function New-ChocolateyPackage ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true , HelpMessage = "Enter a package name with no spaces")] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidatePattern("[a-z]")] [String] $Name , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidatePattern("\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}")] [string] $Version , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateScript( { if (-Not ($_ | Test-Path) ) { throw "File or folder does not exist" } if (-Not ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Leaf) ) { throw "The Path argument must be a file. Folder paths are not allowed." } if ($_ -notmatch "(\.msi|\.exe|\.mct)") { throw "The file specified in the path argument must be either of type msi, exe or mct" } return $true })] [System.IO.FileInfo]$Path , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidatePattern("[a-z]")] [String] $Type , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false , HelpMessage = "Embedded or External Template. Defaults to Embedded.")] [string] $Template = "EmbeddedTemplate" , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidatePattern("[a-z]")] [String] $Maintainer = "Author" ) { <# .Synopsis Create a chocolatey package .Description Used to create a packed chocolatey package with a standard folder structure consiting of: |--Tools | |-chocolateyinstall.ps1 | |-<installer>.(msi,exe,mst) |--<name><version>.nupkg |--<name>.nuspec |--Readme .Example Example goes here .Parameter Name The name of the package. Cannot contain spaces. Avoid special characters. Mandatory .Parameter Version The software version in format i.e 1.0.0. Mandatory and must be in the prevouisly stated format .Parameter Path The path to the installer. This can be a local file path, a file share path or a URL. It will depend on your end goal. If you are developing and testing, this will most liekly be a local path. If you plan to publish this package straight to your Chocolatey source, use the file path to the installer that is accesible to your end users. Mandatory .Parameter Type The type of installer. ex. .exe, .msi or .mst. It sets the type based on path passed to the "Path" parameter. If the installer is an .msi, the generic flags "/q /norestart" will be automatically added. Otherwise, you will be prompteed for the .exe or .mst silent arguments. (Which is when Test-ChocolateyPackage comes in handy because you don't want to be install and uninstalling software on your machine just to test) Automatic .Parameter Template The template decides if the .msi, .exe or .mct will be stored within the .nupkg. The Embedded Template stores it in the tools file along with the chocolateyinstall.ps1 The External Template expects the final location of the installer to be provided. It is best to embbed, unless the installer is over 100MB. .Parameter Maintainer The creator/maintainer of the package. Set to "Author" if no value is provided Optional #> Process { $Type = $Path.Extension switch ($Type) { #'.exe' {$SilentArgs = '/verysilent /norestart '} '.msi' {$SilentArgs = '/qn /norestart '} Default { Write-Error -Message "File extension is $Type . Please provide arguemnts" Read-Host -Prompt "Enter silent arguments" | Set-Variable -Name SilentArgs -Scope Global } } Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot | Set-Variable -Name PSMRoot Copy-Item -Path "$PSMRoot\private\*Template" -Destination $env:ChocolateyInstall\templates -Recurse -Force choco.exe new $Name ` --template=$Template ` --version=$Version ` --maintainer=$Maintainer ` installertype=$Type ` silentargs=$SilentArgs ` --acceptlicense --limitoutput --force Copy-Item -Path $Path -Destination ".\$Name\tools\" Set-Location -Path $Name choco.exe pack $Name.nuspec Set-Location -Path ..\ } } |