#Requires -Module OktaAPI Import-Module OktaAPI # $token comes from Okta Admin > Security > API > Tokens > Create Token # see # Call Connect-Okta before calling Okta API functions. Replace YOUR_API_TOKEN and YOUR_ORG with your values. # Connect-Okta "YOUR_API_TOKEN" "" # Or place the Connect-Okta call in OktaAPISettings.ps1 .\OktaAPISettings.ps1 # This file contains functions with sample code. To use one, call it. function Get-Logs() { $filePath = "Log.json" $fromTime = Get-Date -Format s $fromTime = $fromTime.Substring(0,10) + "T00%3A00%3A00Z" $toTime = Get-Date -Format s $toTime = $fromTime.Substring(0,10) + "T23%3A59%3A59Z" $flush = 50 # Flush memory every N pages $minRemaining = 10 $allLogs = @() $pages = 0 $params = @{since = $fromTime; until = $toTime; sortOrder = "DESCENDING"} "[" | Out-File $filePath do { $page = Get-OktaLogs @params $allLogs += $page.objects # these are converted from JSON, but then we convert back to JSON. TODO: optimize. $pages++ if ($pages -eq $flush) { Flush-File $allLogs "," | Out-File $filePath -Append $allLogs = @() $pages = 0 } if ($page.limitRemaining -lt $minRemaining) { do { Start-Sleep 1 $now = [DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds() } until ($now -gt $page.limitReset) } $params = @{url = $page.nextUrl} } while ($page.nextUrl) Flush-File $allLogs "]" | Out-File $filePath -Append } function Flush-File($allLogs) { $s = $allLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $s = $s.substring(1, $s.length - 2) # remove first "[" and last "]" $s | Out-File $filePath -Append } function Remove-DeprovisionedUsers { $totalUsers = 0 $params = @{limit = 25; filter = 'status eq "DEPROVISIONED"'} # default limit is 200, test with limit of 25. do { $page = Get-OktaUsers @params $users = $page.objects foreach ($user in $users) { Write-Host $user.profile.login $user.credentials.provider.type Remove-OktaUser $ } $totalUsers += $users.count $params = @{url = $page.nextUrl} } while ($page.nextUrl) "$totalUsers users found." } function Export-Groups { $totalGroups = 0 $exportedgroups = @() $filter = 'type eq "APP_GROUP"' # type eq "OKTA_GROUP", "APP_GROUP" (including AD/LDAP), or "BUILT_IN" $params = @{filter = $filter; paged = $true} do { $page = Get-OktaGroups @params $groups = $page.objects foreach ($group in $groups) { $exportedgroups += [PSCustomObject]@{id = $; description = $group.profile.description; name = $} } $totalGroups += $groups.count $params = @{url = $page.nextUrl; paged = $true} } while ($page.nextUrl) $exportedgroups | Export-Csv exportedgroups.csv -notype "$($groups.count) groups exported." } function Export-Users { $totalUsers = 0 $exportedusers = @() # for more filters, see $params = @{} # @{filter = 'status eq "ACTIVE"'} do { $page = Get-OktaUsers @params $users = $page.objects foreach ($user in $users) { $exportedusers += [PSCustomObject]@{id = $; name = $user.profile.login} } $totalUsers += $users.count Write-Host "$totalUsers users" $params = @{url = $page.nextUrl} } while ($page.nextUrl) $exportedusers | Export-Csv exportedusers.csv -notype Write-Host "$totalUsers users exported." Write-Host "Done." } function Export-UsersAndGroups { $totalUsers = 0 $exportedusers = @() # for more filters, see $params = @{filter = 'status eq "ACTIVE"'} do { $page = Get-OktaUsers @params $users = $page.objects foreach ($user in $users) { $userGroups = Get-OktaUserGroups $ $groups = @() foreach ($userGroup in $userGroups) { if ($userGroup.type -eq "OKTA_GROUP") { $groups += $ } } $exportedusers += [PSCustomObject]@{id = $; name = $user.profile.login; groups = $groups -join ";"} } $totalUsers += $users.count $params = @{url = $page.nextUrl} } while ($page.nextUrl) $exportedusers | Export-Csv exportedusersgroups.csv -notype "$totalUsers users exported." } function Get-PagedAppUsers { $totalAppUsers = 0 $params = @{appid = "0oa6k5e19jwu8aEAS0h7"; limit = 2} do { $page = Get-OktaAppUsers @params $appusers = $page.objects foreach ($appuser in $appusers) { Write-Host $appuser.credentials.userName } $totalAppUsers += $appusers.count $params = @{url = $page.nextUrl} } while ($page.nextUrl) "$totalAppUsers app users found." } function Get-AppGroups { $total = 0 $params = @{appid = "0oa7xsre5b8h3ZJwv0h7"} do { $page = Get-OktaAppGroups @params $appgroups = $page.objects foreach ($appgroup in $appgroups) { $group = Get-OktaGroup $ $licenses = $appgroup.profile.licenses -join ";" Write-Host $ "," $ "," $licenses } $total += $appgroups.count $params = @{url = $page.nextUrl} } while ($page.nextUrl) "$total groups found." } function Enroll-Factor { $userid = "" $factor = @{factorType = "token"; provider = "RSA"; profile = @{credentialId = ""}; verify = @{passCode = ""}} Set-OktaFactor $userid $factor } # Read groups from CSV and create them in Okta. function Create-Groups { $groups = Import-Csv groups.csv $importedgroups = @() foreach ($group in $groups) { $profile = @{name = $; description = $group.description} try { $oktagroup = New-OktaGroup @{profile = $profile} $message = "New group" } catch { Get-Error $_ try { $oktagroup = Get-OktaGroups $ 'type eq "OKTA_GROUP"' $message = "Found group" } catch { Get-Error $_ $oktagroup = $null $message = "Invalid group" } } $importedgroups += [PSCustomObject]@{id = $; name = $; message = $message} } $importedgroups | Export-Csv importedgroups.csv -notype "$($groups.count) groups read." } # Read users from CSV, create them in Okta, and add to a group. function Import-Users { <# Sample users.csv file with 5 fields. Make sure you include the header line as the first record. login,email,firstName,lastName,groupid,,Test,A1,00g5gtwaaeOe7smEF0h7,,Test,A2,00g5gtwaaeOe7smEF0h7 #> $users = Import-Csv users.csv $importedUsers = @() foreach ($user in $users) { $profile = @{login = $user.login; email = $; firstName = $user.firstName; lastName = $user.lastName} $message = "" try { $oktaUser = New-OktaUser @{profile = $profile} $false } catch { try { $oktaUser = Get-OktaUser $user.login } catch { $oktaUser = $null $message = "Invalid user." } } if ($oktaUser) { try { Add-OktaGroupMember $user.groupid $ } catch { $message = "Invalid group." } } $importedUsers += [PSCustomObject]@{id = $; login = $user.login; message = $message} } $importedUsers | Export-Csv importedUsers.csv -NoTypeInformation "$($users.count) users read." } # ~ 1000 users / 6 min in function New-Users { $now = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss" for ($i = 1; $i -le 3; $i++) { $profile = @{login="a$now$"; email="testuser$"; firstName="test"; lastName="ZExp$i"} try { $user = New-OktaUser @{profile = $profile} $false } catch { Get-Error $_ } } } function Add-GroupMember { $me = Get-OktaUser "me" $group = Get-OktaGroups "PowerShell" 'type eq "OKTA_GROUP"' Add-OktaGroupMember $ $ } function Rename-Users { $page = Get-OktaUsers -filter 'status eq "DEPROVISIONED"' $users = $page.objects # $oktaCredUsers = $users | where {$_.credentials.provider.type -eq "OKTA"} foreach ($user in $users) { if ($user.credentials.provider.type -eq "OKTA") { $url = Enable-OktaUser $ $false $updatedUser = Set-OktaUser $ @{profile = @{email = "test@gsroka.local"}} Disable-OktaUser $ } } "$($users.count) users found." } function Get-PagedUsers { $totalUsers = 0 $params = @{limit = 200} do { $page = Get-OktaUsers @params $users = $page.objects foreach ($user in $users) { Write-Host $user.profile.login $user.credentials.provider.type } $totalUsers += $users.count $params = @{url = $page.nextUrl} } while ($page.nextUrl) "$totalUsers users found." } function Get-PagedMembers { $totalUsers = 0 $params = @{id = "00g6fnikz1KOvNPK70h7"; limit = 1; paged = $true} do { $page = Get-OktaGroupMember @params $users = $page.objects foreach ($user in $users) { Write-Host $user.profile.login } $totalUsers += $users.count $params = @{url = $page.nextUrl; paged = $true} } while ($page.nextUrl) "$totalUsers users found." } function Get-Events { $today = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd" Get-OktaEvents "$($today)T00:00:00.0-08:00" # Get-OktaEvents -filter 'published gt "2015-12-21T16:00:00.0-08:00"' } # function Get-Headers { $urlLimit = 1200 # this varies by URL $remaining = $urlLimit for ($i = 1; $i -le 5000; $i++) { $now = [DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds() if ($remaining -gt 20) { try { $page = Get-OktaUsers -filter 'profile.login eq ""' $limit = [int64]$page.response.Headers.'X-Rate-Limit-Limit' $remaining = [int64]$page.response.Headers.'X-Rate-Limit-Remaining' $reset = [int64]$page.response.Headers.'X-Rate-Limit-Reset' Write-Host "now: " + $now + " remaining: " + $remaining + " reset: " + $reset } catch { Write-Host "Error ! (need to redo last call)." $remaining = 0 } } else { Write-Host "waiting, now: " + $now + " reset: " + $reset if ($now -gt $reset) { Write-Host "reset" $remaining = $urlLimit } Start-Sleep -second 1 } } } function Get-MultipleUsers { $ids = "me#jane.doe".split("#") foreach ($id in $ids) { $user = Get-OktaUser $id } } <#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.1.10 .GUID 33ca8742-b9bf-4824-9d86-605a8d627cb4 .AUTHOR Gabriel Sroka .DESCRIPTION Call Okta API. .PROJECTURI #> |