
Get the SSL and TLS protocol Schannel settings from the registry.
Get the SSL and TLS protocol Schannel settings from the registry including
client and server components.
Specify the protocol you want to query.
.PARAMETER CommunicationMode
Specify the communication mode: server/client.
Get-NetCertificate -Protocol TLS1.2 -CommunicationMode Server
Created by: Jason Wasser
Modified: 4/3/2020 01:20:20 PM

function Get-SchannelProtocol {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('SSL2', 'SSL3', 'TLS1.0', 'TLS1.1', 'TLS1.2','TLS1.3')]
        [string[]]$Protocol = ('SSL2', 'SSL3', 'TLS1.0', 'TLS1.1', 'TLS1.2','TLS1.3'),
        [ValidateSet('Client', 'Server')]
        [string[]]$CommunicationMode = ('Client', 'Server')
    begin {
        $SCHANNELProtocolsRegistryPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols'
        function Get-ProtocolStatus {
            param (
                [ValidateSet('Client', 'Server')]
                [ValidateSet('Enabled', 'DisabledByDefault')]

            try {
                Write-Verbose "Checking Protocol $Proto $Mode at $SCHANNELProtocolsRegistryPath\$ProtocolName\$Mode"
                $ProtocolStatusRegValue = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$SCHANNELProtocolsRegistryPath\$ProtocolName\$Mode" -ErrorAction Stop
                if ($ProtocolStatusRegValue.$StatusCheck -eq 1) {
                    Write-Verbose "Protocol Status Registry Value for $StatusCheck is $($ProtocolStatusRegValue.$StatusCheck)"
                    $ProtocolStatus = $true
                elseif ($ProtocolStatusRegValue.$StatusCheck -eq 0) {
                    Write-Verbose "Protocol Status Registry Value for $StatusCheck is $($ProtocolStatusRegValue.$StatusCheck)"
                    $ProtocolStatus = $false
                else {
                    Write-Verbose "Protocol Status Registry Value for $StatusCheck is not present."
                    $ProtocolStatus = 'Not Set'
            catch [System.Exception] {
                switch ($_.Exception.GetType().FullName) {
                    'System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException' {
                        Write-Verbose "Unable to find protocol status value at $SCHANNELProtocolsRegistryPath\$ProtocolName\$Mode"
                        $ProtocolStatus = 'Not Set'
                    default {
                        Write-Verbose "Unknown error"
                        $ProtocolStatus = 'Unknown'
            Write-Output $ProtocolStatus
    process {
        foreach ($Proto in $Protocol) {
            foreach ($Mode in $CommunicationMode) {
                Write-Verbose "Checking Protocol and Mode : $Proto $Mode"
                switch ($Proto) {
                    'SSL2' {
                        $ProtocolName = 'SSL 2.0'
                    'SSL3' {
                        $ProtocolName = 'SSL 3.0'
                    'TLS1.0' {
                        $ProtocolName = 'TLS 1.0'
                    'TLS1.1' {
                        $ProtocolName = 'TLS 1.1'
                    'TLS1.2' {
                        $ProtocolName = 'TLS 1.2'

                $DisabledByDefault = Get-ProtocolStatus -Mode $Mode -StatusCheck DisabledByDefault
                $Enabled = Get-ProtocolStatus -Mode $Mode -StatusCheck Enabled

                $SchannelProtocolProperties = @{
                    Protocol          = $Proto
                    CommunicationMode = $Mode
                    DisabledByDefault = $DisabledByDefault
                    Enabled           = $Enabled
                $SchannelProtocol = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $SchannelProtocolProperties
                if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3) {
                    $SchannelProtocol | Select-Object -Property Protocol, CommunicationMode, Enabled, DisabledByDefault
                else {
    end { }