
Function Get-ChocoFeature {
        Retrieves the Chocolatey feature
        Retrieves the Chocolatey feature
        The name of the feature to retrieve
        Name Enabled SetExplicitly Description
        ---- ------- ------------- -----------
        checksumFiles true false Checksum files when pulled in from internet (based on package).
        autoUninstaller true false Uninstall from programs and features without requiring an explicit uninstall script.
        allowGlobalConfirmation false false Prompt for confirmation in scripts or bypass.
        failOnAutoUninstaller false false Fail if automatic uninstaller fails.

        Get-ChocoFeature -Name checksumFiles
        Name Enabled SetExplicitly Description
        ---- ------- ------------- -----------
        checksumFiles true false Checksum files when pulled in from internet (based on package).


        [String] $Name

    if (Test-ChocoInstalled) {
        $Config = Import-ChocoConfig

        $Features = $Config.chocolatey.features.ChildNodes
        $Output = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

        foreach ($Feature in $Features) {
                    Name          = $
                    Enabled       = $Feature.enabled
                    SetExplicitly = $Feature.setExplicitly
                    Description   = $Feature.description
        if ($Name) {
            $Output = $Output | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name }
        Return $Output