
# Installs packages based on the provided Fast Package Reference generated by Find-Package
function Install-Package {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidOverwritingBuiltInCmdlets', '', Justification='Required by PackageManagement')]
    param (

    Write-Debug -Message ($LocalizedData.ProviderDebugMessage -f ('Install-Package'))
    Write-Debug -Message ($LocalizedData.FastPackageReference -f $FastPackageReference)

    # If the fast package reference doesnt match the pattern we expect, throw an exception
    if ((-Not ($FastPackageReference -Match $script:FastReferenceRegex)) -Or (-Not ($ -And $Matches.version))) {
        ThrowError -ExceptionName "System.ArgumentException" `
            -ExceptionMessage ($LocalizedData.FailToInstall -f $FastPackageReference) `
            -ErrorId 'FailToInstall' `
            -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument

    $shouldContinueQueryMessage = ($LocalizedData.InstallPackageQuery -f "Installing", $
    $shouldContinueCaption = $LocalizedData.InstallPackageCaption

    # If the user opts not to install the package, exit from the script
    if (-Not ((Get-PromptBypass) -Or $request.ShouldContinue($shouldContinueQueryMessage, $shouldContinueCaption))) {
        Write-Warning ($LocalizedData.NotInstalled -f $FastPackageReference)

    $chocoParams = @{
        Name = $
        Version = $Matches.version
        Source = $Matches.source
        Force = $request.Options.ContainsKey($script:Force)
        Parameters = $request.Options[$script:PackageParameters]
        InstallArguments = $request.Options[$script:InstallArguments]

    # Split on the first hyphen of each option/switch
    # Overrides values passed through explicit package parameter/argument options
    [regex]::Split($request.Options[$script:AdditionalArguments],'(?:^|\s)-') | ForEach-Object {
        Write-Debug "AdditionalArgs: $_"
        # Check each option/switch against known patterns that we can pass to Foil
        switch -Regex ($_) {
            '\w*-(?:p.+global)\w*' {
                Write-Debug "Found the ParamsGlobal flag"
                $chocoParams.ParamsGlobal = $True
            '\w*(?:param)\w*' {
                Write-Debug "Found package parameters to split and trim"
                $chocoParams.Parameters = $_.Split(' ',2)[1].Trim('"','''')
            '\w*-(?:(a|i).+global)\w*' {
                Write-Debug "Found the ArgsGlobal flag"
                $chocoParams.ArgsGlobal = $True
            '\w*(?:arg)\w*' {
                Write-Debug "Found package arguments to split and trim"
                $chocoParams.InstallArguments = $_.Split(' ',2)[1].Trim('"','''')

    # Convert the PSCustomObject output from Foil into PackageManagement SWIDs, then validate what Chocolatey installed matched what we requested
    $swid = $(
        $result = Foil\Install-ChocoPackage @chocoParams
        # If Foil didn't return anything, something went wrong and we need to throw our own exception
        if (-Not $result) {
            ThrowError -ExceptionName 'System.OperationCanceledException' `
            -ExceptionMessage $LocalizedData.ChocoFailure `
            -ErrorID 'JobFailure' `
            -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation `
        ConvertTo-SoftwareIdentity -InputObject $result -Source $chocoParams.source
    ) | Where-Object {Test-PackageVersion -Package $_ -RequiredVersion $chocoParams.version -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}

    if (-Not $swid) {
        # Foil returned something, but not in the format we expected. Something is amiss.
        Write-Warning ($LocalizedData.UnexpectedChocoResponse -f $FastPackageReference)
