
class CackledaemonException: System.Exception {
    CackledaemonException([string]$Message) : base($Message) {}

class CackledaemonAlreadyRunningException: CackledaemonException {
    CackledaemonAlreadyRunningException([string]$Message) : base($Message) {}

class CackledaemonNotRunningException: CackledaemonException {
    CackledaemonNotRunningException([string]$Message) : base($Message) {}

$CackledaemonWD = Join-Path $env:APPDATA 'cackledaemon'

function Invoke-EnsureCackledaemonWD {
    If (-not (Test-Path $CackledaemonWD)) {
        New-Item -Path $CackledaemonWD -ItemType directory

$CackledaemonLogFile = Join-Path $CackledaemonWD 'log.log'
$CackledaemonLogSize = 16
$CackledaemonLogRotate = 4
$CackledaemonLogCheckTime = 2  # Seconds

function Write-CackledaemonLog {
    Param ([string]$Message)


    $Line = ('[{0}] CACKLEDAEMON: {1}' -f (Get-Date -Format o), $Message)

    Add-Content $CackledaemonLogFile -value $Line

function Start-CackledaemonLogRotateJob {
    Start-Job `
    -Name 'CackledaemonLogRotateJob' `
    -InitializationScript {
        Import-Module Cackledaemon
    } `
    -ScriptBlock {
        Set-Location $CackledaemonWD

        while ($true) {
            If ((Get-Item $CackledaemonLogFile).Length -ge $CackledaemonLogSize) {
                Write-CackledaemonLog 'Rotating logs...'

                ($CackledaemonLogRotate..0) | ForEach-Object {
                    $Current = Join-Path `
                        $CackledaemonWD `
                        $(If ($_) { 'log.log.{0}' -f $_ } Else { 'log.log' })

                    $Next = Join-Path $CackledaemonWD ('log.log.{0}' -f ($_ + 1))

                    If (Test-Path $Current) {
                        Write-CackledaemonLog ('Copying {0} to {1}...' -f $Current, $Next)

                        Copy-Item -Path $Current -Destination $Next

                Write-CackledaemonLog ('Truncating {0}...' -f $CackledaemonLogFile)

                Clear-Content $CackledaemonLogFile

                $StaleLogFile = Join-Path `
                  $CackledaemonWD `
                  ('log.log.{0}' -f ($CackledaemonLogRotate + 1))

                If (Test-Path $StaleLogFile) {
                    Write-CackledaemonLog ('Removing {0}...' -f $StaleLogFile)

                    Remove-Item $StaleLogFile

                Write-CackledaemonLog 'Done.'
            Write-CackledaemonLog 'All quiet on the Western front...'
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $CackledaemonLogCheckTime

$CackledaemonProcessStateFile = Join-Path $CackledaemonWD "DaemonProcessState.json"

function Write-ProcessState {

    $Process | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $CackledaemonProcessStateFile

function Get-ProcessState {
    $Id = (Get-Content $CackledaemonProcessStateFile | ConvertFrom-Json).Id

    If (-not $Id) {
        return $null

    return Get-Process -Id $Id

function Get-UnmanagedEmacsDaemons () {
    $ManagedProcess = $(Retrieve-ProcessState)
    return Get-CimInstance -Query "
        FROM Win32_Process
          Name = 'emacs.exe' OR Name = 'runemacs.exe'
 | Where-Object {
    } | ForEach-Object {
        Get-Process -Id ($_.ProcessId)
    } | Where-Object { -not ($_.Id -eq $ManagedProcess.Id) }

function Start-EmacsDaemon {
    $Process = $(Get-ProcessState)

    If ($Process) {
        Throw [CackledaemonAlreadyRunningException]::new(
            "The Emacs daemon is already running and being managed!"

    If ($(Get-UnmanagedEmacsDaemons)) {
        Throw [CackledaemonAlreadyRunningException]::new(
            "The Emacs daemon has already been started by someone else and " +
            "is not being managed!"

    Write-CackledaemonLog "Starting the Emacs daemon..."

    $Process = Start-Process `
      -FilePath "emacs.exe" `
      -ArgumentList "--daemon" `
      -NoNewWindow `
      -RedirectStandardOut $logFile `
      -RedirectStandardError $logFile `

    Write-CackledaemonLog "Saving the Emacs daemon's process state..."

    Write-ProcessState -Process $Process

    Write-CackledaemonLog "Done."

    return $Process

function Stop-EmacsDaemon {
    $Process = Retrieve-ProcessState

    If (-not $Process) {
        Throw [CackledaemonNotRunningException]::new(
            "A managed Emacs daemon isn't running and can not be stopped!"

    Write-CackledaemonLog "Stopping the Emacs daemon..."

    Stop-Process -InputObject $Process

    Store-ProcessState $null

    Write-CackledaemonLog "Done."

function Restart-EmacsDaemon {

Export-ModuleMember `
  -Function @(
  ) `
  -Variable @(