#Requires -Version 5.1 #Requires -RunAsAdministrator function Dismount-CimDiskImage { <# .SYNOPSIS Dismounts a cimfs disk image from your system. .DESCRIPTION When the volume DeviceId is supplied as a parameter it will remove the mount point if it exists and then dismount the cimfs disk image, will only work on cim files. It will also dismount cimfs images with no mount point. .PARAMETER DeviceId Specifies the device ID of the volume, an example of which is: \\?\Volume{d342880f-3a74-4a9a-be74-2c67e2b3862d}\ .INPUTS This function will take inputs via pipeline as string and by property name DeviceId .OUTPUTS None. .EXAMPLE PS> Dismount-CimDiskImage -DeviceId '\\?\Volume{d342880f-3a74-4a9a-be74-2c67e2b3862d}\' Dismounts a volume by DeviceId .EXAMPLE PS> Dismount-CimDiskImage -DeviceId @('\\?\Volume{d342880f-3a74-4a9a-be74-2c67e2b3862e}\', '\\?\Volume{d342880f-3a74-4a9a-be74-2c67e2b3862d}\') Dismounts a list of multiple volumes by DeviceId .EXAMPLE PS> Get-CimDiskImage C:\MyMountPoint | Dismount-CimDiskImage Dismounts a volume by path .EXAMPLE PS> Get-CimDiskImage | Dismount-CimDiskImage Dismounts all Cimfs volumes .EXAMPLE PS> Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_volume | Where-Object { $_.FileSystem -eq 'cimfs' } | Dismount-CimDiskImage Dismounts all Cimfs volumes .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter( Position = 0, ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValuefromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true )] [System.String[]]$DeviceId ) begin { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest } # begin process { #CimFS operations need Win32 API calls to make work, I can't find a lot of native powershell to do what we need. <# $folderInfo = Get-Item $appPath $DeviceId = '\\?\' + $folderInfo.LinkTarget.Split('\')[0] +'\' #> #loop through multiple DeviceIds foreach ($Id in $DeviceId) { #Grab details of the cimfs volume from the device ID $volume = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_volume | Where-Object { $_.DeviceID -eq $Id -and $_.FileSystem -eq 'cimfs' } if ($null -eq $volume) { Write-Error "Could not find cimfs $Id on this computer" return } #Check if there is a mount point, if there is remove it. It's possible to have a volume attached without a mount point, but unlikely. if ($volume.DeviceID -ne $volume.Name) { #Get Delete mount point API call from kernel32.dll $removeMountPointSignature = @" [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError=true)] public static extern bool DeleteVolumeMountPoint(string mountPoint); "@ $mountPointRemove = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $removeMountPointSignature -Name "RemoveVolMntPnt" -Namespace Win32Functions -PassThru #Function only present for mocking reasons in Pester function mockremovemountpoint { $mountPointRemove::DeleteVolumeMountPoint($volume.Name) } $removeMountPointResult = mockremovemountpoint; $remMntPntErr = [ComponentModel.Win32Exception][Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() #Should return True/False if (-not ($removeMountPointResult)) { $remMntPntErrStr = "Could not remove mount point to {0} Error:'{1}' ErrorCode:{2}" -f $volume.Name, $remMntPntErr.Message, $remMntPntErr.NativeErrorCode Write-Error $remMntPntErrStr return } } #Use CIM (WMI) to dismount volume after the mount point is removed. #Function only present for mocking reasons in Pester function mockdismount { Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $volume -MethodName DisMount -Arguments @{ Force = $true } } $disMountVolumeResult = mockdismount switch ($disMountVolumeResult.ReturnValue) { 0 { break } #Success no action 1 { Write-Error "Dismounting volume $($volume.DeviceId) failed with error 'Access Denied'"; break } 2 { Write-Error "Dismounting volume $($volume.DeviceId) failed with error 'Volume Has Mount Points'"; break } 3 { Write-Error "Dismounting volume $($volume.DeviceId) failed with error 'Volume Does Not Support The No-Autoremount State'"; break } 4 { Write-Error "Dismounting volume $($volume.DeviceId) failed with error 'Force Option Required'"; break } Default { Write-Error "Dismounting volume $($volume.DeviceId) failed with unknown error. Consult for documentation" } } Write-Verbose "Volume $Id Removed" } } # process end {} # end } #function Dismount-CimDiskImage function Get-CimDiskImage { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets information about mounted cimfs disk image(s) on your system. .DESCRIPTION When the volume DeviceId or Mount Point is supplied, information about that disk will be returned, if no parameters are supplied all cimfs disks will be returned. .PARAMETER DeviceId Specifies the device ID of the volume, an example of which is: \\?