.Synopsis Get certificate files from a specified path or paths and return an object of the certificate including File name, Subject name, the signature algorithm used, validity dates, and thumbprint. .DESCRIPTION Get certificate files from a specified path or paths and return an object of the certificate including file name, subject name, the signature algorithm used, validity dates, and thumbprint. The script requires the certutil.exe to read the certificate files and parse the text output. Certificates in the file system used by applications may need to be monitored and checked for expiriation as well as deprecated cipher suites/signature algorithm (i.e. sha1, md5). .NOTES Created by: Jason Wasser @wasserja Modified Date: 10/12/2015 10:56:05 AM Changelog: * Version 1.2 * Added Key size property * Version 1.1 * Fixes to work with PowerShell 2.0 * Version 1.0 * Initial Script .EXAMPLE Get-CertificateFile Outputs a list of certificate files in the current path. .EXAMPLE Get-CertificateFile -Path c:\temp Outputs a list of certificate files from c:\temp. .EXAMPLE Get-CertificateFile -Path C:\inetpub -Recurse Outputs a list of certificate files from c:\inetpub including subdirectories. .LINK #> function Get-CertificateFile { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string[]]$Path = '.', [string]$CertUtilPath = 'C:\Windows\System32\certutil.exe', [string[]]$CertificateFileType = ('*.cer','*.crt','*.p7b'), [switch]$Recurse = $false ) Begin { } Process { foreach ($CertPath in $Path) { # Gather certificates from the $CertPath if (Test-Path -Path $CertPath) { Write-Verbose "$CertPath exists. Checking for certificate files." # Get certificate files from a supplied path. Currently requires a folder. $Certificates = Get-ChildItem -Path $CertPath\* -Include $CertificateFileType -Recurse:([bool]$Recurse.IsPresent) if ($Certificates) { foreach ($Certificate in $Certificates) { Write-Verbose "Found $Certificate" # Certificate Dump using certutil.exe $CertificateDump = Invoke-Expression -Command "$CertUtilPath -dump '$($Certificate.fullname)'" # Certificate NotBefore Write-Verbose 'Getting NotBefore time stamp.' if ([bool]($CertificateDump | Select-String -Pattern 'NotBefore')) { $NotBefore = [datetime]($CertificateDump | Select-String -Pattern 'NotBefore' | Select-Object -First 1).ToString().Split(':',2)[1].Trim() Write-Verbose "NotBefore $NotBefore" } else { $NotBefore = $null Write-Verbose "NotBefore $NotBefore" } # Certificate NotAfter Write-Verbose 'Getting NotAfter time stamp.' if ([bool]($CertificateDump | Select-String -Pattern 'NotAfter')) { $NotAfter = [datetime]($CertificateDump | Select-String -Pattern 'NotAfter' | Select-Object -First 1).ToString().Split(':',2)[1].Trim() Write-Verbose "NotAfter $NotAfter" $Days = ($NotAfter - (Get-Date)).Days Write-Verbose "Days $Days" } else { $NotAfter = $null Write-Verbose "NotAfter $NotAfter" $Days = $null Write-Verbose "Days $Days" } # Certificate Subject $Subject = ($CertificateDump | Select-String -Pattern 'CN=' | Select-Object -First 1).ToString().TrimStart() Write-Verbose "Subject $Subject" # Certificate Signature Algorithm $Signaturealgorithm = ($CertificateDump | Select-String -Pattern 'Signature Algorithm' -Context 0,1 | Select-Object -First 1).tostring().trim().Split(' ')[11] Write-Verbose "SignatureAlgorithm $Signaturealgorithm" # Certificate Thumbprint if (($CertificateDump | Select-String -SimpleMatch 'Cert Hash(sha1)')) { $Thumbprint = ($CertificateDump | Select-String -SimpleMatch 'Cert Hash(sha1)' | Select-Object -First 1).ToString().split(':')[1].trim() -replace ' ','' Write-Verbose "Thumbprint $Thumbprint" } # Certificate Key Length if (($CertificateDump | Select-String 'Public Key Length')) { $KeySize = [int]($CertificateDump | Select-String -Pattern 'Public Key Length' | Select-Object -First 1).tostring().trim().split(':')[1].split(' ')[1] Write-Verbose "Keysize $KeySize" } # Custom object property hash table if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3) { $CertificateProperties = @{ FileName = $Certificate.FullName Subject = $Subject SignatureAlgorithm = $SignatureAlgorithm NotBefore = $NotBefore NotAfter = $NotAfter Days = $Days Thumbprint = $Thumbprint KeySize = $KeySize } } else { $CertificateProperties = [ordered]@{ FileName = $Certificate.FullName Subject = $Subject SignatureAlgorithm = $SignatureAlgorithm NotBefore = $NotBefore NotAfter = $NotAfter Days = $Days Thumbprint = $Thumbprint KeySize = $KeySize } } $objCertificate = New-Object PSObject -Property $CertificateProperties if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3) { $objCertificate | Select-Object FileName,Subject,SignatureAlgorithm,NotBefore,NotAfter,Days,Thumbprint,KeySize } else { $objCertificate } } } else { Write-Verbose "No certificates found in $CertPath" } } else { Write-Error "Unable to access $CertPath" } } } End { } } |