# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Module manifest for module 'Carbon' # # Generated by: Aaron Jensen # # Generated on: 8/30/2011 # #Requires -Version 4 @{ # Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest RootModule = 'Carbon.psm1' # Version number of this module. ModuleVersion = '2.2.0' # ID used to uniquely identify this module GUID = '075d9444-c01b-48c3-889a-0b3490716fa2' # Author of this module Author = 'Aaron Jensen' # Company or vendor of this module CompanyName = '' # Copyright statement for this module Copyright = 'Copyright 2011 - 2016 Aaron Jensen.' # Description of the functionality provided by this module Description = @' Carbon is a PowerShell module for automating the configuration Windows 7, 8, 2008, and 2012 and automation the installation and configuration of Windows applications, websites, and services. It can configure and manage: * Local users and groups * IIS websites, virtual directories, and applications * File system, registry, and certificate permissions * Certificates * Privileges * Services * Encryption * Junctions * Hosts file * INI files * Performance counters * Shares * .NET connection strings and app settings * And much more! All functions are idempotent: when run multiple times with the same arguments, your system will be in the same state without failing or producing errors. '@ # Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module PowerShellVersion = '4.0' # Name of the Windows PowerShell host required by this module PowerShellHostName = '' # Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell host required by this module PowerShellHostVersion = '' # Minimum version of the .NET Framework required by this module DotNetFrameworkVersion = '' # Minimum version of the common language runtime (CLR) required by this module CLRVersion = '' # Processor architecture (None, X86, Amd64, IA64) required by this module ProcessorArchitecture = '' # Modules that must be imported into the global environment prior to importing this module RequiredModules = @() # Assemblies that must be loaded prior to importing this module RequiredAssemblies = @( 'bin\Carbon.dll' ) # Script files (.ps1) that are run in the caller's environment prior to importing this module ScriptsToProcess = @( ) # Type files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module TypesToProcess = 'Carbon.types.ps1xml' # Format files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module FormatsToProcess = @( 'Carbon.format.ps1xml', 'Formats\Carbon.Security.HttpUrlAcl.format.ps1xml' ) # Modules to import as nested modules of the module specified in ModuleToProcess NestedModules = @() # Functions to export from this module FunctionsToExport = @( 'Add-GroupMember', 'Add-IisDefaultDocument', 'Add-TrustedHost', 'Assert-AdminPrivilege', 'Assert-FirewallConfigurable', 'Assert-Service', 'Clear-DscLocalResourceCache', 'Clear-MofAuthoringMetadata', 'Clear-TrustedHost', 'Complete-Job', 'Compress-Item', 'ConvertFrom-Base64', 'Convert-SecureStringToString', 'ConvertTo-Base64', 'ConvertTo-ContainerInheritanceFlags', 'ConvertTo-InheritanceFlag', 'ConvertTo-PropagationFlag', 'ConvertTo-SecurityIdentifier', 'Convert-XmlFile', 'Copy-DscResource', 'Disable-FirewallStatefulFtp', 'Disable-IEEnhancedSecurityConfiguration', 'Disable-IisSecurityAuthentication', 'Disable-NtfsCompression', 'Enable-FirewallStatefulFtp', 'Enable-IEActivationPermission', 'Enable-IisDirectoryBrowsing', 'Enable-IisSecurityAuthentication', 'Enable-IisSsl', 'Enable-NtfsCompression', 'Expand-Item', 'Find-ADUser', 'Format-ADSearchFilterValue', 'Get-ADDomainController', 'Get-Certificate', 'Get-CertificateStore', 'Get-ComPermission', 'Get-ComSecurityDescriptor', 'Get-DscError', 'Get-DscWinEvent', 'Get-FileShare', 'Get-FileSharePermission', 'Get-FirewallRule', 'Get-Group', 'Get-HttpUrlAcl', 'Get-IisApplication', 'Get-IisAppPool', 'Get-IisConfigurationSection', 'Get-IisHttpHeader', 'Get-IisHttpRedirect', 'Get-IisMimeMap', 'Get-IisSecurityAuthentication', 