function Get-CiresonPortalRequestOfferingTop { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to retrieve Top Request Offering for a User .DESCRIPTION Function to retrieve Top Request Offering for a User .PARAMETER UserID Specifies the User ID (GUID) .PARAMETER returnAmount The number of offerings to return .PARAMETER IsScoped Specifies whether the user is scoped .EXAMPLE Get-CiresonPortalRequestOfferingTop -UserID $User.Id -ReturnAmount 2 .NOTES Francois-Xavier Cat @lazywinadm #> #requires -version 3 [Cmdletbinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory)] [GUID]$UserID, [int]$ReturnAmount, [switch]$IsScoped=$false ) BEGIN { TRY{ Write-Verbose -Message $(New-ScriptMessage -Block BEGIN -message 'Checking Pre-Requisites') [void](Get-CiresonPortalPSConfiguration -WarningAction Stop) } CATCH { # Stop the function Throw "Not Connected to Cireson Portal" } } PROCESS { TRY { Write-Verbose -Message $(New-ScriptMessage -Block PROCESS -message 'Build URI') $URI = $CiresonPortalURL, "api/V3/ServiceCatalog/GetTopRequestOffering?userId=$UserID&returnAmount=$ReturnAmount&isScoped=$($IsScoped.tostring().tolower())" -join '/' Write-Verbose -Message $(New-ScriptMessage -Block PROCESS -message 'Query API') (Invoke-RestMethod $URI -Credential $CiresonPortalCred) -as [pscustomobject] } CATCH { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } } } |