using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.SHiPS [SHiPSProvider()] class CMRoot : SHiPSDirectory { # static member to keep track of CIM sessions static [System.Collections.Generic.List``1[Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession]] $sessions # Default constructor CMRoot([string]$name):base($name) { } [object[]] GetChildItem() { $obj = @() # If sessions are present, create machine object for those sessions if([CMRoot]::sessions){ [CMRoot]::sessions | ForEach-Object { $obj += [CMMachine]::new($_.ComputerName, $_) } } # Else create a default session for localhost else{ $obj += [CMMachine]::new('localhost') } return $obj } } [SHiPSProvider()] class CMMachine : SHiPSDirectory { [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession]$Cimsession = $null # Given a machine name, create a cimsession and add to static member CMMachine([string]$name):base($name) { $this.CimSession = New-CimSession -ComputerName $name [CMRoot]::Sessions += $this.CimSession } # Given a cimsession, add to static member CMMachine([string]$name, [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession]$cimsession):base($name) { $this.CimSession = $cimsession } [object[]] GetChildItem() { $obj = @() # Find all the namespace under root namespace $namespaces = (Get-CimInstance -Namespace root -ClassName __namespace -CimSession $this.CimSession).Name | Sort-Object foreach ($namespace in $namespaces) { $obj += [CMNamespace]::new('root',$namespace,$this.CimSession) } return $obj } } [SHiPSProvider()] class CMNamespace : SHiPSDirectory { [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession]$CimSession = $null [string]$Namespace = 'root' [string]$Type = 'Namespace' CMNamespace([string]$parent, [string]$name, [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession]$cimsession):base($name) { $this.Namespace = Join-Path $parent $name $this.CimSession = $cimsession } [object[]] GetChildItem() { $obj = @() # Find all the child namespaces $namespaces = (Get-CimInstance -Namespace $this.Namespace -ClassName __namespace -CimSession $this.CimSession).Name | Sort-Object $namespacesToSkip = @('ms_409') foreach ($namespace in $namespaces) { if($namespacesToSkip -notcontains $namespace){ $obj += [CMNamespace]::new($this.Namespace, $namespace, $this.CimSession) } } # Find all the classes in the given namespace $classNamesToSkip = @('ms_409' 'CIM_Indication' 'CIM_ClassIndication' 'CIM_ClassDeletion' 'CIM_ClassCreation' 'CIM_ClassModification' 'CIM_InstIndication' 'CIM_InstCreation' 'CIM_InstModification' 'CIM_InstDeletion' 'CIM_Error' 'MSFT_WmiError' 'MSFT_ExtendedStatus' 'WMI_Extension' ) $classnames = (Get-CimClass -Namespace $this.Namespace).CimClassName | Sort-Object foreach($classname in $classnames){ if(-not ($classname.StartsWith('__')) -and ($classNamesToSkip -notcontains $classname)){ $obj += [CMClass]::new($this.Namespace, $classname, $this.CimSession) } } return $obj } } [SHiPSProvider()] class CMClass : SHiPSDirectory { [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession]$CimSession = $null [string]$Namespace = $null [string]$Type = 'Class' CMClass([string]$namespace, [string]$name, [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession]$cimsession):base($name) { $this.Namespace = $namespace $this.CimSession = $cimsession } [object[]] GetChildItem() { try{ return Get-CimInstance -ClassName $ -Namespace $this.Namespace -CimSession $this.Cimsession -ErrorAction Stop } catch [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException]{ if($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -like 'HRESULT 0x80338102*'){ Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message 'No instances for this class' return $null } else{ throw $_ } } } } #region Cmdlets function Get-CMSession{ param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$ComputerName ) [CMRoot]::Sessions | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -eq $ComputerName} } function Connect-CIM{ param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$ComputerName, [pscredential]$Credential ) if(Get-CMSession -ComputerName $ComputerName){ Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Already connected to $ComputerName. Skipping ..." } else{ ([CMRoot]::Sessions).Add((New-CimSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential)) } } function Disconnect-CIM{ param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$ComputerName ) $sessionToRemove = Get-CMSession -ComputerName $ComputerName if($sessionToRemove){ if(([CMRoot]::Sessions).Remove($sessionToRemove)){ Remove-CimSession -CimSession $sessionToRemove -ErrorAction Stop } } else{ Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "No connection to $ComputerName. Skipping ..." } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Connect-CIM,Disconnect-CIM #endregion |