
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

function Install-CIisApplication
    Creates a new application under a website.
    Creates a new application at `VirtualPath` under website `SiteName` running the code found on the file system under `PhysicalPath`, i.e. if SiteName is is ``, the application is accessible at ``. If an application already exists at that path, it is removed first. The application can run under a custom application pool using the optional `AppPoolName` parameter. If no app pool is specified, the application runs under the same app pool as the website it runs under.
    Beginning with Carbon 2.0, returns a `Microsoft.Web.Administration.Application` object for the new application if one is created or modified.
    Beginning with Carbon 2.0, if no app pool name is given, existing application's are updated to use `DefaultAppPool`.
    Beginning with Carbon 2.0.1, this function is available only if IIS is installed.
    Install-CIisApplication -SiteName Peanuts -VirtualPath CharlieBrown -PhysicalPath C:\Path\To\CharlieBrown -AppPoolName CharlieBrownPool
    Creates an application at `Peanuts/CharlieBrown` which runs from `Path/To/CharlieBrown`. The application runs under the `CharlieBrownPool`.
    Install-CIisApplication -SiteName Peanuts -VirtualPath Snoopy -PhysicalPath C:\Path\To\Snoopy
    Create an application at Peanuts/Snoopy, which runs from C:\Path\To\Snoopy. It uses the same application as the Peanuts website.

        # The site where the application should be created.
        # The name of the application.
        # The path to the application.
        # The app pool for the application. Default is `DefaultAppPool`.

        # Returns IIS application object. This switch is new in Carbon 2.0.
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $site = Get-CIisWebsite -SiteName $SiteName
    if( -not $site )
        Write-Error ('[IIS] Website ''{0}'' not found.' -f $SiteName)

    $iisAppPath = Join-CIisVirtualPath $SiteName $VirtualPath

    $PhysicalPath = Resolve-CFullPath -Path $PhysicalPath
    if( -not (Test-Path $PhysicalPath -PathType Container) )
        Write-Verbose ('IIS://{0}: creating physical path {1}' -f $iisAppPath,$PhysicalPath)
        $null = New-Item $PhysicalPath -ItemType Directory

    $appPoolDesc = ''
    if( $AppPoolName )
        $appPoolDesc = '; appPool: {0}' -f $AppPoolName
    $apps = $site.GetCollection()

    $appPath = "/{0}" -f $VirtualPath
    $app = Get-CIisApplication -SiteName $SiteName -VirtualPath $VirtualPath
    $modified = $false
    if( -not $app )
        Write-Verbose ('IIS://{0}: creating application' -f $iisAppPath)
        $app = $apps.CreateElement('application') |
                    Add-IisServerManagerMember -ServerManager $site.ServerManager -PassThru
        $app['path'] = $appPath
        $apps.Add( $app ) | Out-Null
        $modified = $true

    if( $app['path'] -ne $appPath )
        $app['path'] = $appPath
        $modified = $true
    if( $AppPoolName -and $app['applicationPool'] -ne $AppPoolName)
        $app['applicationPool'] = $AppPoolName
        $modified = $true

    $vdir = $null
    if( $app | Get-Member 'VirtualDirectories' )
        $vdir = $app.VirtualDirectories |
                    Where-Object { $_.Path -eq '/' }

    if( -not $vdir )
        Write-Verbose ('IIS://{0}: creating virtual directory' -f $iisAppPath)
        $vdirs = $app.GetCollection()
        $vdir = $vdirs.CreateElement('virtualDirectory')
        $vdir['path'] = '/'
        $vdirs.Add( $vdir ) | Out-Null
        $modified = $true

    if( $vdir['physicalPath'] -ne $PhysicalPath )
        Write-Verbose ('IIS://{0}: setting physical path {1}' -f $iisAppPath,$PhysicalPath)
        $vdir['physicalPath'] = $PhysicalPath
        $modified = $true

    if( $modified )
        Write-Verbose ('IIS://{0}: committing changes' -f $iisAppPath)

    if( $PassThru )
        return Get-CIisApplication -SiteName $SiteName -VirtualPath $VirtualPath
