# TODO: #189 Update and add tests <# .SYNOPSIS Counts the number of conscom actions. .DESCRIPTION Counts the number of conscom actions. .PARAMETER CapaSDK The CapaSDK object. .PARAMETER ManagementServerID The management server ID to check for. If omitted, conscom actions for all servers are counted. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Count-CapaConscomActions -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -ManagementServerID 1 .NOTES For more information, see #> function Count-CapaConscomActions { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $CapaSDK, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int]$ManagementServerID ) $value = $CapaSDK.CountConscomActions($ManagementServerID) return $value } # TODO: #190 Update and add tests <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of all business units. .DESCRIPTION Get a list of all business units. .PARAMETER CapaSDK The CapaSDK object. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-CapaBusinessUnits -CapaSDK $CapaSDK .NOTES For more information, see #> function Get-CapaBusinessUnits { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $CapaSDK ) $oaUnits = @() $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetBusinessUnits() foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) { $aItem = $sItem.Split(';') $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $aItem[0]; GUID = $aItem[1]; Id = $aItem[2] } } Return $oaUnits } # TODO: #191 Update and add tests <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of all external tools. .DESCRIPTION Get a list of all external tools. .PARAMETER CapaSDK The CapaSDK object. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-CapaExternalTools -CapaSDK $CapaSDK .NOTES For more information, see #> function Get-CapaExternalTools { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $CapaSDK ) $oaUnits = @() $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetExternalTools() foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) { $aItem = $sItem.Split(';') $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{ ID = $aItem[0]; Name = $aItem[1]; Path = $aItem[2]; Arguments = $aItem[3] } } Return $oaUnits } # TODO: #192 Update and add tests <# .SYNOPSIS Get management points or a specific management point. .DESCRIPTION If CmpId is not specified, all management points are returned. .PARAMETER CapaSDK The CapaSDK object. .PARAMETER CmpId The ID of the management point to return. If omitted, all management points are returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-CapaManagementPoint -CapaSDK $value1 -CmpId $value2 .NOTES For more information, see And #> function Get-CapaManagementPoint { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $CapaSDK, [int]$CmpId = '' ) $oaUnits = @() if ($CmpId -eq '') { $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetManagementPoints() } else { $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetManagementPoint($OSPointID) }1 foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) { $aItem = $sItem.Split(';') $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{ Id = $aItem[0]; Name = $aItem[1]; Description = $aItem[2]; Drive = $aItem[3]; GUID = $aItem[4]; LocalFolder = $aItem[5]; Server = $aItem[6]; Share = $aItem[7]; ParentGUID = $aItem[8] } } Return $oaUnits } # TODO: #193 Update and add tests <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of all management servers. .DESCRIPTION Get a list of all management servers. .PARAMETER CapaSDK The CapaSDK object. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-CapaManagementServers -CapaSDK $CapaSDK .NOTES For more information, see #> function Get-CapaManagementServers { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $CapaSDK ) $oaUnits = @() $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetManagementServers() foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) { $aItem = $sItem.Split(';') $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $aItem[0]; Path = $aItem[1]; Version = $aItem[2]; Drive = $aItem[3]; Server = $aItem[4]; Share = $aItem[5]; IsParentShare = $aItem[7]; GUID = $aItem[8]; ID = $aItem[9] } } Return $oaUnits } # TODO: #194 Update and add tests <# .SYNOPSIS Rebuilds CapaInstaller.kit file on Management Server. .DESCRIPTION Rebuilds CapaInstaller.kit file on Management Server. The function sets an action for the assigned Replicator to perform. .PARAMETER CapaSDK The CapaSDK object. .PARAMETER PackageName The name of the package. .PARAMETER PackageVersion The version of the package. .PARAMETER PackageType The type of the package. .PARAMETER ServerName The management server to which the package is to be added to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Rebuild-CapaKitFileOnManagementServer -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'WinRaR' -PackageVersion '5.50' -PackageType 'Computer' -ServerName 'MS1' .NOTES For more information, see #> function Rebuild-CapaKitFileOnManagementServer { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $CapaSDK, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$PackageName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$PackageVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('1', '2', 'Computer', 'User')] [String]$PackageType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$ServerName ) if ($PackageType -eq 'Computer') { $PackageType = '1' } if ($PackageType -eq 'User') { $PackageType = '2' } $value = $CapaSDK.RebuildKitFileOnServer($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $ServerName) return $value } # TODO: #195 Update and add tests <# .SYNOPSIS Rebuilds CapaInstaller.kit file on all Management Servers in the given Management Point. .DESCRIPTION Rebuilds CapaInstaller.kit file on all Management Servers in the given Management Point. .PARAMETER CapaSDK The CapaSDK object. .PARAMETER PackageName The name of the package. .PARAMETER PackageVersion The version of the package. .PARAMETER PackageType The type of the package. .PARAMETER PointID The ID of the management point. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Rebuild-CapaKitFileOnPoint -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'WinRaR' -PackageVersion '5.50' -PackageType 'Computer' -PointID 1 .NOTES For more information, see #> function Rebuild-CapaKitFileOnPoint { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $CapaSDK, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$PackageName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$PackageVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('1', '2', 'Computer', 'User')] [String]$PackageType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int]$PointID ) if ($PackageType -eq 'Computer') { $PackageType = '1' } if ($PackageType -eq 'User') { $PackageType = '2' } $value = $CapaSDK.RebuildKitFileOnPoint($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $PointID) return $value } # TODO: #196 Update and add tests <# .SYNOPSIS Resets the last run date on a global task. .DESCRIPTION Returns the last run date on a global task. .PARAMETER CapaSDK The CapaSDK object. .PARAMETER TaskDisplayName The display name of the task. Can be one of the following: Auto Archive Changelog Cleanup Performance Index Data Clear Changeset Clear Deleted Units Group Health Check Inventory Cleanup Process Metering History Process SQL groups System Health Update Active Directory Groups Update Application Groups Update OS Version Update Unit Commands Update Unlicensed Software Queries .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Reset-CapaLastRunDateOnGlobalTask -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -TaskDisplayName 'Auto Archive Changelog' .NOTES For more information, see #> function Reset-CapaLastRunDateOnGlobalTask { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $CapaSDK, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Auto Archive Changelog', 'Cleanup Performance Index Data', 'Clear Changeset', 'Clear Deleted Units', 'Group Health Check', 'Inventory Cleanup', 'Process Metering History', 'Process SQL groups', 'System Health', 'Update Active Directory Groups', 'Update Application Groups', 'Update OS Version', 'Update Unit Commands', 'Update Unlicensed Software Queries')] [string]$TaskDisplayName ) $value = $CapaSDK.ResetLastRunOnGlobalTask($TaskDisplayName) return $value } |