Function CleanUpGcpDisk([string]$gcpServiceAccountKeyFile, [string]$cloudDiskName) { $gcpServiceAccountKey = Get-Content -Raw -Path $gcpServiceAccountKeyFile | ConvertFrom-Json try { $disk = Get-GceImage -Name $cloudDiskName -Project $gcpServiceAccountKey.project_id } catch { if ($_.exception.Message -like '*The resource *was not found*') { return } ThrowError ([UploaderException]::new("Error finding disk image $($cloudDiskName)", $_.Exception)) } Log "Deleting existing disk image '$cloudDiskName'" Remove-GceImage -Name $cloudDiskName -Project $gcpServiceAccountKey.project_id } Function DeriveBucketName([string]$cloudDiskName) { $bucketName = $cloudDiskName.Split('.')[0] if (-not (($bucketName.Length -le 63) -and ($bucketName -cmatch '^[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?$'))) { $msg = "Invalid CloudDiskName '$cloudDiskName'. The stem must meet the requirements for Google Cloud image names. " + "See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/images" ThrowError ([UploaderException]::new($msg)) } return $bucketName } Function UploadToGcp([string]$cloudDiskName, [string]$path, [string]$gcpServiceAccountKeyFile, [string]$logFileName) { $bucketName = DeriveBucketName $cloudDiskName Log "Copying disk '$path' to bucket '$bucketName'" Copy-ToGcpDisk -File $path -BucketName $bucketName -ServiceAccountKeyFile $gcpServiceAccountKeyFile -LogFileName $logFileName Log "Copied disk to image '$cloudDiskName' via bucket '$bucketName'" } |