
    Returns the status of the nominated Chef Automate server.
    Returns the status of the nominated Chef Automate server. Does not require an authentication token.
    C:\PS> Get-ChefAutomateStatus -automateServer ''
    Takes the DNS-resolvable name of the Chef Automate server (e.g. 'chef-automate' or '')
    Core server health, configuration mode and FIPS mode of the Chef Automate Server.

function Get-ChefAutomateUserToken
        # Chef Automate Server (e.g.

        # Chef Automate Enterprise Name (e.g. MyOrg)

        $tokenURL= 'https://' + $automateServer + '/' + 'api'

        $OutputObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        'Core Server Health' = $coreHealth
                        'Configuration Mode' = ($apiStatus."configuration mode").substring(0,1).toupper() + ($apiStatus."configuration mode").substring(1).tolower()
                        'FIPS Mode' = ($apiStatus.fips_mode).substring(0,1).toupper() + ($apiStatus.fips_mode).substring(1).tolower()
        Write-Output -InputObject $OutputObject