
function ConvertFrom-Changelog {
        Takes a changelog in Keep a Changelog 1.0.0 format and converts it to another format.

        This cmdlet converts a changelog file using Keep a Changelog 1.0.0 format into one of several other formats.
        Valid formats are Release (same as input, but with the Unreleased section removed), Text
        (markdown and links removed), and TextRelease (Unreleased section, markdown, and links removed).

        This cmdlet does not accept pipeline input.

        This cmdlet does not generate output.

        ConvertFrom-Changelog -Path .\ -Format Release -OutputPath docs\
        Does not generate output, but creates a file at docs\ that is the same as the input with the Unreleased section removed.

        ConvertFrom-Changelog -Path .\ -Format Text -OutputPath CHANGELOG.txt
        .Does not generate output, but creates a file at CHANGELOG.txt that has header, markdown, and links removed.


    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -Path $_ })]
        # Path to the changelog; defaults to ".\"
        [string]$Path = "",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        # The path to the output changelog file; defaults to source path
        [string]$OutputPath = $Path,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # Format to convert changelog into. Valid values are Release (same as input, but with the Unreleased
        # section removed), Text (markdown and links removed), and TextRelease (Unreleased section, markdown, and
        # links removed).
        [ValidateSet("Release", "Text", "TextRelease")]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        # Exclude header from output

    $NL = [System.Environment]::NewLine

    $ChangelogData = Get-ChangelogData -Path $Path
    $Output = ""
    if ($NoHeader -eq $false) {
        if ($Format -like "Text*") {
            $Output += (($ChangelogData.Header -replace "\[", "") -replace "\]", " ").Trim()
        else {
            $Output += $ChangelogData.Header.Trim()
    if ($Format -notlike "*Release") {
        if ($Output -ne "") {
            $Output += "$NL$NL"
        $Output += $ChangelogData.Unreleased.RawData.Trim()
    foreach ($Release in $ChangelogData.Released) {
        if ($Output -ne "") {
            $Output += "$NL$NL"
        $Output += $Release.RawData.Trim()
    if ($Format -eq "Release") {
        $Output += "$NL$NL"
        $Output += $ChangelogData.Footer -replace "\[Unreleased\].*$NL", ""

    if ($Format -like "Text*") {
        $Output = $Output -replace "### ", ""
        $Output = $Output -replace "## ", ""
        $Output = $Output -replace "# ", ""

    Set-Content -Value $Output -Path $OutputPath -NoNewline