<# .Synopsis Test the SSL and TLS protocols on a remote server. .DESCRIPTION Validate which SSL and TLS protocols are enabled or disabled on remote systems and ports. .PARAMETER ComputerName Specify the DNS name or IP address of the URL you want to query. .PARAMETER Port Specify the port of the destination server. .EXAMPLE Test-NetSslProtocol -ComputerName www.google.com -Port 443 .EXAMPLE Test-NetSslProtocol -IP -Port 853 .NOTES Created by: Jason Wasser Modified: 4/3/2020 #> function Test-NetSslProtocol { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('IP')] [string[]]$ComputerName, [int[]]$Port = 443, [ValidateSet('ssl2', 'ssl3', 'tls', 'tls11', 'tls12', 'tls13')] [string[]]$Protocol = ('ssl2', 'ssl3', 'tls', 'tls11', 'tls12', 'tls13') ) begin { $TCPClient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient } process { foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { foreach ($CurrentPort in $Port) { foreach ($CurrentProtocol in $Protocol) { Write-Verbose "Testing $CurrentProtocol on ${Computer}:$Port" try { $TcpSocket = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient($Computer, $CurrentPort) $tcpstream = $TcpSocket.GetStream() $Callback = { param($sender, $cert, $chain, $errors) return $true } $SSLStream = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Security.SSLStream -ArgumentList @($tcpstream, $True, $Callback) try { $SSLStream.AuthenticateAsClient($Computer, $null, $CurrentProtocol, $false) $ProtocolStatus = 'Enabled' } catch { $ProtocolStatus = 'Disabled' } finally { $SSLStream.Dispose() } } catch { Write-Warning "Unable to connect to ${Computer}:$CurrentPort" break } finally { $TCPClient.Dispose() } if ($ProtocolStatus) { $NetSslProtocolProperties = [ordered]@{ ComputerName = $Computer Port = $CurrentPort Protocol = $CurrentProtocol ProtocolStatus = $ProtocolStatus } $NetSslProtocol = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $NetSslProtocolProperties Write-Output $NetSslProtocol $ProtocolStatus = $null } } } } } end { } } |