.Synopsis Create a new Administrator object in the WEM Database. .Description Create a new Administrator object in the WEM Database. .Link .Parameter Id .. .Parameter Description .. .Parameter Type .. .Parameter State .. .Parameter Permission .. .Parameter IdSite .. .Parameter Connection .. .Example .Notes Author: Arjan Mensch #> function New-WEMAdministrator { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [string]$Id, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$Description = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][ValidateSet("Group","User")] [string]$Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][ValidateSet("Enabled","Disabled")] [string]$State = "Disabled", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][ValidateSet("Full Access","Read Only","Actions Creator","Actions Manager","Filters Manager","Assigments Manager","System Utilities Manager","System Monitoring Manager","Policies and Profiles Manager","Configured User Manager","Transformer Manager","Advanced Settings Manager","Security Manager")] [string]$Permission = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int]$IdSite = 0, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection]$Connection ) process { Write-Verbose "Working with database version $($script:databaseVersion)" # define regexes $regExSID = "^S-\d-(\d+-){1,14}\d+$" # escape possible query breakers $Id = ConvertTo-StringEscaped $Id $Description = ConvertTo-StringEscaped $Description # Id must match SID if ($Id -notmatch $regExSID) { Write-Error "Please privide a valid object SID." Break } # name is unique if it's not yet used in the same Action Type in the site $SQLQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS ObjectCount FROM VUEMAdministrators WHERE Name LIKE '$($Id)'" $result = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery if ($result.Tables.Rows.ObjectCount) { # name must be unique Write-Error "There's already an Administrator object named '$($Id)' in the Configuration" Break } Write-Verbose "Id is unique: Continue" # check IdSite if one was provided if($IdSite -ge 1) { if(-not (Get-WEMConfiguration -Connection $Connection -IdSite $IdSite)) { Write-Error "Configuration not found. Please provide a valid Site Id" Break } } # check permissions $xmlPermission = [xml]$defaultVUEMAdministratorPermissions if ($Permission) { $xmlPermission.ArrayOfVUEMAdminPermission.VUEMAdminPermission.AuthorizationLevel = $tableVUEMAdminPermissions[$Permission] } $xmlPermission.ArrayOfVUEMAdminPermission.VUEMAdminPermission.idSite = [string]$IdSite # build optional values if ([bool]($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Keys -notmatch 'type')) { $ADObject = Get-ActiveDirectoryName -SID "$($Id)" if (-not $ADObject) { Write-Error "Could not determine Active Directory object type. Please provide the Type manually" Break } $Type = $ADObject.Type Write-Verbose "Determined '$($Name)' ($($ADObject.DistinguishedName)) to be of type '$($Type)'" } # build the query to insert the Object $SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO VUEMAdministrators (Name,Description,State,Type,Permissions,RevisionId,Reserved01) VALUES ('$($Id)','$($Description)',$($tableVUEMState[$State]),$($tableVUEMADObjectType[$Type]),'$($xmlPermission.InnerXml)',1,NULL)" $null = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery # grab the new Object $vuemAdministratorObject = Get-WEMAdministrator -Connection $Connection -Name $id # Updating the ChangeLog Write-Verbose "Using Object name: $($Id)" $IdObject = $vuemAdministratorObject.IdAdministrator New-ChangesLogEntry -Connection $Connection -IdSite -1 -IdElement $IdObject -ChangeType "Create" -ObjectName (Get-ActiveDirectoryName $Id).Account -ObjectType "Administration\Administrators" -NewValue "N/A" -ChangeDescription $null -Reserved01 $null # Return the new object return $vuemAdministratorObject } } |