ConvertFrom-StringData @'
###PSLOC ProviderDebugMessage='ChocolateyGet': '{0}'. FastPackageReference='ChocolateyGet': The FastPackageReference is '{0}'. SavePackageNotSupported='ChocolateyGet': Save-Package is not supported because Choco does not support downloading packages. InstallChocoExeShouldContinueQuery=ChocolateyGet is built on Choco.exe. Do you want ChocolateyGet to install Choco.exe from '' now? InstallChocoExeShouldContinueCaption=Choco.exe is required to continue UserDeclined=User declined to {0} Chocolatey. NotInstalled=Package '{0}' is not installed. FailToInstall=Failed to install the package because the fast reference '{0}' is incorrect. FailToUninstall=Failed to uninstall the package because the fast reference '{0}' is incorrect. FailToInstallChoco=choco installed failed. You may relaunch PowerShell as elevated mode and try again. UnexpectedChocoResponse=Successful output from choco.exe for fast reference '{0}' did not match the exepected format. Please review Chocolatey logs for more information. InstallPackageQuery={0} package '{1}'. By {0} you accept licenses for the package(s). The package possibly needs to run 'chocolateyInstall.ps1'. InstallPackageCaption=Are you sure you want to perform this action? AllVersionsCannotBeUsedWithOtherVersionParameters=You cannot use the parameter AllVersions with RequiredVersion, MinimumVersion or MaximumVersion in the same command. VersionRangeAndRequiredVersionCannotBeSpecifiedTogether=You cannot use the parameters RequiredVersion and either MinimumVersion or MaximumVersion in the same command. Specify only one of these parameters in your command. MinimumVersionIsGreaterThanMaximumVersion=The specified MinimumVersion '{0}' is greater than the specified MaximumVersion '{1}'. VersionParametersAreAllowedOnlyWithSingleName=The RequiredVersion, MinimumVersion, MaximumVersion or AllVersions parameters are allowed only when you specify a single name as the value of the Name parameter, without any wildcard characters. SpecifiedSourceName=Using the specified source names: '{0}'. PackageSourceNotFound=No package source with the name '{0}' was found. UnspecifiedSource=Multiple non-default sources are available, but the default source is not. A source name must be specified. ###PSLOC '@ |