function Get-CiresonPortalWorkItemItemsByUser { <# .SYNOPSIS function to retrieve the WorkItem of a User .DESCRIPTION function to retrieve the WorkItem of a User .PARAMETER UserID Specifies the UserID .EXAMPLE Get-CiresonPortalWorkItemItemsByUser -UserID 3994eb2c-0829-5cd9-2000-c2fbb11aaa15 Title : Report Expiring Users to Managers BaseId : 3e35ce66-dca3-7449-04eb-ad5057157b00 Id : SR9240 TopParentType : Icon : ServiceRequest.svg Status : Cancelled StatusId : 674e87e4-a58e-eab0-9a05-b48881de784c Priority : 9 - Low AssignedUser : Cat, Francois-Xavier AffectedUser : Cat, Francois-Xavier CreatedByUser : Cat, Francois-Xavier Category : Other Tier : IT LastModified : 2016-02-10T14:45:22.55 Created : 2015-11-30T18:52:26.07 ScheduledStartDate : ScheduledEndDate : WorkItemType : System.WorkItem.ServiceRequest IsParent : False ParentWorkItemId : ParentWorkItemType : Index : 0 SLOInstance : SLOStatus : NumericId : 9240 LastModifiedAsString : 2016-02-10T14:45:22.550 CreatedAsString : 2015-11-30T18:52:26.070 ScheduledStartDateAsString : ScheduledEndDateAsString : Title : New IT Hardware BaseId : 2aa822b0-b144-3acf-bee3-9a11714c5de0 Id : RA491 TopParentType : Icon : ReviewActivity.svg Status : Cancelled StatusId : 89465302-2a23-d2b6-6906-74f03d9b7b41 Priority : AssignedUser : AffectedUser : CreatedByUser : Category : Tier : LastModified : 2015-09-25T13:23:06.42 Created : 2015-07-30T18:11:10.78 ScheduledStartDate : ScheduledEndDate : WorkItemType : System.WorkItem.Activity.ReviewActivity IsParent : False ParentWorkItemId : SR488 ParentWorkItemType : ServiceRequest Index : 0 SLOInstance : SLOStatus : NumericId : 491 LastModifiedAsString : 2015-09-25T13:23:06.420 CreatedAsString : 2015-07-30T18:11:10.780 ScheduledStartDateAsString : ScheduledEndDateAsString : .NOTES Francois-Xavier Cat @lazywinadm #> PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory)] $UserID, [Switch]$isScoped=$false, [Switch]$showActivities, [Switch]$showInactiveItems ) BEGIN { TRY{ Write-Verbose -Message $(New-ScriptMessage -Block BEGIN -message 'Checking Pre-Requisites') [void](Get-CiresonPortalPSConfiguration -WarningAction Stop) } CATCH { # Stop the function Write-Error -Message $Error[0] Throw "Not Connected to Cireson Portal" } } PROCESS { # Build the Query $URI = $CiresonPortalURL,"api/V3/WorkItem/GetGridWorkItemsByUser?userId=$UserID&isScoped=$($isScoped.tostring().tolower())&showActivities=$($showActivities.tostring().tolower())&showInactiveItems=$($showInactiveItems.tostring().tolower())" -join '/' Write-Verbose -Message $(New-ScriptMessage -Block 'PROCESS' -message "Uri = $URI") # Invoke the Query (Invoke-RestMethod $URI -Credential $CiresonPortalCred) -as [pscustomobject] } } |