\Volume{d342880f-3a74-4a9a-be74-2c67e2b3862d}\ .PARAMETER Path Specifies the mount point of the volume, an example of which is: C:\MyMountPoint .INPUTS This function will take inputs via pipeline as string and by property name DeviceId .OUTPUTS Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#root/cimv2/Win32_Volume .EXAMPLE PS> Get-CimDiskImage -DeviceId '\\?\Volume{d342880f-3a74-4a9a-be74-2c67e2b3862d}\' Returns the details for the cimfs volume with the specified DeviceId .EXAMPLE PS> Get-CimDiskImage -Path C:\MyMountPoint Returns the details for the cimfs volume with the specified Path .EXAMPLE PS> Get-CimDiskImage Returns details about all cimfs volumes currently mounted. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'DeviceId')] Param ( [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Path', Position = 0, ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValuefromPipeline = $true )] [Alias('Fullname', 'Name')] [System.String]$Path, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'DeviceId', ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [System.String]$DeviceId ) begin { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest } # begin process { #Get All the cimfs volumes $volume = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_volume | Where-Object { $_.FileSystem -eq 'cimfs' } #Filter (or not) based on parameter, param sets used so you can't put both deviceID and path in as params switch ($false) { ( [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path) ) { $out = $volume | Where-Object { $_.Name.TrimEnd('\') -eq $Path.TrimEnd('\') } Write-Output $out break } ( [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($DeviceId) ) { $out = $volume | Where-Object { $_.DeviceId -eq $DeviceId } Write-Output $out break } Default { Write-Output $volume } } } # process end {} # end } #function Get-CimDiskImage function Mount-CimDiskImage { <# .SYNOPSIS Mounts a cimfs disk image to your system. .DESCRIPTION This will mount a cim file to a drive letter or directory of your choosing, allowing you to browse the contents. Remember to use the -Passthru Parameter to get output .PARAMETER ImagePath Specifies the location of the cim file to be mounted. .PARAMETER DriveLetter Specifies the Drive letter which the cim file should be mounted to. It can be in the format 'X:' or 'X:\' .PARAMETER MountPath Specifies the local folder to which the cim file will be mounted. This folder needs to exist and be empty prior to attempting to mount a cim file to it. .PARAMETER NoMountPath Specifies that the volume will be attached but no filesystem mountpath will be created. .PARAMETER PassThru Will output details of the mount operation to the pipeline. Otherwise there will be no output .INPUTS This function will take inputs via pipeline by type and property and by position. .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject containing 'DeviceId', 'FileSystem', 'Path' and 'Guid' .EXAMPLE PS> Mount-CimDiskImage -ImagePath C:\MyCimFile.cim -MountPath C:\MyMountPath -Passthru Mounts the Cim file to a local directory and sends the result to the pipeline .EXAMPLE PS> Mount-CimDiskImage C:\MyCimFile.cim C:\MyMountPath Mounts the Cim file to a local directory .EXAMPLE PS> Get-ChildItem C:\MyCimFile.cim | Mount-CimDiskImage -MountPath C:\MyMountPath -Passthru Mounts the Cim file to a local directory and sends the result to the pipeline .EXAMPLE PS> Mount-CimDiskImage -ImagePath C:\MyCimFile.cim -NoMountPath -PassThru ounts the Cim Disk Image file to a volume without mounting to the filesystem and outputs the results to the pipeline .EXAMPLE PS> 'C:\MyCimFile.cim' | Mount-CimDiskImage -MountPath C:\MyMountPath .