<# .SYNOPSIS Adds the CapaOne.ScriptingLibrary.dll to the current session. .DESCRIPTION Adds the CapaOne.ScriptingLibrary.dll to the current session. .PARAMETER DllPath The path to the CapaOne.ScriptingLibrary.dll. .EXAMPLE Add-PpDll -DllPath $DllPath .NOTES Command from PSlib.psm1 #> function Add-PpDll { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('Add-PsDll')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$DllPath ) try { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DllPath)) { $CiBaseAgentPath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CapaInstaller\Services\CiBaseAgent' $Folders = Get-ChildItem -Path $CiBaseAgentPath -Directory # Find newest version folder $NewestVersion = $Folders | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 # Get path to DLL $DllPath = Join-Path $CiBaseAgentPath $NewestVersion.Name 'CapaOne.ScriptingLibrary.dll' } Add-Type -Path $DllPath $Cs = New-Object -TypeName 'CapaOne.ScriptingLibrary' return $Cs } catch { $ErrorMessage = '[Line ' + $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber + '] ' + $_.Exception.Message #$ErrorNumber = $_.Exception.HResult Write-Error "Failed to load ScriptingLibrary: $ErrorMessage" Exit-PpScript $_ } } <# .SYNOPSIS Initialize global variables .DESCRIPTION Initialize global variables .PARAMETER DllPath The path to the CapaOne.ScriptingLibrary.dll. .EXAMPLE Initialize-PpVariables -DllPath 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CapaOne\Scripting Library\CapaOne.ScriptingLibrary.dll' .NOTES Command from PSlib.psm1 #> function Initialize-PpVariables { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('Initialize-Variables')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$DllPath ) try { Job_DisableLog if ($Global:Cs.file_getfileversion($DllPath) -ge '') { [string]$global:gsProgramFiles = $Global:Cs.gsProgramFiles [string]$global:gsProgramFilesx86 = $Global:Cs.gsProgramFilesx86 [string]$global:gsWindir = $Global:Cs.gsWindowsDir [string]$global:gsWindowsDir = $Global:Cs.gsWindowsDir [string]$global:gsWorkstationPath = $Global:Cs.gsWorkstationPath [string]$global:gsSystemRoot = $Global:Cs.gsSystemRoot [string]$global:gsSystemDir = $Global:Cs.gsSystemDir [string]$global:gsSystemDirx86 = $Global:Cs.gsSystemDirx86 [string]$global:gsLogDir = $Global:Cs.gsLogDir [string]$global:gsTempDir = $Global:Cs.gsTempDir [string]$global:gsOsSystem = $Global:Cs.gsOsSystem [string]$global:gsOsVersion = $Global:Cs.gsOsVersion [string]$global:gsLog = $Global:Cs.gsLog [string]$global:gsLogName = $Global:Cs.gsLogName [string]$global:gsTask = $Global:Cs.gsTask [bool]$global:gbDisablelog = $Global:Cs.gbDisablelog [bool]$global:gbSuficientDiskSpace = $Global:Cs.gbSuficientDiskSpace [string]$global:gsJobName = $Global:Cs.gsJobName [string]$global:gsLibrary = $Global:Cs.gsLibrary [bool]$global:gbx64 = $Global:Cs.gbx64 [string]$global:gsCommonPrograms = $Global:Cs.gsCommonPrograms [string]$global:gsSysDrive = $Global:Cs.gsSysDrive [string]$global:gsCommonDesktop = $Global:Cs.gsCommonDesktop [string]$global:gsCommonStartMenu = $Global:Cs.gsCommonStartMenu [string]$global:gsCommonStartup = $Global:Cs.gsCommonStartup [string]$global:gsCommonFilesDir = $Global:Cs.gsCommonFilesDir [string]$global:gsCommonFiles = $Global:Cs.gsCommonFilesDir [string]$global:gsCommonFilesDirx86 = $Global:Cs.gsCommonFilesDirx86 [string]$global:gsCommonFilesx86 = $Global:Cs.gsCommonFilesDirx86 [string]$global:gsCommonAppData = $Global:Cs.gsCommonAppData [string]$global:gsProgramData = $Global:Cs.gsProgramData [string]$global:gsProductid = $Global:Cs.gsProductid [string]$global:gsAllusers = $Global:Cs.gsAllusers [string]$global:gsWorkstationName = $Global:Cs.gsWorkstationName [string]$global:gsOsBuild = $Global:Cs.gsOsBuild [string]$global:gsEditionId = $Global:Cs.gsEditionId [string]$global:gsDisplayVersion = $Global:Cs.gsDisplayVersion [string]$global:gsWindowsType = $Global:Cs.gsWindowsType [string]$global:gsOsArchitechture = $Global:Cs.gsOsArchitechture [string]$global:gsWindowsVersion = $Global:Cs.gsWindowsVersion [string]$global:gsUnitName = $Global:Cs.gsUnitName [string]$global:gsComputerManufacturer = $Global:Cs.gsComputerManufacturer [string]$global:gsComputerModel = $Global:Cs.gsComputerModel [string]$global:gsComputerName = $Global:Cs.gsComputerName [string]$global:gsUUID = $Global:Cs.gsUUID $true } else { $false } } catch { Write-Error 'Error Line: ' $_.InvocationInfo.Line if ($Global:Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Initialize-PpVariables: Error Line: $($_.InvocationInfo.Line)" } Write-Error 'Error Item: '$_.Exception.ItemName if ($Global:Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Initialize-PpVariables: Error Item: $($_.Exception.ItemName)" } if ($Global:Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Initialize-PpVariables: '$($_.Exception.HResult)'" } $_.Exception.HResult } finally { Job_EnableLog } } # TODO: #56 Update and add tests <# .SYNOPSIS Runs a command as the logged on user. .DESCRIPTION Runs a command as the logged on user, by creating a scheduled task and starting it. .PARAMETER Command The command to run. .PARAMETER UserName The user name to run the command as. .PARAMETER Arguments The arguments to pass to the command. .EXAMPLE Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser -Command 'C:\Temp\MyApp.exe' -Arguments '/silent' -UserName 'MyDomain\MyUser' .NOTES Command from PSlib.psm1 #> function Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([int32])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Command, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$UserName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Arguments ) try { if ($Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Call Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser with Command: '$Command', Arguments: '$Arguments'" } Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object { $_.Taskname -ilike 'PowerPackUserJob' } | Unregister-ScheduledTask -Confirm:$false $Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $Command -Argument $Arguments $Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtLogOn $Settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -Hidden -Compatibility 'Win8' -ExecutionTimeLimit (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 30) if (!$UserName) { $UserId = (Get-Process -Name explorer -IncludeUserName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).username } else { $UserId = $UserName } if (!$UserId) { if ($Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text 'Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser: No user found - User must be logged on physically.' } return 0 } foreach ($User in $UserId) { if ($Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser: User detected using process owner: '$($User)'" } Register-ScheduledTask 'PowerPackUserJob' -Trigger $Trigger -Action $Action -User $User -Settings $Settings -RunLevel Highest | Out-Null $SchedTask = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'PowerPackUserJob' if ($SchedTask) { Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'PowerPackUserJob' if ($Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser: Scheduled Task 'PowerPackUserJob' has been started." } $Count = 0 $TaskState = (Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'PowerPackUserJob' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).State if ($Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser: Scheduled Task 'PowerPackUserJob' state: $TaskState" } if ($TaskState -eq 'Running') { while ($TaskState -eq 'Running') { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $Count++ $TaskState = (Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'PowerPackUserJob' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).State if ($Cs -and $Count % 10 -eq 0) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser: Scheduled Task 'PowerPackUserJob' current state: $TaskState" } if ($Count -ge 1800) { break } } $TaskState = (Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'PowerPackUserJob').State if ($Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser: Scheduled Task 'PowerPackUserJob' ended with state: $TaskState" } } } Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object { $_.taskname -ilike 'PowerPackUserJob' } | Unregister-ScheduledTask -Confirm:$false if ($Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text 'Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser: Completed with success.' } } return 0 } catch { Write-Error 'Error Line: ' $_.InvocationInfo.Line if ($Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser: Error Line: $_.InvocationInfo.Line" } Write-Error 'Error Item: '$_.Exception.ItemName if ($Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser: Error Item: $_.Exception.ItemName" } Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'PowerPackUserJob' -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Invoke-RunAsLoggedOnUser: '$_.Exception.HResult'" } $_.Exception.HResult } return 0 } # TODO: #57 Update and add