# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. function Get-CFirewallRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the local computer's firewall rules. .DESCRIPTION Returns a `Carbon.Firewall.Rule` object for each firewall rule on the local computer. In Carbon 2.4.0 and earlier, this data is parsed from the output of: netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all which only works on english-speaking computers. Beginning with Carbon 2.4.1, firewall rules are read using the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security API's `HNetCfg.FwPolicy2` object. You can return specific rule(s) using the `Name` or `LiteralName` parameters. The `Name` parameter accepts wildcards; `LiteralName` does not. There can be multiple firewall rules with the same name. If the firewall isn't configurable/running, writes an error and returns without returning any objects. This function requires administrative privileges. .OUTPUTS Carbon.Firewall.Rule. .LINK Assert-CFirewallConfigurable .LINK Carbon_FirewallRule .EXAMPLE Get-CFirewallRule Demonstrates how to get the firewall rules running on the current computer. .EXAMPLE Get-CFirewallRule -Name 'World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In)' Demonstrates how to get a specific rule. .EXAMPLE Get-CFirewallRule -Name '*HTTP*' Demonstrates how to use wildcards to find rules whose names match a wildcard pattern, in this case any rule whose name contains the text 'HTTP' is returned. .EXAMPLE Get-CFirewallRule -LiteralName 'Custom Rule **CREATED BY AUTOMATED PROCES' Demonstrates how to find a specific firewall rule by name if that name has wildcard characters in it. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='All')] [OutputType([Carbon.Firewall.Rule])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='ByName')] [string] # The name of the rule. Wildcards supported. Names aren't unique, so you may still get back multiple rules $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='ByLiteralName')] [string] # The literal name of the rule. Wildcards not supported. $LiteralName ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState if( -not (Assert-CFirewallConfigurable) ) { return } $fw = New-Object -ComObject 'HNetCfg.FwPolicy2' $fw.Rules | Where-Object { if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByLiteralName' ) { return $_.Name -eq $LiteralName } if( -not $Name ) { return $true } return $_.Name -like $Name } | ForEach-Object { $rule = $_ Write-Debug -Message $rule.Name $profiles = [Carbon.Firewall.RuleProfile]::Any if( $rule.Profiles -eq 0x7FFFFFFF ) { $profiles = [Carbon.Firewall.RuleProfile]::Domain -bor [Carbon.Firewall.RuleProfile]::Private -bor [Carbon.Firewall.RuleProfile]::Public } else { if( ($rule.Profiles -band 1) -eq 1 ) { $profiles = $profiles -bor [Carbon.Firewall.RuleProfile]::Domain } if( ($rule.Profiles -band 2) -eq 2 ) { $profiles = $profiles -bor [Carbon.Firewall.RuleProfile]::Private } if( ($rule.Profiles -band 4) -eq 4 ) { $profiles = $profiles -bor [Carbon.Firewall.RuleProfile]::Public } } Write-Debug -Message (' Profiles {0,25} -> {1}' -f $rule.Profiles,$profiles) $protocol = switch( $rule.Protocol ) { 6 { 'TCP' } 17 { 'UDP' } 1 { 'ICMPv4' } 58 { 'ICMPv6' } 256 { 'Any' } default { $_ } } if( ($rule | Get-Member -Name 'IcmpTypesAndCodes') -and $rule.IcmpTypesAndCodes ) { $type,$code = $rule.IcmpTypesAndCodes -split ':' | ConvertTo-Any if( -not $code ) { $code = 'Any' } $protocol = '{0}:{1},{2}' -f $protocol,$type,$code Write-Debug -Message (' IcmpTypesAndCode {0,25} -> {1},{2}' -f $rule.IcmpTypesAndCodes,$type,$code) } Write-Debug -Message (' Protocol {0,25} -> {1}' -f $rule.Protocol,$protocol) $direction = switch( $rule.Direction ) { 1 { [Carbon.Firewall.RuleDirection]::In } 2 { [Carbon.Firewall.RuleDirection]::Out } } $action = switch( $rule.Action ) { 0 { [Carbon.Firewall.RuleAction]::Block } 1 { [Carbon.Firewall.RuleAction]::Allow } default { throw ('Unknown action ''{0}''.' -f $_) } } $interfaceType = [Carbon.Firewall.RuleInterfaceType]::Any $rule.InterfaceTypes -split ',' | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'All' } | ForEach-Object { if( $_ -eq 'RemoteAccess' ) { $_ = 'Ras' } $interfaceType = $interfaceType -bor [Carbon.Firewall.RuleInterfaceType]::$_ } Write-Debug -Message (' InterfaceType {0,25} -> {1}' -f $rule.InterfaceTypes,$interfaceType) function ConvertTo-Any { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $InputObject ) process { if( $InputObject -eq '*' ) { return 'Any' } $InputObject = $InputObject -split ',' | ForEach-Object { $ipAddress,$mask = $_ -split '/' [ipaddress]$maskAddress = $null if( $mask -match '^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$' -and [ipaddress]::TryParse($mask, [ref]$maskAddress) ) { $cidr = $maskAddress.GetAddressBytes() | ForEach-Object { [Convert]::ToString($_, 2) -replace '[s0]' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Length' | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Sum' return '{0}/{1}' -f $ipAddress,$cidr } return $_ } return $InputObject -join ',' } } $localAddresses = $rule.LocalAddresses | ConvertTo-Any Write-Debug -Message (' LocalAddresses {0,25} -> {1}' -f $rule.LocalAddresses,$localAddresses) $remoteAddresses = $rule.RemoteAddresses | ConvertTo-Any Write-Debug -Message (' RemoteAddresses {0,25} -> {1}' -f $rule.RemoteAddresses,$remoteAddresses) $localPorts = $rule.LocalPorts | ConvertTo-Any Write-Debug -Message (' LocalPorts {0,25} -> {1}' -f $rule.LocalPorts,$localPorts) $remotePorts = $rule.RemotePorts | ConvertTo-Any Write-Debug -Message (' RemotePorts {0,25} -> {1}' -f $rule.RemotePorts,$remotePorts) $edgeTraversal = switch( $rule.EdgeTraversalOptions ) { 0 { 'No' } 1 { 'Yes' } 2 { 'Defer to application' } 3 { 'Defer to user' } } $security = [Carbon.Firewall.RuleSecurity]::NotRequired if( $rule | Get-Member -Name 'SecureFlags' ) { $security = switch( $rule.SecureFlags ) { 1 { [Carbon.Firewall.RuleSecurity]::AuthNoEncap } 2 { [Carbon.Firewall.RuleSecurity]::Authenticate } 3 { [Carbon.Firewall.RuleSecurity]::AuthDynEnc } 4 { [Carbon.Firewall.RuleSecurity]::AuthEnc } default { [Carbon.Firewall.RuleSecurity]::NotRequired } } Write-Debug -Message (' Security {0,25} -> {1}' -f $rule.SecureFlags,$security) } $serviceName = $rule.ServiceName | ConvertTo-Any Write-Debug -Message (' Service {0,25} -> {1}' -f $rule.ServiceName,$serviceName) $constructorArgs = @( $rule.Name, $rule.Enabled, $direction, $profiles, $rule.Grouping, $localAddresses, $localPorts, $remoteAddresses, $remotePorts, $protocol, $edgeTraversal, $action, $interfaceType, $security, 'Local Setting', $rule.Description, $rule.ApplicationName, $serviceName ) New-Object -TypeName 'Carbon.Firewall.Rule' -ArgumentList $constructorArgs } } Set-Alias -Name 'Get-FirewallRules' -Value 'Get-CFirewallRule' |