<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0 .GUID 4646dc13-1ef9-4a07-8d7d-a7737c942f95 .AUTHOR David Paulino .COMPANYNAME UC Lobby .COPYRIGHT .TAGS Lync LyncServer SkypeForBusiness SfBServer SQL .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Version 1.0: 2019/06/12 - Initial release. Version 1.1: 2023/10/07 - Updated to publish in PowerShell Gallery. .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Returns the current Central Management Store (CMS) status when we have two paired pools (Primary and Backup). #> Push-Location $ManServer = Get-CsManagementConnection if ($ManServer.SqlInstance -eq $null){ $SqlServer = $ManServer.SqlServer.ToString(); } else { $SqlServer = $ManServer.SqlServer.ToString() + "\" + $ManServer.SqlInstance; } $ConfStoreServer = (Get-CsConfigurationStoreLocation).BackEndServer if($ConfStoreServer -eq $SqlServer){ Write-Host "Management Connection and Configuration Store Location match:" $SqlServer -ForegroundColor Cyan try{ $CMSDBs = Get-CsService -CentralManagementDatabase } catch { Write-Host "Failed to get the details from Central Management Database!" -ForegroundColor Red } foreach($CMSDB in $CMSDBs){ Write-Host "Checking the current value for:"$CMSDB.PoolFqdn -ForegroundColor Yellow if($CMSDB.SqlInstanceName -eq "") { $SQLInstance = $CMSDB.PoolFqdn.ToString() } else { $SQLInstance = $CMSDB.PoolFqdn.ToString() + "\" + $CMSDB.SqlInstanceName } try{ $SQLRes = Invoke-Sqlcmd -query "SELECT [Value] FROM [xds].[dbo].[DbConfigInt] WHERE [Name] = 'CurrentState'" -ServerInstance $SQLInstance -ErrorAction Stop if($ManServer.SqlServer.ToString() -eq $CMSDB.PoolFqdn){ $CMSValue = 0; } else { $CMSValue = 3; } if($SQLRes.Value -eq $CMSValue){ Write-Host $SQLInstance "- has the correct value:" $SQLRes.Value -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host $SQLInstance "- has the wrong value:" $SQLRes.Value -ForegroundColor Red } } Catch { Write-Host "Failed to connect to:" $SQLInstance -ForegroundColor Red } } } else { Write-Host "Mismatch between the Management Connection and Configuration Store Location" -ForegroundColor Red } Pop-Location |