tests <# .SYNOPSIS Register a Powerpack in the registry .DESCRIPTION Register a Powerpack in the registry .PARAMETER Application The application .PARAMETER AppName The application name .PARAMETER Arch The architecture .PARAMETER Language The language .PARAMETER AppCode The application code .PARAMETER Version The version .Parameter Vendor The vendor .EXAMPLE Register-Powerpack -Application 'CapaOne.ScriptingLibrary' -AppName 'CapaOne Scripting Library' -Arch 'x64' -Language 'en-us' -AppCode 'COSL' -Version '1.0' -Vendor 'CapaSystems' .NOTES Command from PSlib.psm1 #> function Register-Powerpack { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Application, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$AppName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Arch, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Language = 'en-us', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$AppCode, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Version, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Vendor ) try { Job_DisableLog Reg_SetString -RegRoot HKLM -RegKey "Software\Capasystems\Powerpacks\$Application" -RegValue 'Name' -RegData $AppName Reg_SetString -RegRoot HKLM -RegKey "Software\Capasystems\Powerpacks\$Application" -RegValue 'Platform' -RegData $Arch Reg_SetString -RegRoot HKLM -RegKey "Software\Capasystems\Powerpacks\$Application" -RegValue 'Language' -RegData $Language Reg_SetString -RegRoot HKLM -RegKey "Software\Capasystems\Powerpacks\$Application" -RegValue 'Version' -RegData $Version Reg_SetString -RegRoot HKLM -RegKey "Software\Capasystems\Powerpacks\$Application" -RegValue 'InstallDate' -RegData $(Get-Date -UFormat '%F %T') Reg_SetString -RegRoot HKLM -RegKey "Software\Capasystems\Powerpacks\$Application" -RegValue 'Publisher' -RegData $Vendor if ($AppCode) { Reg_SetString -RegRoot HKLM -RegKey "Software\Capasystems\Powerpacks\$Application" -RegValue 'AppCode' -RegData $AppCode } } catch { Write-Error 'Error Line: ' $_.InvocationInfo.Line if ($cs) { Job_WriteLog "Register-Powerpack: Error Line: $($_.InvocationInfo.Line)" } Write-Error 'Error Item: '$_.Exception.ItemName if ($cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Register-Powerpack: Error Item: $_.Exception.ItemName" } if ($cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Register-Powerpack: '$_.Exception.HResult'" } $_.Exception.HResult } Finally { Job_EnableLog } } # TODO: #58 Update and add tests <# .SYNOPSIS Downloads a package. .DESCRIPTION Downloads a package. .NOTES Command from PSlib.psm1 #> function Start-PSDownloadPackage { try { $Return = $InputObject.DownloadPackage() Job_WriteLog -Text "Downloading package: $AppName" Write-Host "Downloading package: $AppName" Do { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $Progress = $InputObject.DownloadProgress if ($Progress -eq -1) { $Message = '[Line ' + $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber + '] ' + $_.Exception.Message $HResult = $InputObject.ExceptionHResult Write-Error "Download failed: $HResult $Message" Job_WriteLog -Text "Download failed: $HResult $Message" Exit-PpScript 3322 } Write-Host "Progress: $Progress" Job_WriteLog -Text "Progress: $Progress" } While ($Progress -ne 100) Write-Host 'Download completed' Job_WriteLog -Text 'Download completed' } catch { $ErrorMessage = '[Line ' + $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber + '] ' + $_.Exception.Message Write-Error "Download failed: $ErrorMessage" Write-Error 'Error Line: ' $_.InvocationInfo.Line Write-Error 'Error Item: '$_.Exception.ItemName Exit-PpScript 3322 } } # TODO: #59 Update and add tests <# .SYNOPSIS Unregister a Powerpack .DESCRIPTION Unregister a Powerpack .PARAMETER Application The application .EXAMPLE Unregister-Powerpack -Application 'CapaOne.ScriptingLibrary' .NOTES Command from PSlib.psm1 #> function Unregister-Powerpack { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Application ) try { Job_DisableLog Reg_DelTree -RegRoot HKLM -RegPath "Software\Capasystems\Powerpacks\$Application" } catch { Write-Error 'Error Line: ' $_.InvocationInfo.Line if ($cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Unregister-Powerpack: Error Line: $($_.InvocationInfo.Line)" } Write-Error 'Error Item: '$_.Exception.ItemName if ($cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Unregister-Powerpack: Error Item: $($_.Exception.ItemName)" } if ($cs) { Job_WriteLog -Text "Unregister-Powerpack: '$($_.Exception.HResult)'" } $_.Exception.HResult } Finally { Job_EnableLog } } |