.Synopsis Save the TLS certificate from a remote server as a certificate file. .DESCRIPTION Obtain the TLS certificate from a remote server by name or IP address and TCP port and save it to disk. .PARAMETER ComputerName Specify the DNS name or IP address of the URL you want to query. .PARAMETER Port Specify the port of the destination server. .PARAMETER Path Specify the path to save the certificate. .EXAMPLE Save-NetCertificate -ComputerName -Port 443 -Path C:\Temp\server.crt .EXAMPLE Save-NetCertificate -IP -Port 853 -Path C:\Temp\server.crt .NOTES Adapted by: Jason Wasser Original code by: Rob VandenBrink Inspiration Modified: 1/9/2020 02:16:05 PM #> function Save-NetCertificate { Param ( [Alias('IP')] $ComputerName, [int]$Port=443, $Path = 'C:\Scratch\certificate.cer' ) $Certificate = Get-NetCertificate -ComputerName $ComputerName -Port $Port [byte[]]$CertificateInBytes = $Certificate.Export('Cert') if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path)) { New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType File -Force } Set-Content -Path $Path -Value $CertificateInBytes -Encoding Byte -Force } |