # build the query to insert the Object
                $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO AppLockerRuleHashConditions (IdRule, IsException, RevisionId, Reserved01) VALUES ($($vuemAppLockerRule.IdRule),0,0,NULL)"
                $null = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery
                # grab the new Object
                $SQLQuery = "SELECT TOP (1) * FROM AppLockerRuleHashConditions WHERE IdRule = $($vuemAppLockerRule.IdRule) ORDER BY IdCondition DESC"
                $result = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery
                $vuemAppLockerCondition = $result.Tables.Rows

                # process hashes
                foreach($hash in $ConditionObject.Hashes) {
                    $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO AppLockerRuleFileHashes (IdCondition, HashAlgorithm, Hash, FileLength, RevisionId, Reserved01, FileName) VALUES ($($vuemAppLockerCondition.IdCondition),0,$($hash.Hash),$($hash.FileLength),0,NULL,'$($hash.FileName)')"
                    $null = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery
            Default {}

        # insert assignment
        # build the query to insert the Object
        foreach($IdADObject in $IdADObjects) {
            $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO AppLockerRuleAssignments (IdSite, IdAppLockerRule, IdItem, RevisionId, Reserved01) VALUES ($($IdSite),$($vuemAppLockerRule.IdRule),$($IdADObject),1,NULL)"
            $null = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery

        # Updating the ChangeLog
        New-ChangesLogEntry -Connection $Connection -IdSite $IdSite -IdElement $vuemAppLockerRule.IdRule -ChangeType "Create" -ObjectName $vuemAppLockerRule.Name -ObjectType "AppLocker Rule\$($tableVUEMAppLockerChangeLogType["$($vuemAppLockerRule.CollectionType).$($vuemAppLockerRule.RuleType)"])" -NewValue "N/A" -ChangeDescription $null -Reserved01 $null