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function New-CRsaKeyPair
    Generates a public/private RSA key pair.
    The `New-CRsaKeyPair` function uses the `certreq.exe` program to generate an RSA public/private key pair suitable for use in encrypting/decrypting CMS messages, credentials in DSC resources, etc. It uses the following `.inf` file as input (taken from the first example in the help for the `Protect-CmsMessage` cmdlet):
        Signature = "$Windows NT$"
        Subject = $Subject
        MachineKeySet = false
        KeyLength = $Length
        KeySpec = AT_KEYEXCHANGE
        HashAlgorithm = $Algorithm
        Exportable = true
        RequestType = Cert
        ValidityPeriod = Days
        ValidityPeriodUnits =
    You can control the subject (via the `-Subject` parameter), key length (via the `-Length` parameter), the hash algorithm (via the `-Algorithm` parameter), and the expiration date of the keys (via the `-ValidTo` parameter). The subject is always required and should begin with "CN=". The length, hash algorithm, and expiration date are optional, and default to `4096`, `sha512`, and `12/31/9999`, respectively.
    The `certreq.exe` command stores the private key in the current user's `My` certificate store. This function exports that private key to a file and removes it from the current user's `My` store. The private key is protected with the password provided via the `-Password` parameter. If you don't provide a password, you will be prompted for one. To not protect the private key with a password, pass `$null` as the value of the `-Password` parameter.
    The public key is saved as an X509Certificate. The private key is saved as a PFX file. Both can be loaded by .NET's `X509Certificate` class. Returns `System.IO.FileInfo` objects for the public and private key, in that order.
    Before Carbon 2.1, this function used the `makecert.exe` and `pvk2pfx.exe` programs, from the Windows SDK. These programs prompt multiple times for the private key password, so if you're using a version before 2.1, you can't run this function non-interactively.
    New-CRsaKeyPair -Subject 'CN=MyName' -PublicKeyFile 'MyName.cer' -PrivateKeyFile 'MyName.pfx' -Password $secureString
    Demonstrates the minimal parameters needed to generate a key pair. The key will use a sha512 signing algorithm, have a length of 4096 bits, and expire on `12/31/9999`. The public key will be saved in the current directory as `MyName.cer`. The private key will be saved to the current directory as `MyName.pfx` and protected with password in `$secureString`.
    New-CRsaKeyPair -Subject 'CN=MyName' -PublicKeyFile 'MyName.cer' -PrivateKeyFile 'MyName.pfx' -Password $null
    Demonstrates how to save the private key unprotected (i.e. without a password). You must set the password to `$null`. This functionality was introduced in Carbon 2.1.
    New-CRsaKeyPair -Subject 'CN=MyName' -PublicKeyFile 'MyName.cer' -PrivateKeyFile 'MyName.pfx' -Algorithm 'sha1' -ValidTo (Get-Date -Year 2015 -Month 12 -Day 31) -Length 1024 -Password $secureString
    Demonstrates how to use all the parameters to create a truly customized key pair. The generated certificate will use the sha1 signing algorithm, becomes effective 1/1/2015, expires 12/31/2015, and is 1024 bits in length.

        # The key's subject. Should be of the form `CN=Name,OU=Name,O=SuperMagicFunTime,ST=OR,C=US`. Only the `CN=Name` part is required.

        # The signature algorithm. Default is `sha512`.
        $Algorithm = 'sha512',

        # The date/time the keys will become valid. Default is now.
        # This parameter was made obsolete in Carbon 2.1.
        $ValidFrom = (Get-Date),

        # The date/time the keys should expire. Default is `DateTime::MaxValue`.
        $ValidTo = ([DateTime]::MaxValue),

        # The length, in bits, of the generated key length. Default is `4096`.
        $Length = 4096,

        # The signing authority of the certificate. Must be `commercial` (for certificates used by commercial software publishers) or `individual`, for certificates used by individual software publishers. Default is `individual`.
        # This parameter was made obsolete in Carbon 2.1.
        $Authority = 'individual',

        # The file where the public key should be stored. Saved as an X509 certificate.

        # The file where the private key should be stored. The private key will be saved as an X509 certificate in PFX format and will include the public key.

        # The password for the private key. If one is not provided, you will be prompted for one. Pass `$null` to not protect your private key with a password.
        # This parameter was introduced in Carbon 2.1.

