
    Returns a Transformer Settings object from the WEM Database.
    Returns a Transformer Settings object from the WEM Database.
    .Parameter IdSite
    .Parameter Connection
    Author: Arjan Mensch

function Get-WEMTransformerSettings {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]

    process {

        Write-Verbose "Working with database version $($script:databaseVersion)"
        Write-Verbose "Function name '$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)'"

        # only continue if a valid IdSite was passed
        if(-not (Get-WEMConfiguration -Connection $Connection -IdSite $IdSite)) {
            Write-Warning "No site found with IdSite $($IdSite)"

        # create the object
        $configObject = @{}

        # grab the updated object
        $SQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM VUEMKioskSettings WHERE IdSite = $($IdSite) ORDER BY IdItem"
        $result = Invoke-SQL -Connection $Connection -Query $SQLQuery

        # cycle through all the properties
        foreach($row in $result.Tables.Rows) {
            $configObject.($row.Name) = $row.Value

        # return the final object
        return $configObject 
New-Alias -Name Get-WEMKioskSettings -Value Get-WEMTransformerSettings