.Synopsis Test for strick TLS 1.2 protocol Schannel settings in the registry. .DESCRIPTION Test for strick TLS 1.2 protocol Schannel settings in the registry including client and server components. .EXAMPLE Test-SchannelProtocolStrictTLS12 False .EXAMPLE Test-SchannelProtocolStrictTLS12 True .NOTES Created by: Jason Wasser Modified: 4/3/2020 #> function Test-SchannelProtocolStrictTLS12 { [cmdletbinding()] $SchannelProtocolStrictTLS12Status = $false $SchannelProtocol = Get-SchannelProtocol # Test Deprecated protocols $DeprecatedProtocols = $SchannelProtocol | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Protocol -in ('SSL2', 'SSL3', 'TLS1.0', 'TLS1.1') -and $_.DisabledByDefault -ne $true -and $_.Enabled -ne $false } if ($DeprecatedProtocols) { $EnabledDeprecatedProtocols = $true } else { $EnabledDeprecatedProtocols = $false } # Test TLS 1.2 is configured or Not Set $EnabledTls12Protocol = $SchannelProtocol | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Protocol -eq 'TLS1.2' -and $_.DisabledByDefault -in ('False', 'Not Set') -and $_.Enabled -in ('True', 'Not Set') } if ($EnabledTls12Protocol -and $EnabledDeprecatedProtocols -eq $false) { $SchannelProtocolStrictTLS12Status = $true } else { $SchannelProtocolStrictTLS12Status = $false } Write-Output $SchannelProtocolStrictTLS12Status } |