$NetFx4ClientUrl = '' $NetFx4FullUrl = '' $NetFx4Url = $NetFx4FullUrl $NetFx4Path = 'c:\vagrant\resources\NetFx4' $NetFx4InstallerFile = 'dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe' $NetFx4Installer = Join-Path $NetFx4Path $NetFx4InstallerFile $netFx4InstallTries = 0 function Enable-Net40 { param( $forceFxInstall = $false ) if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 8) {$fx="framework64"} else {$fx="framework"} if(!(test-path "$env:windir\Microsoft.Net\$fx\v4.0.30319") -or $forceFxInstall) { if (!(Test-Path $NetFx4Path)) { Write-Host "Creating folder `'$NetFx4Path`'" $null = New-Item -Path "$NetFx4Path" -ItemType Directory } $netFx4InstallTries += 1 if (!(Test-Path $NetFx4Installer)) { Write-Host "Downloading `'$NetFx4Url`' to `'$NetFx4Installer`' - the installer is 40+ MBs, so this could take awhile on a slow connection." (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("$NetFx4Url","$NetFx4Installer") } $psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $psi.WorkingDirectory = "$NetFx4Path" $psi.FileName = "$NetFx4InstallerFile" # # # For the actual setup.exe (if you want to unpack first) - /repair /x86 /x64 /ia64 /parameterfolder Client /q /norestart $psi.Arguments = "/q /norestart /repair" Write-Host "Installing `'$NetFx4Installer`' - this may take awhile with no output." $s = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi); $s.WaitForExit(); if ($s.ExitCode -ne 0 -and $s.ExitCode -ne 3010) { if ($netFx4InstallTries -eq 2) { Write-Warning ".NET Framework install failed with exit code `'$($s.ExitCode)`'. `n This could cause other things to fail." #throw "Error installing .NET Framework 4.0 (exit code $($s.ExitCode)). `n Please install the .NET Framework 4.0 manually and then try to install Chocolatey again. `n Download at `'$NetFx4Url`'" } else { Write-Warning "First try of .NET framework install failed with exit code `'$($s.ExitCode)`'. Trying again." Enable-Net40 $true } } } } Enable-Net40 |