<# .SYNOPSIS .DESCRIPTION .PARAMETER CN CommonName for the new certificate .PARAMETER OpenSsl Use OpenSSL to generate certificates (usefull for custom extensions) .PARAMETER SelfSigned Generate a self-signed certificate .PARAMETER ClientAuth (default = true) Use this certificate for Client-side authentication .PARAMETER ServerAuth Use this certificate for Server-side authentication .PARAMETER ca The name of Certificate Authority that will sign this certificate (reqires a private key file) .PARAMETER pass Use this password to protect the new certificate .EXAMPLE .\New-Cert.ps1 my-apiclient -ca legimiCA -ClientAuth .NOTES XXX #> function New-Cert { param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $CN, [switch] [bool] $OpenSsl = $false, [switch] [bool] $selfSigned = $false, [switch][bool] $ClientAuth = $true, [switch][bool] $RootAuth = $false, [switch][bool] $ServerAuth = $false, [string] $ca = $null, [string] $pass = "", [switch] [bool] $force, $days = 365 ) ipmo require req process $basedir = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64" $env:Path = "$env:Path;$basedir" $useOpenssl = $OpenSsl $certName = $CN.Replace("*", "wildcard") $clientAuth = !$ServerAuth $EKUServerAuth = "" $EKUClientAuthentication = "" $EKU = $EKUClientAuthentication $openssl_eku = "clientAuth" $openssl_ext = "usr_cert" if ($ServerAuth) { $EKU = $EKUServerAuth $openssl_eku = "" $openssl_ext = "server" } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ca)) { if (!$selfSigned -and !$rootauth) { throw "no ca name given. If you wat to generate a self-signed certificate, use -SelfSigned switch. otherwise, use -CA to pass ca name" } } if (!$useOpenssl) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ca)) { if (!$selfSigned) { } if ($RootAuth) { makecert -r -pe -n "CN=$CN" -cy authority -sv "$certName.pvk" "$certName.cer" } else { makecert -r -pe -n "CN=$CN" -eku "$EKU" -sky exchange -sv "$certName.pvk" "$certName.cer" } } else { if (!(test-path "$ca.cer") -or !(test-path "$ca.pvk")) { throw "Certificate Authirity key files ($ca.cer or $ca.pvk) not found!" } $r = invoke makecert.exe "-pe" "-n" "CN=$CN" "-a" sha1 -sky exchange -eku $EKU -ic "$ca.cer" -iv "$ca.pvk" ` -b 01/01/1970 "-sp" "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" -sy 12 ` -sv "$certName.pvk" "$certName.cer" -passthru -verbose -is my if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 -or $r -contains "error") { throw $r } } $args = @{ } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pass)) { pvk2pfx -pvk "$certName.pvk" -spc "$certName.cer" -pfx "$certName.pfx" } else { pvk2pfx -pvk "$certName.pvk" -spc "$certName.cer" -pfx "$certName.pfx" -po $pass } } else { if (test-path "openssl.config") { remove-item "openssl.config" } copy _openssl.config openssl.config $lines = (get-content "openssl.config") $lines = $lines | % { $_ -replace "\{cn\}", "$CN" } $lines = $lines | % { $_ -replace "\{openssl_eku\}", "$openssl_eku" } [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines((Get-Item "openssl.config").FullName, $lines, (New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($False))) if ($RootAuth) { if (!(test-path "$cn.key") -or $force) { write-host ">>> genrsa" openssl genrsa -aes256 -out "$cn.key" 4096 } write-host ">>> self-sign CA" openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key "$cn.key" -sha256 -out "$cn.pem" -config .\openssl.config return } if (!(test-path "$cn.key") -or $force) { write-host ">>> genrsa" if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pass)) { $pass = "123" try { openssl genrsa -des3 -out "$certName.key" -passout "pass:$pass" 2048 openssl rsa -in "$certName.key" -out "$certName.key" -passin "pass:$pass" } finally { $pass = "" } } else { openssl genrsa -des3 -out "$certName.key" -passout "pass:$pass" 2048 } } write-host ">>> newreq" openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -key "$certName.key" -out "$certName.csr" -config .\openssl.config -passin "pass:$pass" -extensions $openssl_ext write-host ">>> x509 sign" if ($selfSigned) { openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -key "$certName.key" -out "$certName.pem" -days 365 -extensions $openssl_ext } else { $a = @() if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pass)) { $a += "-passin","$pass" } if ($serverauth) { $a += "-CAcreateserial" } openssl x509 -req "-in" "$certName.csr" -CA "$ca.pem" -CAkey "$ca.key" "-out" "$certName.pem" -trustout -extfile .\openssl.config -extensions $openssl_Ext -days $days $a #-extfile .\openssl.config } #openssl ca -in "$certName.csr" -keyfile "legimica.key" -out "$certName.pem" -cert "legimica.pem" #-CAcreateserial write-host ">>> x509 pem -> der" openssl x509 -outform der -in "$certName.pem" -out "$certName.der" write-host ">>> pkcs12 pem + key -> pfx" openssl pkcs12 -export -out "$certName.pfx" -inkey "$certName.key" -in "$certName.pem" -password "pass:$pass" -passin "pass:$pass" } # # } |