# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. & (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\Initialize-CarbonDscResource.ps1' -Resolve) function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Name, [bool] $Enabled = $true, [ValidateSet('In','Out')] [string] $Direction, [ValidateSet('Any','Domain','Private','Public')] [string[]] $Profile = @( 'Any' ), [string] $LocalIPAddress = 'Any', [string] $LocalPort, [string] $RemoteIPAddress = 'Any', [string] $RemotePort, [string] $Protocol = 'Any', [ValidateSet('Yes', 'No', 'DeferUser','DeferApp')] [string] $EdgeTraversalPolicy = 'No', [ValidateSet('Allow','Block','Bypass')] [string] $Action, [ValidateSet('Any','Wireless','LAN','RAS')] [string] $InterfaceType = 'Any', [ValidateSet('NotRequired','Authenticate','AuthEnc','AuthDynEnc','AuthNoEncap')] [string] $Security = 'NotRequired', [string] $Description, [string] $Program, [string] $Service, [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [string] $Ensure = 'Present' ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' $rule = Get-FirewallRule -LiteralName $Name if( $rule -is [object[]] ) { Write-Error ('Found {0} firewall rules named ''{1}''.' -f $rule.Count,$Name) return } $resource = @{ 'Action' = $Action; 'Description' = $Description; 'Direction' = $Direction; 'EdgeTraversalPolicy' = $EdgeTraversalPolicy 'Enabled' = $Enabled; 'Ensure' = 'Absent'; 'InterfaceType' = $InterfaceType 'LocalIPAddress' = $LocalIPAddress; 'LocalPort' = $LocalPort; 'Name' = $Name; 'Profile' = $Profile; 'Program' = $Program; 'Protocol' = $Protocol; 'RemoteIPAddress' = $RemoteIPAddress; 'RemotePort' = $RemotePort; 'Security' = $Security; 'Service' = $Service; } if( $rule ) { $propNames = $resource.Keys | ForEach-Object { $_ } $propNames | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Ensure' } | ForEach-Object { $propName = $_ switch( $propName ) { 'Profile' { $value = $rule.Profile.ToString() -split ', ' } 'Enabled' { $value = $rule.Enabled } default { $value = ($rule.$propName).ToString() } } $resource[$propName] = $value } $resource.Ensure = 'Present' } return $resource } function Set-TargetResource { <# .SYNOPSIS DSC resource for managing firewall rules. .DESCRIPTION The `Carbon_FirewallRule` resource manages firewall rules. It uses the `netsh advfirewall firewall` command. Please see [Netsh AdvFirewall Firewall Commands](http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd734783.aspx) or run `netsh advfirewall firewall set rule` for documentation on how to configure the firewall. When modifying existing rules, only properties you pass are updated/changed. All other properties are left as-is. `Carbon_FirewallRule` is new in Carbon 2.0. .LINK Get-FirewallRule .LINK http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd734783.aspx .EXAMPLE > Demonstrates how to enable a firewall rule. Carbon_FirewallRule EnableHttpIn { Name = 'World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In)' Enabled = $true; Ensure = 'Present' } .EXAMPLE > Demonstrates how to delete a firewall rule. Carbon_FirewallRule DeleteMyRule { Name = 'MyCustomRule'; Ensure = 'Absent'; } There may be multiple rules with the same name, so we recommend disabling rules instead. .EXAMPLE > Demonstrates how to create/modify an incoming firewall rule. Carbon_FirewallRule MyAppPorts { Name = 'My App Ports'; Action = 'Allow'; Direction = 'In'; Protocol = 'tcp'; LocalPort = '8080,8180'; Ensure = 'Present'; } #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] # The name of the rule. $Name, [bool] # If `$true`, the rule is enabled. If `$false`, the rule is disabled. $Enabled = $true, [ValidateSet('In','Out')] [string] # If set to `In`, the rule applies to inbound network traffic. If set to `Out`, the rule applies to outbound traffic. $Direction, [ValidateSet('Any','Domain','Private','Public')] [string[]] # Specifies the profile(s) to which the firewall rule is assigned. The rule is active on the local computer only when the specified profile is currently active. Valid values are `Any`, `Domain`, `Public`, and `Private`. $Profile, [string] # The local IP addresses the rule applies to. Valid values are `any`, an exact IPv4 or IPv6 address, a subnet mask (e.g., or a range. Separate each value with a comma; no spaces. $LocalIPAddress, [string] # The local port the rule applies to. Valid values are a specific port number, a range of port numbers (e.g. `5000-5010`), a comma-separate list of numbers and ranges, `any`, `rpc`, `rpc-epmap`, `Teredo`, and `iphttps`. $LocalPort, [string] # The remote IP addresses the rules applies to. Valid values are `any`, an exact IPv4 or IPv6 address, a subnet mask (e.g., or a range. Separate each value with a comma; no spaces. $RemoteIPAddress, [string] # The remote port the rule applies to. Valid values are a specific port number, a range of port numbers (e.g. `5000-5010`), a comma-separate list of numbers and ranges, `any`, `rpc`, `rpc-epmap`, `Teredo`, and `iphttps`. $RemotePort, [string] # The protocol the rule applies to. Valid values are `any`, the protocol