using module Log4NetParse class ChocoLog : Log4NetLog { [string]$cli [string]$exitCode [LogType]$logType [hashtable]$Configuration ChocoLog( [int]$Thread, [datetime]$startTime, [string]$filePath ) : base ( $Thread, $startTime, $filePath ) { $this.thread = $Thread $this.startTime = $startTime $this.logs = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Log4NetLogLine]]::new() $this.filePath = $filePath $this.Configuration = @{} if ($filePath -like "*summary*") { $this.logType = [LogType]::Summary } else { $this.logType = [LogType]::Debug } } # This parses all the logs for entries that are part of the class [void] ParseSpecialLogs() { # Set the end time here since we are done parsing $this.endTime = $this.logs[-1].time # Detect known patterns $this.logs | ForEach-Object { switch ($_.message) { { $_.StartsWith('Command line: ') } { $this.SetCli($_) } { $_.StartsWith('Exiting with ') } { $this.SetExitCode($_) } { $_.StartsWith('Configuration:') } { $this.ParseConfiguration($_) } Default {} } } } [void] SetCli($message) { $this.cli = $message -replace 'Command line: ' } [void] SetExitCode($message) { $this.exitCode = $message -replace 'Exiting with ' } [void] ParseConfiguration($message) { $clean = $message -replace 'Configuration: ' -replace "`n" $entries = $clean -split "\|" | Where-Object { -Not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } $configHash = @{} foreach ($entry in $entries) { # Split on the `=` # example: Features.UseEnhancedExitCodes='False' $k, $v = $entry -split '=' $key = $k.Trim() $value = ($v -join '').Trim(" ", "'") # Let's treat and a subkey because I'm a masochist if ($key.Contains(".")) { # AFAICT there is only ever one subkey # WARNING: Split is doing regex so you have to escape the period. $parent, $subkey = $key.Split('.') if (-Not $configHash.ContainsKey($parent)) { $configHash[$parent] = @{} } $configHash[$parent][$subkey] = $value } else { # Top level key, keep it simple $configHash[$key] = $value } } $this.Configuration = $configHash } } |