function Get-CiresonPortalProjection { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to retrieve WorkItem Projection .DESCRIPTION Function to retrieve WorkItem Projection .PARAMETER Id The string id of the object (i.e. IR123) .PARAMETER TypeProjectionId The id of the type projection # You can use SMLets to get a list of all available Type Projection IDs... Import-Module SMLets Get-SCSMTypeProjection | Select Name, Id .PARAMETER ReturnDuplicateCopy If Specified, will return an array with two results. The results will be identical, however each object will be a duplicate of the other. This will assist with using "Commit-CiresonPortalProjection". .EXAMPLE # Get our SR Type Projection Import-Module SMLets $SRTypeProjID = (Get-SCSMTypeProjection -Name "Cireson.ServiceRequest.ViewModel").Id # Get Type Projection Data results for SR1234 Get-CiresonPortalProjection -Id "SR1234" -$TypeProjectionId $SRTypeProjID # OR... Get duplicate copy of Type Projection results for SR1234 $dupTPs = Get-CiresonPortalProjection -Id "SR1234" -$TypeProjectionId $SRTypeProjID -ReturnDuplicateCopy # Store the results into seperate variables which can then be used to update a type projection with 'Update-CiresonPortalProjection' $orig = $dupTPs[0]; $new = $dupTPs[0] .NOTES Contribution from Adrian Paech, Thank you! #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String]$Id, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [guid]$TypeProjectionId, [Switch]$ReturnDuplicateCopy ) BEGIN { TRY{ Write-Verbose -Message $(New-ScriptMessage -Block BEGIN -message 'Checking Pre-Requisites') [void](Get-CiresonPortalPSConfiguration -WarningAction Stop) } CATCH { # Stop the function Throw "Not Connected to Cireson Portal" } } PROCESS { # Build the Query $URI = $CiresonPortalURL,"api/V3/Projection/GetProjection?id=$Id&typeProjectionId=$TypeProjectionId" -join '/' Write-Verbose -Message $(New-ScriptMessage -Block PROCESS -message $URI) # Invoke the Query $result = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Credential $CiresonPortalCred) -as [pscustomobject] If ($ReturnDuplicateCopy) { $result, $($result | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | ConvertFrom-Json) } Else { $result } } } |