.SYNOPSIS This commandlet output the certificate template name .DESCRIPTION The certificate template name is encapsulated in the Extentions. The commandlets gives a human readable value as you see also from the UI. .PARAMETER Certificate A X509Certificate2 instance .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" | Get-CertificateTemplate .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" | Select-Object Name,Thumbprint,@{Name="Template";Expression={Get-CertificateTemplate $_}} .INPUTS Any X509Certificate2 certificate .OUTPUTS The certificate template name .LINK #> function Get-CertificateTemplate { [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]$Certificate ) Process { $temp = $Certificate.Extensions | ?{$_.Oid.Value -eq ""} if (!$temp) { $temp = $Certificate.Extensions | ?{$_.Oid.Value -eq ""} } #Sometimes $temp is null if($temp){ $temp.Format(0) } else { Write-Warning "Cannot evaluate certificate template" "Unknown" } } } |