function Rename-CyaConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Renames a CyaConfig. .DESCRIPTION Renames a CyaConfig. If a conflicting name exists the process is aborted and an error message is displayed. .PARAMETER Name [String] The name of the CyaConfig .PARAMETER NewName [String] The desired new name of the CyaConfig .OUTPUTS [Null] .NOTES Author: Nick Vissari .EXAMPLE Rename-CyaConfig sample sample2 Description ----------- Rename a CyaConfig. .LINK New-CyaConfig .LINK Get-CyaConfig .LINK Protect-CyaConfig .LINK Unprotect-CyaConfig .LINK Remove-CyaConfig .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $NewName ) Get-CyaConfig -Name $Name | Out-Null # will throw $CyaConfigPath = Get-CyaConfigPath $OldPath = Join-Path -Path $CyaConfigPath -ChildPath $Name $NewPath = Join-Path -Path $CyaConfigPath -ChildPath $NewName if(Test-Path $NewPath){ Throw "CyaConfig name `"$NewName`" conflicts with existing CyaConfig" } Move-Item $OldPath $NewPath } |