Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $TestScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent $ModuleRoot = Resolve-Path "$TestScriptRoot\.." $ModuleManifest = "$ModuleRoot\CimSweep.psd1" Remove-Module [C]imSweep $Module = Import-Module $ModuleManifest -Force -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru Describe 'Module-wide tests' -Tags 'Module' { $FunctionsList = $Module.ExportedCommands.Keys foreach ($Function in $FunctionsList) { # Retrieve the Help of the function $Help = Get-Help -Name $Function -Full # Parse the function using AST $AST = [Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput((Get-Content function:$Function), [ref]$null, [ref]$null) Context "Exported command parameters for $Function" { It 'should have have an OutputType attribute' { $OutputTypeAttribute = $AST.ParamBlock.Attributes | Where-Object { $_.TypeName.Name -eq 'OutputType' } $OutputTypeAttribute | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $OutputTypeAttribute.TypeName.Name | Should BeExactly 'OutputType' $OutputTypeAttribute.PositionalArguments | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It 'should have a -CimSession parameter with proper capitalization and is of type Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession[]' { $CimSessionParam = $AST.ParamBlock.Parameters | Where-Object { $_.Name.Extent.Text -eq '$CimSession' } $CimSessionParam | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $CimSessionParam.Name.Extent.Text | Should BeExactly '$CimSession' $CimSessionParam.StaticType.FullName | Should BeExactly 'Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession[]' } } Context "Required exported command naming scheme for $Function" { It 'should have a "CS" noun prefix' { $Module.ExportedCommands[$Function].Noun.Substring(0, 2) | Should BeExactly 'CS' } } # Comment-based help tests derived from: # http://www.lazywinadmin.com/2016/05/using-pester-to-test-your-comment-based.html Context "Comment-based help for: $Function"{ It 'should contain a .SYNOPSIS block' { $Help.Synopsis | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It 'should have an author listed' { $Help.Synopsis.Contains('Author:') | Should Be $True } It 'should contain a BSD license in the synopsis' { $Help.Synopsis.Contains('License: BSD 3-Clause') | Should Be $True } It 'should contain a .DESCRIPTION block' { $Help.Description | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } # Get the parameters declared in the Comment Based Help $HelpParameters = @($Help.Parameters.Parameter) # Get the parameters declared in the AST PARAM() Block $ASTParameters = @($AST.ParamBlock.Parameters.Name.Variablepath.Userpath) It 'should contain a matching number of .PARAMETER blocks for all defined parameters' { $NamedArgs = try { $AST.ParamBlock.Attributes.NamedArguments } catch { $null } if ($NamedArgs -and $NamedArgs.ArgumentName -contains 'SupportsShouldProcess') { $Count = $ASTParameters.Count + 2 # Accounting for -WhatIf and -Confirm } else { $Count = $ASTParameters.Count } $HelpParameters.Count | Should Be $Count } # Parameter Description $Help.Parameters.Parameter | ForEach-Object { if ($ASTParameters -contains $_.Name) { It "should contain a .PARAMETER block for the following parameter: $($_.Name)"{ $_.Description | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } } # Examples It 'should contain at least one .EXAMPLE block' { @($Help.Examples.Example.Code).Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0 } } } } |