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter( Position = 0, ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValuefromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true )] [Alias('FullName')] [Alias('Path')] [System.String]$ImagePath, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ByLetter', Position = 1, ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true )] [System.String]$DriveLetter, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ByPath', ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true )] [System.String]$MountPath, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'NoMountPath', ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true )] [Alias('NoDriveLetter')] [Switch]$NoMountPath, [Parameter( ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [Switch]$PassThru ) begin { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest #requires -RunAsAdministrator } # begin process { #CimFS operations need Win32 API calls to make work, I can't find a lot of native powershell to do what we need. #Is the file there If (-not (Test-Path $ImagePath)) { Write-Error "$ImagePath does not exist" return } switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { ByLetter { if ($DriveLetter -notmatch "^\w\:\\?$") { Write-Error "$DriveLetter does not seem to be a drive letter. Example X: or X:\" return } else { $MountPath = $DriveLetter } break } ByPath { If (-not (Test-Path $MountPath)) { Write-Error "$MountPath does not exist" return } break } Default {} } #Let's get the full file information, we'll need it later $fileInfo = Get-ChildItem $ImagePath #Is it a Cim file? If ($fileInfo.Extension -ne '.cim') { Write-Error "$ImagePath is not a Cim file" return } #Grab some file information in named variables $fileName = $fileInfo.Name $folder = $fileInfo.Directory.FullName # Make sure the path ends with a single \ as the SetVolumeMountPoint api requires this if (-not $NoMountPath) { $MountPath = $MountPath.TrimEnd('\') + '\' } #We need to supply a random guid for the mount param (needs to be cast as a ref to interact with the API) $guid = (New-Guid).Guid [ref]$guidRef = $guid #Get the method from the Cimfs.dll (don't change formatting) $mountSignature = @" [DllImport( "cimfs.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true )] public static extern long CimMountImage(String imageContainingPath, String imageName, IntPtr mountImageFlags, ref Guid volumeId); "@ #Create object $CimFSMount = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $mountSignature -Name "CimFSMount" -Namespace Win32Functions -PassThru #This function is only here so I can mock it during pester testing. function mockmount { #Mount the volume image flag needs to be 0 $CimFSMount::CimMountImage($folder, $fileName, 0, $guidRef) } $mountResult = mockmount; $mntErr = [ComponentModel.Win32Exception][Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() If ($mountResult -ne 0) { $mntErrStr = "Mounting {0} to volume failed with Error:'{1} ErrorCode:{2}'" -f $ImagePath, $mntErr.Message , $mntErr.NativeErrorCode Write-Error $mntErrStr return } $volume = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_volume | Where-Object { $_.DeviceID -eq "\\?\Volume{$guid}\" } if (-not $NoMountPath) { $mountPointSignature = @" [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool SetVolumeMountPoint(string lpszVolumeMountPoint, string lpszVolumeName); "@ $mountPoint = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $mountPointSignature -Name "CimMountPoint" -Namespace Win32Functions -PassThru #This function is only here so I can mock it during pester testing. function mockmountpoint { $mountPoint::SetVolumeMountPoint($MountPath, $volume.DeviceID) } $mpResult = mockmountpoint; $mpError = [ComponentModel.Win32Exception][Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() If (-not ($mpResult)) { $mpErrStr = "Mounting {0} to {1} failed with Error:'{2}' ErrorCode:{3}" -f $volume.DeviceId, $mountPath , $mpError.Message, $mpError.NativeErrorCode Write-Error $mpErrStr $volume.DeviceID | Dismount-CimDiskImage return } Write-Verbose "Mounted $ImagePath to $MountPath" } else { $MountPath = $null } #Dump out with no object if sucessful as per guidelines If (-not ($Passthru)) { return } #This should be all you need to find it again $out = [PSCustomObject]@{ DeviceId = $volume.DeviceID FileSystem = $volume.FileSystem Path = $MountPath Guid = $guid } Write-Output $out } # process end {} # end } #function Mount-CimDiskImage |