# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. function Get-CScheduledTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the scheduled tasks for the current computer. .DESCRIPTION The `Get-CScheduledTask` function gets the scheduled tasks on the current computer. It returns `Carbon.TaskScheduler.TaskInfo` objects for each one. With no parameters, `Get-CScheduledTask` returns all scheduled tasks. To get a specific scheduled task, use the `Name` parameter, which must be the full name of the task, i.e. path plus name. The name parameter accepts wildcards. If a scheduled task with the given name isn't found, an error is written. By default, `Get-CScheduledTask` uses the `schtasks.exe` application to get scheduled task information. Beginning in Carbon 2.8.0, you can return `RegisteredTask` objects from the `Schedule.Service` COM API with the `AsComObject` switch. Using this switch is an order of magnitude faster. In the next major version of Carbon, this will become the default behavior. Before Carbon 2.7.0, this function has the same name as the built-in `Get-ScheduledTask` function that comes on Windows 2012/8 and later. It returns objects with the same properties, but if you want to use the built-in function, use the `ScheduledTasks` qualifier, e.g. `ScheduledTasks\Get-ScheduledTask`. .LINK Test-CScheduledTask .EXAMPLE Get-CScheduledTask Demonstrates how to get all scheduled tasks. .EXAMPLE Get-CScheduledTask -Name 'AutoUpdateMyApp' Demonstrates how to get a specific task. .EXAMPLE Get-CScheduledTask -Name '*Microsoft*' Demonstrates how to get all tasks that match a wildcard pattern. .EXAMPLE ScheduledTasks\Get-CScheduledTask Demonstrates how to call the `Get-CScheduledTask` function in the `ScheduledTasks` module which ships on Windows 2012/8 and later. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Carbon.TaskScheduler.TaskInfo])] param( [Parameter()] [Alias('TaskName')] [string] # The name of the scheduled task to return. Wildcards supported. This must be the *full task name*, i.e. the task's path/location and its name. $Name, [Switch] # Return the scheduled task as a [RegisteredTask Windows COM object](, using the `Schedule.Service` COM API. This is faster and more reliable. See [Task Scheduler Reference]( for more information. # # This parameter was introduced in Carbon 2.8.0. $AsComObject ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState function ConvertFrom-DurationSpec { param( $Duration ) if( $Duration -match '^P((\d+)D)?T((\d+)H)?((\d+)M)?((\d+)S)?$' ) { return New-Object 'TimeSpan' $Matches[2],$Matches[4],$Matches[6],$Matches[8] } } function ConvertFrom-RepetitionElement { param( [Xml.XmlElement] $TriggerElement ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' [Carbon.TaskScheduler.ScheduleType]$scheduleType = [Carbon.TaskScheduler.ScheduleType]::Unknown $interval = $null $modifier = $null $duration = $null $stopAtEnd = $false [TimeSpan]$delay = [TimeSpan]::Zero if( $TriggerElement.GetElementsByTagName('Repetition').Count -gt 0 ) { $repetition = $TriggerElement.Repetition $interval = $repetition.Interval if( $interval -match 'PT(\d+)(.*)$' ) { $modifier = $Matches[1] $unit = $Matches[2] $hour = 0 $minute = 0 $second = 0 switch( $unit ) { 'H' { $hour = $modifier } 'M' { $minute = $modifier } } $scheduleTypes = @{ 'H' = 'Hourly'; 'M' = 'Minute'; } if( $scheduleTypes.ContainsKey( $unit ) ) { $scheduleType = $scheduleTypes[$unit] } $timespan = New-Object 'TimeSpan' $hour,$minute,$second switch( $scheduleType ) { 'Hourly' { $modifier = $timespan.TotalHours } 'Minute' { $modifier = $timespan.TotalMinutes } } } if( $repetition | Get-Member -Name 'Duration' ) { $duration = $repetition.Duration $durationAsTimeSpan = ConvertFrom-DurationSpec -Duration $repetition.Duration if( $durationAsTimeSpan -ne $null ) { $duration = $durationAsTimeSpan } } if( $repetition | Get-Member -Name 'StopAtDurationEnd' ) { $stopAtEnd = ($repetition.StopAtDurationEnd -eq 'true') } } if( $TriggerElement | Get-Member -Name 'Delay' ) { $delayAsTimeSpan = ConvertFrom-DurationSpec -Duration $TriggerElement.Delay if( $delayAsTimeSpan -ne $null ) { $delay = $delayAsTimeSpan } } return $scheduleType,$modifier,$duration,$stopAtEnd,$delay } $optionalArgs = @() $wildcardSearch = $false if( $Name ) { if( [Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($Name) ) { $wildcardSearch = $true } else { $Name = Join-Path -Path '\' -ChildPath $Name $optionalArgs = @( '/tn', $Name ) } } if( $AsComObject ) { $taskScheduler = New-Object -ComObject 'Schedule.Service' $taskScheduler.Connect() function Get-Tasks { param( $Folder ) $getHiddenTasks = 1 $Folder.GetTasks($getHiddenTasks) | ForEach-Object { $_ } foreach( $subFolder in $Folder.GetFolders($getHiddenTasks) ) { Get-Tasks -Folder $subFolder } } $tasks = Get-Tasks -Folder $taskScheduler.GetFolder("\") | Where-Object { if( -not $Name ) { return $true } return $_.Path -like $Name } if( -not $wildcardSearch -and -not $tasks ) { Write-Error -Message ('Scheduled task "{0}" not found.' -f $Name) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference return } return $tasks } $originalErrPreference = $ErrorActionPreference $originalEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding # Some tasks from Intel have special characters in them. $OutputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(1252) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' [object[]]$output = $null $errFile = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath ('Carbon+Get-CScheduledTask+{0}' -f [IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) try { $output = schtasks /query /v /fo csv $optionalArgs 2> $errFile | ConvertFrom-Csv | Where-Object { $_.HostName -ne 'HostName' } } finally { $ErrorActionPreference = $originalErrPreference $OutputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding = $originalEncoding } if( $LASTEXITCODE ) { if( (Test-Path -Path $errFile -PathType Leaf) ) { $error = (Get-Content -Path $errFile) -join ([Environment]::NewLine) try { if( $error -match 'The\ system\ cannot\ find\ the\ (file|path)\ specified\.' ) { Write-Error ('Scheduled task ''{0}'' not found.' -f $Name) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference } else { Write-Error ($error) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference } } finally { Remove-Item -Path $errFile } } return } if( -not $output ) { return } $comTasks = Get-CScheduledTask -AsComObject for( $idx = 0; $idx -lt $output.Count; ++$idx ) { $csvTask = $output[$idx] $comTask = $comTasks | Where-Object { $_.Path -eq $csvTask.TaskName } if( $comTask ) { $xmlDoc = [xml]$comTask.Xml } else { $xml = schtasks /query /tn $csvTask.TaskName /xml | Where-Object { $_ } $xml = $xml -join ([Environment]::NewLine) $xmlDoc = [xml]$xml } $taskPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path $csvTask.TaskName # Get-CScheduledTask on Win2012/8 has a trailing slash so we include it here. if( $taskPath -ne '\' ) { $taskPath = '{0}\' -f $taskPath } $taskName = Split-Path -Leaf -Path $csvTask.TaskName if( -not ($xmlDoc | Get-Member -Name 'Task') ) { Write-Error -Message ('Unable to get information for scheduled task "{0}": XML task information is missing the "Task" element.' -f $csvTask.TaskName) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference continue } $xmlTask = $xmlDoc.Task $principal = $xmlTask.Principals.Principal $isInteractive = $false $noPassword = $false if( $principal | Get-Member 'LogonType' ) { $isInteractive = $principal.LogonType -eq 'InteractiveTokenOrPassword' $noPassword = $principal.LogonType -eq 'S4U' } $highestRunLevel = $false if( $principal | Get-Member 'RunLevel' ) { $highestRunLevel = ($principal.RunLevel -eq 'HighestAvailable') } $createDate = [DateTime]::MinValue if( $xmlTask | Get-Member -Name 'RegistrationInfo' ) { $regInfo = $xmlTask.RegistrationInfo if( $regInfo | Get-Member -Name 'Date' ) { $createDate = [datetime]$regInfo.Date } } $taskToRun = $csvTask.'Task To Run' if( ($xmlTask | Get-Member -Name 'Actions') -and $xmlTask.Actions.ChildNodes.Count -eq 1 ) { $actions = $xmlTask.Actions if( ($actions | Get-Member -Name 'Exec') -and ($actions.Exec | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Count') -eq 1) { $exec = $actions.Exec if( $exec | Get-Member -Name 'Command' ) { $taskToRun = $exec.Command } if( $exec | Get-Member -Name 'Arguments' ) { $taskToRun = '{0} {1}' -f $taskToRun,$exec.Arguments } } } $ctorArgs = @( $csvTask.HostName, $taskPath, $taskName, $csvTask.'Next Run Time', $csvTask.Status, $csvTask.'Logon Mode', $csvTask.'Last Run Time', $csvTask.Author, $createDate, $taskToRun, $csvTask.'Start In', $csvTask.Comment, $csvTask.'Scheduled Task State', $csvTask.'Idle Time', $csvTask.'Power Management', $csvTask.'Run As User', $isInteractive, $noPassword, $highestRunLevel, $csvTask.'Delete Task If Not Rescheduled' ) $task = New-Object -TypeName 'Carbon.TaskScheduler.TaskInfo' -ArgumentList $ctorArgs $scheduleIdx = 0 while( $idx -lt $output.Count -and $output[$idx].TaskName -eq $csvTask.TaskName ) { $csvTask = $output[$idx++] [Carbon.TaskScheduler.ScheduleType]$scheduleType = [Carbon.TaskScheduler.ScheduleType]::Unknown [int[]]$days = @() [int]$csvDay = 0 if( [int]::TryParse($csvTask.Days, [ref]$csvDay) ) { $days = @( $csvDay ) } $duration = $csvTask.'Repeat: Until: Duration' [Carbon.TaskScheduler.Month[]]$months = @() $modifier = $null $stopAtEnd = $false [int]$interval = 0 [TimeSpan]$endTime = [TimeSpan]::Zero [DayOfWeek[]]$daysOfWeek = @() [TimeSpan]$delay = [TimeSpan]::Zero [int]$idleTime = 0 $eventChannelName = $null $triggers = $xmlTask.GetElementsByTagName('Triggers') | Select-Object -First 1 if( -not $triggers -or $triggers.ChildNodes.Count -eq 0 ) { $scheduleType = [Carbon.TaskScheduler.ScheduleType]::OnDemand } elseif( $triggers.ChildNodes.Count -gt 0 ) { [Xml.XmlElement]$trigger = $triggers.ChildNodes.Item($scheduleIdx++) if( $trigger | Get-Member -Name 'EndBoundary' ) { $endDateTime = [datetime]$trigger.EndBoundary $endTime = New-TimeSpan -Hours $endDateTime.Hour -Minutes $endDateTime.Minute -Seconds $endDateTime.Second } $scheduleType,$modifier,$duration,$stopAtEnd,$delay = ConvertFrom-RepetitionElement $trigger if( $trigger.Name -eq 'TimeTrigger' ) { $days = @( ) if( $csvTask.'Schedule Type' -eq 'One Time Only' ) { $scheduleType = 'Once' $interval = $modifier $modifier = $null } } elseif( $trigger.Name -eq 'LogonTrigger' ) { $scheduleType = 'OnLogon' $interval = 0 $modifier = $null } elseif( $trigger.Name -eq 'BootTrigger' ) { $scheduleType = 'OnStart' $interval = 0 $modifier = $null } elseif( $trigger.Name -eq 'IdleTrigger' ) { $scheduleType = 'OnIdle' $interval = 0 $modifier = $null $settingsNode = $xmlTask.Settings if( $settingsNode | Get-Member 'IdleSettings' ) { $idleSettingsNode = $settingsNode.IdleSettings if( $idleSettingsNode | Get-Member 'Duration' ) { $idleTimeAsTimeSpan = ConvertFrom-DurationSpec -Duration $xmlTask.Settings.IdleSettings.Duration if( $idleTimeAsTimeSpan -ne $null ) { $idleTime = $idleTimeAsTimeSpan.TotalMinutes } } } } elseif( $trigger.Name -eq 'EventTrigger' ) { $scheduleType = 'OnEvent' $subscription = [xml]$trigger.Subscription $selectNode = $subscription.QueryList.Query.Select $modifier = $selectNode.InnerText $eventChannelName = $selectNode.GetAttribute('Path') } elseif( $trigger.Name -eq 'SessionStateChangeTrigger' ) { $scheduleType = [Carbon.TaskScheduler.ScheduleType]::SessionStateChange } elseif( $trigger.Name -eq 'RegistrationTrigger' ) { $scheduleType = [Carbon.TaskScheduler.ScheduleType]::Registration } elseif( $trigger.Name -eq 'CalendarTrigger' ) { if( $trigger.GetElementsByTagName('ScheduleByDay').Count -eq 1 ) { $scheduleType = 'Daily' $modifier = $trigger.ScheduleByDay.DaysInterval $null,$interval,$null,$null = ConvertFrom-RepetitionElement $trigger } elseif( $trigger.GetElementsByTagName('ScheduleByWeek').Count -eq 1 ) { $scheduleType = 'Weekly' $interval = $modifier $modifier = $trigger.ScheduleByWeek.WeeksInterval $days = @( ) $daysOfWeek = $trigger.ScheduleByWeek.DaysOfWeek.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object { [DayOfWeek]$_.Name } } elseif( $trigger.GetElementsByTagName('ScheduleByMonth').Count -eq 1 ) { $scheduleType = 'Monthly' $monthsNode = $trigger.ScheduleByMonth.Months $daysOfMonth = $trigger.ScheduleByMonth.DaysOfMonth.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object { $_.InnerText } if( $daysOfMonth -eq 'Last' ) { $interval = $modifier $modifier = 'LastDay' $days = @() } else { $days = $daysOfMonth | ForEach-Object { [int]$_ } $interval = $modifier # Monthly tasks. if( $monthsNode.ChildNodes.Count -eq 12 ) { $modifier = 1 } else { # Non-monthly tasks. $modifier = $null } } [Carbon.TaskScheduler.Month[]]$months = $monthsNode.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object { ([Carbon.TaskScheduler.Month]$_.Name) } } elseif( $triggers.GetElementsByTagName('ScheduleByMonthDayOfWeek').Count -eq 1 ) { $scheduleType = 'Monthly' $interval = $modifier $scheduleNode = $trigger.ScheduleByMonthDayOfWeek $daysOfWeek = $scheduleNode.DaysOfWeek.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object { [DayOfWeek]$_.Name } $months = $scheduleNode.Months.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object { ([Carbon.TaskScheduler.Month]$_.Name) } switch( $scheduleNode.Weeks.Week ) { 1 { $modifier = 'First' } 2 { $modifier = 'Second' } 3 { $modifier = 'Third' } 4 { $modifier = 'Fourth' } 'Last' { $modifier = 'Last' } } } } } function ConvertFrom-SchtasksDate { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $SchtasksDate, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [DateTime] $DefaultValue ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' [DateTime]$dateTime = $DefaultValue if( -not [DateTime]::TryParse( $SchtasksDate, [ref] $dateTime ) ) { return $DefaultValue } return New-Object 'DateTime' $dateTime.Year,$dateTime.Month,$dateTime.Day } function ConvertFrom-SchtasksTime { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $SchtasksTime ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' [TimeSpan]$timespan = [TimeSpan]::Zero [DateTime]$dateTime = New-Object 'DateTime' 2015,11,6 $schtasksTime = '{0} {1}' -f (Get-Date).ToString('d'),$SchtasksTime if( -not [DateTime]::TryParse( $SchtasksTime, [ref] $dateTime ) ) { return $timespan } return New-Object 'TimeSpan' $dateTime.Hour,$dateTime.Minute,$dateTime.Second } $startDate = ConvertFrom-SchtasksDate $csvTask.'Start Date' -DefaultValue ([DateTime]::MinValue) $startTime = ConvertFrom-SchtasksTime $csvTask.'Start Time' $endDate = ConvertFrom-SchtasksDate $csvTask.'End Date' -DefaultValue ([DateTime]::MaxValue) $scheduleCtorArgs = @( $csvTask.'Last Result', $csvTask.'Stop Task If Runs X Hours And X Mins', $scheduleType, $modifier, $interval, $startTime, $startDate, $endTime, $endDate, $daysOfWeek, $days, $months, $csvTask.'Repeat: Every', $csvTask.'Repeat: Until: Time', $duration, $csvTask.'Repeat: Stop If Still Running', $stopAtEnd, $delay, $idleTime, $eventChannelName ) $schedule = New-Object -TypeName 'Carbon.TaskScheduler.ScheduleInfo' -ArgumentList $scheduleCtorArgs $task.Schedules.Add( $schedule ) } --$idx; if( -not $wildcardSearch -or $task.FullName -like $Name ) { $task } } } |