number, `icmpv4`, `icmpv6', `icmpv4:type,code`, `icmpv6:type,code`, `tcp`, or `udp`. Separate multiple values with a comma; no spaces. $Protocol, [ValidateSet('Yes', 'No', 'DeferUser','DeferApp')] [string] # For inbound rules, specifies that traffic that traverses an edge device, such as a Network Address Translation (NAT) enabled router, between the local and remote computer matches this rule. Valid values are `any`, `deferapp`, `deferuse`, or `no`. $EdgeTraversalPolicy, [ValidateSet('Allow','Block','Bypass')] [string] # Specifies what to do when packets match the rule. Valid values are `Allow`, `Block`, or `Bypass`. $Action, [ValidateSet('Any','Wireless','LAN','RAS')] [string] # Specifies that only network packets passing through the indicated interface types match this rule. Valid values are `Any`, `Wireless`, `LAN`, or `RAS`. $InterfaceType, [ValidateSet('NotRequired','Authenticate','AuthEnc','AuthDynEnc','AuthNoEncap')] [string] # Specifies that only network packets protected with the specified type of IPsec options match this rule. Valid values are `NotRequired`, `Authenticate`, `AuthEnc`, `AuthDynEnc`, or `AuthNoEncap`. $Security, [string] # A description of the rule. $Description, [string] # Specifies that network traffic generated by the identified executable program matches this rule. $Program, [string] # Specifies that traffic generated by the identified service matches this rule. The ServiceShortName for a service can be found in Services MMC snap-in, by right-clicking the service, selecting Properties, and examining Service Name. $Service, [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [string] # Set to `Present` to create the fireall rule. Set to `Absent` to delete it. $Ensure = 'Present' ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' $resource = Get-TargetResource -Name $Name if( $Ensure -eq 'Absent' -and $resource.Ensure -eq 'Present' ) { Write-Verbose ('Deleting firewall rule ''{0}''' -f $Name) $output = netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=$Name if( $LASTEXITCODE ) { Write-Error ($output -join ([Environment]::NewLine)) return } $output | Write-Verbose return } $cmd = 'add' $cmdDisplayName = 'Adding' $newArg = '' if( $Ensure -eq 'Present' -and $resource.Ensure -eq 'Present' ) { $cmd = 'set' $cmdDisplayName = 'Setting' $newArg = 'new' } else { if( -not $Direction -and -not $Action ) { Write-Error ('Parameters ''Direction'' and ''Action'' are required when adding a new firewall rule.') return } elseif( -not $Direction ) { Write-Error ('Parameter ''Direction'' is required when adding a new firewall rule.') return } elseif( -not $Action ) { Write-Error ('Parameter ''Action'' is required when adding a new firewall rule.') return } } $argMap = @{ 'Direction' = 'dir'; 'Enabled' = 'enable'; 'LocalIPAddress' = 'localip'; 'RemoteIPAddress' = 'remoteip'; 'EdgeTraversalPolicy' = 'edge'; } $netshArgs = New-Object 'Collections.Generic.List[string]' $resource.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Ensure' -and $_ -ne 'Name' } | Where-Object { $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($_) } | ForEach-Object { $argName = $_.ToLowerInvariant() $argValue = $PSBoundParameters[$argName] if( $argValue -is [bool] ) { $argValue = if( $argValue ) { 'yes' } else { 'no' } } if( $argMap.ContainsKey($argName) ) { $argName = $argMap[$argName] } [void]$netshArgs.Add( ('{0}=' -f $argName) ) [void]$netshArgs.Add( $argValue ) } Write-Verbose ('{0} firewall rule ''{1}''' -f $cmdDisplayName,$Name) $output = netsh advfirewall firewall $cmd rule name= $Name $newArg $netshArgs if( $LASTEXITCODE ) { Write-Error ($output -join ([Environment]::NewLine)) return } $output | Write-Verbose } function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Name, [bool] $Enabled, [ValidateSet('In','Out')] [string] $Direction, [ValidateSet('Any','Domain','Private','Public')] [string[]] $Profile, [string] $LocalIPAddress, [string] $LocalPort, [string] $RemoteIPAddress, [string] $RemotePort, [string] $Protocol, [ValidateSet('Yes', 'No', 'DeferUser','DeferApp')] [string] $EdgeTraversalPolicy, [ValidateSet('Allow','Block','Bypass')] [string] $Action, [ValidateSet('Any','Wireless','LAN','RAS')] [string] $InterfaceType, [ValidateSet('NotRequired','Authenticate','AuthEnc','AuthDynEnc','AuthNoEncap')] [string] $Security, [string] $Description, [string] $Program, [string] $Service, [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [string] $Ensure = 'Present' ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' $resource = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters if( $Ensure -eq 'Absent' ) { $result = ($resource.Ensure -eq 'Absent') if( $result ) { Write-Verbose ('Firewall rule ''{0}'' not found.' -f $Name) } else { Write-Verbose ('Firewall rule ''{0}'' found.' -f $Name) } return $result } if( $Ensure -eq 'Present' -and $resource.Ensure -eq 'Absent' ) { Write-Verbose ('Firewall rule ''{0}'' not found.' -f $Name) return $false } return Test-DscTargetResource -TargetResource $resource -DesiredResource $PSBoundParameters -Target ('Firewall rule ''{0}''' -f $Name) } |