        # Overwrites `PublicKeyFile` and/or `PrivateKeyFile`, if they exist.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ValidFrom') )
        Write-Warning -Message ('New-CRsaKeyPair: The -ValidFrom parameter is obsolete and will be removed in a future version of Carbon. Please remove usages of this parameter.')

    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Authority') )
        Write-Warning -Message ('New-CRsaKeyPair: The -Authority parameter is obsolete and will be removed in a future version of Carbon. Please remove usages of this parameter.')

    function Resolve-KeyPath

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

        $Path = Resolve-CFullPath -Path $Path

        if( (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf) )
            if( -not $Force )
                Write-Error ('File ''{0}'' exists. Use the -Force switch to overwrite.' -f $Path)
            $root = Split-Path -Parent -Path $Path
            if( -not (Test-Path -Path $root -PathType Container) )
                New-Item -Path $root -ItemType 'Directory' -Force | Out-Null

        return $Path

    $PublicKeyFile = Resolve-KeyPath -Path $PublicKeyFile
    if( -not $PublicKeyFile )

    $PrivateKeyFile = Resolve-KeyPath -Path $PrivateKeyFile
    if( -not $PrivateKeyFile )

    if( (Test-Path -Path $PrivateKeyFile -PathType Leaf) )
        if( -not $Force )
            Write-Error ('Private key file ''{0}'' exists. Use the -Force switch to overwrite.' -f $PrivateKeyFile)

    $tempDir = '{0}-{1}' -f (Split-Path -Leaf -Path $PSCommandPath),([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())
    $tempDir = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath $tempDir
    New-Item -Path $tempDir -ItemType 'Directory' | Out-Null
    $tempInfFile = Join-Path -Path $tempDir -ChildPath 'temp.inf'

        $certReqPath = Get-Command -Name 'certreq.exe' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Path'
        if( -not $certReqPath )

        # Taken from example 1 of the Protect-CmsMessage help topic.
        [int]$daysValid = [Math]::Floor(($ValidTo - $ValidFrom).TotalDays)
        [int]$MaxDaysValid = [Math]::Floor(([DateTime]::MaxValue - [DateTime]::UtcNow).TotalDays)
        Write-Debug -Message ('Days Valid: {0}' -f $daysValid)
        Write-Debug -Message ('Max Days Valid: {0}' -f $MaxDaysValid)
        if( $daysValid -gt $MaxDaysValid )
            Write-Debug -Message ('Adjusted Days Valid: {0}' -f $daysValid)
            $daysValid = $MaxDaysValid
Signature = "$Windows NT$"
Subject = "{0}"
MachineKeySet = false
KeyLength = {1}
HashAlgorithm = {2}
Exportable = true
RequestType = Cert
ValidityPeriod = Days
ValidityPeriodUnits = {3}
 -f $Subject,$Length,$Algorithm,$daysValid) | Set-Content -Path $tempInfFile

        Get-Content -Raw -Path $tempInfFile | Write-Debug

        $output = & $certReqPath -q -new $tempInfFile $PublicKeyFile 
        if( $LASTEXITCODE -or -not (Test-Path -Path $PublicKeyFile -PathType Leaf) )
            Write-Error ('Failed to create public/private key pair:{0}{1}' -f ([Environment]::NewLine),($output -join ([Environment]::NewLine)))
            $output | Write-Debug

        $publicKey = Get-CCertificate -Path $PublicKeyFile
        if( -not $publicKey )
            Write-Error ('Failed to load public key ''{0}'':{1}{2}' -f $PublicKeyFile,([Environment]::NewLine),($output -join ([Environment]::NewLine)))

        $privateCertPath = Join-Path -Path 'cert:\CurrentUser\My' -ChildPath $publicKey.Thumbprint
        if( -not (Test-Path -Path $privateCertPath -PathType Leaf) )
            Write-Error -Message ('Private key ''{0}'' not found. Did certreq.exe fail to install the private key there?' -f $privateCertPath)

            $privateCert = Get-Item -Path $privateCertPath
            if( -not $privateCert.HasPrivateKey )
                Write-Error -Message ('Certificate ''{0}'' doesn''t have a private key.' -f $privateCertPath)

            if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Password') )
                $Password = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter private key password' -AsSecureString

            $privateCertBytes = $privateCert.Export( 'PFX', $Password )
            [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes( $PrivateKeyFile, $privateCertBytes )

            Get-Item $PublicKeyFile
            Get-Item $PrivateKeyFile
            Remove-Item -Path $privateCertPath
        Remove-Item -Path $tempDir -Recurse