'Get-IisVersion', 'Get-IisWebsite', 'Get-IPAddress', 'Get-Msi', 'Get-MsmqMessageQueue', 'Get-MsmqMessageQueuePath', 'Get-PathProvider', 'Get-PathToHostsFile', 'Get-PerformanceCounter', 'Get-Permission', 'Get-PowerShellModuleInstallPath', 'Get-PowershellPath', 'Get-Privilege', 'Get-ProgramInstallInfo', 'Get-RegistryKeyValue', 'Get-ScheduledTask', 'Get-ServiceAcl', 'Get-ServiceConfiguration', 'Get-ServicePermission', 'Get-ServiceSecurityDescriptor', 'Get-SslCertificateBinding', 'Get-TrustedHost', 'Get-User', 'Get-WindowsFeature', 'Get-WmiLocalUserAccount', 'Grant-ComPermission', 'Grant-HttpUrlPermission', 'Grant-MsmqMessageQueuePermission', 'Grant-Permission', 'Grant-Privilege', 'Grant-ServiceControlPermission', 'Grant-ServicePermission', 'Initialize-Lcm', 'Install-Certificate', 'Install-Directory', 'Install-FileShare', 'Install-Group', 'Install-IisApplication', 'Install-IisAppPool', 'Install-IisVirtualDirectory', 'Install-IisWebsite', 'Install-Junction', 'Install-Msi', 'Install-Msmq', 'Install-MsmqMessageQueue', 'Install-PerformanceCounter', 'Install-RegistryKey', 'Install-ScheduledTask', 'Install-Service', 'Install-User', 'Install-WindowsFeature', 'Invoke-AppCmd', 'Invoke-PowerShell', 'Join-IisVirtualPath', 'Lock-IisConfigurationSection', 'New-Credential', 'New-Junction', 'New-RsaKeyPair', 'New-TempDirectory', 'Protect-Acl', 'Protect-String', 'Read-File', 'Remove-DotNetAppSetting', 'Remove-EnvironmentVariable', 'Remove-GroupMember', 'Remove-HostsEntry', 'Remove-IisMimeMap', 'Remove-IniEntry', 'Remove-Junction', 'Remove-RegistryKeyValue', 'Remove-SslCertificateBinding', 'Reset-HostsFile', 'Reset-MsmqQueueManagerID', 'Resolve-FullPath', 'Resolve-Identity', 'Resolve-IdentityName', 'Resolve-NetPath', 'Resolve-PathCase', 'Resolve-RelativePath', 'Restart-RemoteService', 'Revoke-ComPermission', 'Revoke-HttpUrlPermission', 'Revoke-Permission', 'Revoke-Privilege', 'Revoke-ServicePermission', 'Set-DotNetAppSetting', 'Set-DotNetConnectionString', 'Set-EnvironmentVariable', 'Set-HostsEntry', 'Set-IisHttpHeader', 'Set-IisHttpRedirect', 'Set-IisMimeMap', 'Set-IisWebsiteID', 'Set-IisWebsiteSslCertificate', 'Set-IisWindowsAuthentication', 'Set-IniEntry', 'Set-RegistryKeyValue', 'Set-ServiceAcl', 'Set-SslCertificateBinding', 'Set-TrustedHost', 'Split-Ini', 'Start-DscPullConfiguration', 'Test-AdminPrivilege', 'Test-DotNet', 'Test-DscTargetResource', 'Test-FileShare', 'Test-FirewallStatefulFtp', 'Test-Group', 'Test-GroupMember', 'Test-Identity', 'Test-IisAppPool', 'Test-IisConfigurationSection', 'Test-IisSecurityAuthentication', 'Test-IisWebsite', 'Test-IPAddress', 'Test-MsmqMessageQueue', 'Test-NtfsCompression', 'Test-OSIs32Bit', 'Test-OSIs64Bit', 'Test-PathIsJunction', 'Test-PerformanceCounter', 'Test-PerformanceCounterCategory', 'Test-Permission', 'Test-PowerShellIs32Bit', 'Test-PowerShellIs64Bit', 'Test-Privilege', 'Test-RegistryKeyValue', 'Test-ScheduledTask', 'Test-Service', 'Test-SslCertificateBinding', 'Test-TypeDataMember', 'Test-UncPath', 'Test-User', 'Test-WindowsFeature', 'Test-ZipFile', 'Uninstall-Certificate', 'Uninstall-Directory', 'Uninstall-FileShare', 'Uninstall-Group', 'Uninstall-IisAppPool', 'Uninstall-IisWebsite', 'Uninstall-Junction', 'Uninstall-MsmqMessageQueue', 'Uninstall-PerformanceCounterCategory', 'Uninstall-ScheduledTask', 'Uninstall-Service', 'Uninstall-User', 'Uninstall-WindowsFeature', 'Unlock-IisConfigurationSection', 'Unprotect-String', 'Write-DscError', 'Write-File' ) # Cmdlets to export from this module CmdletsToExport = '' # Variables to export from this module VariablesToExport = '' # Aliases to export from this module AliasesToExport = '*' # List of all modules packaged with this module ModuleList = @() # List of all files packaged with this module FileList = @() # Private data to pass to the module specified in ModuleToProcess PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries. Tags = @('.net','acl','active-directory','certificates','com','compression','computer','credential','cryptography','directory','dsc','dsc-resources','encryption','environment','file-system','firewall','groups','hosts-file','http','identity','iis','ini','installers','internet-explorer','ip','junctions','msi','msmq','netsh','networking','ntfs','operating-system','os','path','performance-counters','powershell','principal','privileges','programs','registry','rsa','scheduled-tasks','security','service','shares','sid','smb','ssl','text','trusted-host','users','wcf','windows','windows-features','xml','zip','PSModule','DscResources','setup','automation','admin') # A URL to the license for this module. LicenseUri = '' # A URL to the main website for this project. ProjectUri = '' # ReleaseNotes of this module ReleaseNotes = @' ## Enhancements * Aded a `LiteralPath` parameter to `Test-PathIsJunction` for testing paths that contain wildcard characters (e.g. `[`, `]`, etc.). * `Remove-Junction` now supports removing multiple junctions with wildcards. * Added a `LiteralPath` parameter to `Remove-Junction` for deleting junctions whose paths contain wildcard characters (e.g. `[`, `]`, etc.). * Added a `LiteralPath` parameter to `Uninstall-Junction` for deleting junctions whose paths contain wildcard characters (e.g. `[`, `]`, etc.). * Created `Remove-DotNetAppSetting` function for removing app settings from .NET framework machine.config files. * Created `Read-File` function for reading text files and retrying if the read fails. Good for reading files that get intermittently locked, like the Windows hosts file. * Created `Write-File` function for writing text files and retrying if the write fails. Good for writing files that get intermittently locked, like the Windows hosts file. * Made the following functions obsolete: * `Get-WindowsFeature` * `Install-Msmq` * `Install-WindowsFeature` * `Resolve-WindowsFeatureName` * `Uninstall-WindowsFeature` ## Bug Fixes * Fixed: `Add-GroupMember`, over PowerShell remoting, fails to add a member to groups that have non-local users/groups (fixes [issue #187: Add-GroupMember fails when using PowerShell Remoting]( * Fixed: `Remove-GroupMember`, over PowerShell remoting, fails to remove a member from groups that have non-local users/groups. * Fixed: `Test-PathIsJunction` returns multiple results if the `Path` parameter contains wildcards and matches multiple items. * Fixed: `Install-Junction` can't install a junction whose path contains wildcard characters (fixes [issue #190]( * Fixed: `New-Junction` writes wrong error when creating an existing junction whose path contains wildcard characters. * Fixed: `Install-Service` doesn't update/change an existing service's account when using the `Credential` parameter (fixes [issue #185]( * Fixed: `Uninstall-FileShare` fails if a share's physical path doesn't exist. * Fixed (hopefully): `Get-FileSharePermission` writes an error if a share's security information is corrupted (fixes [issue #188]( I was unable to reproduce the error, and the error was reported anonyously, so I did my best. * Fixed: `Get-PowerShellModuleInstallPath` returns multiple paths if the standard PowerShell module path is listed twice in the `PSModulePath` environment variable. * Fixed: Chocolatey package fails if the standard PowerShell module path is listed twice in the`PSModulePath` environment (fixes [issue #192]( * Fixed: `Get-PowerShellModuleInstallPath` doesn't return the module install path if it doesn't exist. Sometimes it doesn't yet. * Fixed: `Carbon_ScheduledTask` and `Carbon_IniFile` DSC resources' `Get-TargetResource` functions don't return correct resource properties and causes `Get-DscConfiguration` to fail (fixes [issue #193]( * Fixed: `Carbon_FirewallRule` DSC resource always re-installs a firewall rule if `Profile` property contains multiple values (i.e. it doesn't properly parse netsh output). * Fixed: `about_Carbon_Installation` help topic had a typo. * Fixed: `Set-HostsEntry` fails to stop when the hosts file is in use and can't be read. '@ } # End of PSData hashtable } # End of PrivateData hashtable } |