<# .SYNOPSIS Parses a Chocolatey log into an object that is easier to search and filter. .DESCRIPTION Reads Chocolatey log(s) and creates a new set of custom objects. It highlights details that make it easier to search and filter. .NOTES Works for Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core. This works on Linux. .LINK .EXAMPLE Read-ChocoLog This will read the latest Chocolatey.log on the machine. .PARAMETER Path The log path you want to parse. This will default to the latest local log. This can be a directory of logs. .PARAMETER FileLimit The number of files the command should parse given a folder path. .PARAMETER Filter The filter passed to Get Child Item. Default to 'chocolatey*.log.' .PARAMETER PatternLayout The log4net pattern layout used to parse the log. It is very unlikely that you need to supply this. The code expects pattern names: time, session, level, and message. #> function Read-ChocoLog { # This makes PlatyPS sad. [OutputType([System.Collections.Generic.List[ChocoLog]])] param ( [ValidateScript({ if (-Not ($_ | Test-Path) ) { throw "File or folder does not exist" } return $true })] [string[]] $Path = "$($env:ChocolateyInstall)\logs\", [int] $FileLimit = 1, [String] $Filter = 'chocolatey*.log', [string] $PatternLayout = '%date %thread [%-5level] - %message' ) $files = Get-Item -Path $Path if ($files.PSIsContainer) { $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter $Filter | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last $FileLimit } [System.Collections.Generic.List[ChocoLog]]$parsed = @() $detected = [System.Collections.Generic.List[int]]::new() $RegularExpression = Convert-PatternLayout $PatternLayout $files | ForEach-Object -Process { $file = $_ $raw = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($file.FullName) # Iterate over each line foreach ($line in $raw) { # Write-Debug $line $m = $RegularExpression.match($line) if ($m.Success) { $threadMatch = $m.Groups['thread'].Value # If it matches the regex, tag it if ($threadMatch -ne $currentSession.thread) { # This is a different thread # Save the current session to the parsed list if ($currentSession) { $parsed.Add($currentSession) > $null } # Look up if current thread exists in Parsed and append to that if so if ($detected.Contains($threadMatch)) { $currentSession = $parsed | Where-Object { $_.Thread -eq $threadMatch } } else { # We haven't seen this thread before, let's make a new object $detected.Add($threadMatch) > $null $currentSession = [ChocoLog]::new( $threadMatch, ($m.Groups['date'].Value -replace ',', '.'), $file ) } } $currentSession.logs.Add( [Log4NetLogLine]::new( [Datetime]($m.Groups['date'].Value -replace ',', '.'), $threadMatch, $m.Groups['level'].Value, $m.Groups['message'].Value )) > $null } else { # if it doesn't match regex, append to the previous if ($currentSession) { $currentSession.logs[-1].AppendMessage($line) } else { # This might happen if the log starts on what should have been a # multiline entry... Not very likely Write-Warning "No currentSession. File: $File; Line: $Line" } } } } # Write out the last log line! if (-Not $parsed.Contains($currentSession)) { $parsed.Add($currentSession) > $null } # Doing this at the end since threads can get mixed $parsed | ForEach-Object { # This updates fields like: cli, environment, and configuration $_.ParseSpecialLogs() } # Return the whole parsed object $parsed } |