ConvertFrom-StringData @'
FileNotFoundError = File '{0}' not found. (CC0001) InvalidHashError = '{0}' is not a valid hash. (CC0002) CertificatePathError = Certificate Path '{0}' is not valid. (CC0003) SearchingForCertificateUsingFilters = Looking for certificate in Store '{0}' using filter '{1}'. (CC0004) ConfigurationNamingContext = Using the following container to look for CA candidates: 'LDAP://CN=CDP,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,{0}'. (CC0004) DomainNotJoinedError = The computer is not joined to a domain. (CC0005) StartLocateCAMessage = Starting to locate CA. (CC0006) StartPingCAMessage = Starting to ping CA. (CC0007) NoCaFoundError = No Certificate Authority could be found. (CC0008) CaPingMessage = certutil exited with code {0} and the following output: {1}. (CC0009) CaFoundMessage = Found certificate authority '{0}\{1}'. (CC0010) CaOnlineMessage = Certificate authority '{0}\{1}' is online. (CC0011) CaOfflineMessage = Certificate authority '{0}\{1}' is offline. (CC0012) TemplateNameResolutionError = Failed to resolve the template name from Active Directory certificate templates '{0}'. (CC0013) TemplateNameNotFound = No template name found in Active Directory for '{0}'. (CC0014) ActiveDirectoryTemplateSearch = Failed to get the certificate templates from Active Directory. (CC0015) CertificateStoreNotFoundError = Certificate Store '{0}' not found. (CC0016) RemovingCertificateFromStoreMessage = Removing certificate '{0}' from '{1}' store '{2}'. (CC0017) GettingAssemblyListForHashAlgorithms = Getting assembly list to generate supported hash algorithms. (CC0018) FindingSupportedFipsHashAlgorithms = Finding hash algorithms supported by FIPS. (CC0019) FindingSupportedHashAlgorithms = Finding hash algorithms supported. (CC0020) GeneratingSupportedHashAlgorithmsArray = Generating array of supported hash algorithm properties for {0} providers. (CC0021) SettingSupportedHashAlgorithmsCache = Storing list of supported hash algorithms to cache. (CC0022) ClearingSupportedHashAlgorithmsCache = Clearing list of supported hash algorithms from cache. (CC0023) '@ |