function New-CyaConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates CyaConfigs. .DESCRIPTION A CyaConfig is an encrypted collection of small files or environment variables. Items in the CyaConfig can be protected (encrypted to a new file and source file deleted or removed from the shell) or unprotected (decrypted and set on the shell or written to the file path defined). .PARAMETER Name [String] The name of the CyaConfig .PARAMETER Type [String] File or EnvVar (Environment Variable) .PARAMETER EnvVarName [String] Name of the environment variable .PARAMETER EnvVarValue [String] Value of the environment variable .PARAMETER EnvVarCollection [Object] A hashtable or any object with Name and Value .PARAMETER File [Object] A file or list of files .PARAMETER ProtectOnExit [Int] Set to 1 ot $True if you want to delete the unprotected files on exit .PARAMETER CyaPassword [String] The CyaPassword to encrypt and decrypt the CyaConfig, defaults to "Default" .PARAMETER Password [SecureString] Your password to decrypt the CyaPassword .OUTPUTS [Object] CyaConfig item status .NOTES Author: Nick Vissari .EXAMPLE New-CyaConfig cmdlet New-CyaConfig at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: Name: sample WARNING: CyaPassword "Default" not found, creating now with New-CyaPassword. Enter new password: ******** Confirm new password: ******** Config type [E] EnvVar [F] File [?] Help (default is "E"): Variable 1 name (Enter when done): MYVAR MYVAR value: ***** Variable 2 name (Enter when done): MYOTHERVAR MYOTHERVAR value: ***** Variable 3 name (Enter when done): Name : sample Type : EnvVar CyaPassword : Default ProtectOnExit : True Item : MYVAR Status : Protected Name : sample Type : EnvVar CyaPassword : Default ProtectOnExit : True Item : MYOTHERVAR Status : Protected Description ----------- With no parameters specified, the user is prompted for every option. This includes setting the default password, which results in a new CyaPassword as well as CyaConfig. .EXAMPLE New-CyaConfig -Name sample -EnvVarName MYVAR -EnvVarValue 12345 -CyaPassword Default Enter password for CyaPassword "Default": ******** Name : sample Type : EnvVar CyaPassword : Default ProtectOnExit : True Item : MYVAR Status : Protected Description ----------- A single environment variable name and value can be specified. Keep in my the value will be in your command history. .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem | New-CyaConfig -Name sample -ProtectOnExit $true Enter password for CyaPassword "Default": ******** Name : sample Type : File CyaPassword : Default ProtectOnExit : True Item : C:\Users\nickadam\sample\file1.conf Status : Unprotected Name : sample Type : File CyaPassword : Default ProtectOnExit : True Item : C:\Users\nickadam\sample\file2.json Status : Unprotected Description ----------- A CyaConfig can be created from files in the pipeline. ProtectOnExit, if enabled, will attempt to delete unprotected files from the system when the shell exists cleanly. File hashes are checked to ensure the file hasn't been modified since it was protected. .EXAMPLE New-CyaConfig -Name sample -File file1.conf -ProtectOnExit $true Enter password for CyaPassword "Default": ******** Name : sample Type : File CyaPassword : Default ProtectOnExit : True Item : C:\Users\nickadam\sample\file1.conf Status : Unprotected Description ----------- A file or list of files can be provided. .EXAMPLE "MYVAR", "MYOTHERVAR" | New-CyaConfig -Name sample Enter password for CyaPassword "Default": ******** Name : sample Type : EnvVar CyaPassword : Default ProtectOnExit : True Item : MYVAR Status : Unprotected Name : sample Type : EnvVar CyaPassword : Default ProtectOnExit : True Item : MYOTHERVAR Status : Unprotected Description ----------- A CyaConfig can be created from set environment variables. .EXAMPLE New-CyaConfig -EnvVarCollection (Get-ChildItem Env: | where{$_.Name -like "MY*"}) -Name sample Enter password for CyaPassword "Default": ******** Name : sample Type : EnvVar CyaPassword : Default ProtectOnExit : True Item : MYOTHERVAR Status : Unprotected Name : sample Type : EnvVar CyaPassword : Default ProtectOnExit : True Item : MYVAR Status : Unprotected Description ----------- A collection of environment variables can be specified as a hashtable or any iterable list of objects with Name and Value. .LINK Get-CyaConfig .LINK Protect-CyaConfig .LINK Unprotect-CyaConfig .LINK Rename-CyaConfig .LINK Remove-CyaConfig .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = "SomethingFromPipeline")] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="EnvVar")] [String]$EnvVarName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="EnvVar")] [Object]$EnvVarValue, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="EnvVarCollection")] [Object]$EnvVarCollection, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="FileOrFiles")] [Object]$File, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SomethingFromPipeline")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FileOrFiles")] [ValidateSet(0, 1)] [Int]$ProtectOnExit = -1, [alias("CyaPassword")] [String]$CyaPwName="Default", [SecureString]$Password, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, DontShow, ParameterSetName="SomethingFromPipeline")] [Object]$InputObject, [ValidateSet("EnvVar", "File")] [String]$Type ) begin { $InputObjects = @() } process { if($InputObject){ $InputObjects += $InputObject } } end { $CyaPassword = $CyaPwName # InputObjects could be a list of files or environment variables if($InputObjects){ $File = $False $EnvVarCollection = @() ForEach($Item in $InputObjects){ if($Type -eq "File" -or (Get-Item $Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){ if($File){ Continue } # must be a list of files $File = $InputObjects }else{ # must be a list of environment variables $ItemEnvVarName = $Item $ItemEnvVarValue = Get-EnvVarValueByName -Name $ItemEnvVarName if(-not $ItemEnvVarValue){ $Message = "The piped item `"$ItemEnvVarName`" is not a file or a " + "set environment variable and can't be added to a collection." Throw $Message } $EnvVarCollection += [PSCustomObject]@{ "Name" = $ItemEnvVarName "Value" = $ItemEnvVarValue } } } } # create new CyaPassword if(-not (Get-CyaPassword -Name $CyaPassword -EA SilentlyContinue)){ Write-Warning "CyaPassword `"$CyaPassword`" not found, creating now with New-CyaPassword." if(!$Password){ $Password = Get-NewPassword } New-CyaPassword -Name $CyaPassword -Password $Password } # Attempt to set $Type if($EnvVarName -or $EnvVarCollection){ $Type = "EnvVar" } if($File){ $Type = "File" } $CyaConfigPath = Get-CyaConfigPath $ConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $CyaConfigPath -ChildPath $Name # Check if config already exists if(Test-Path $ConfigPath){ Throw "Config `"$Name`" already exists" } # Show option for type if(-not $Type){ $Caption = "Config type" $Choices = "EnvVar", "File" $Type = Invoke-ChoicePrompt -Caption $Caption -Choices $Choices } # Create Environment Variable config if($Type -eq "EnvVar"){ if($EnvVarName -and $EnvVarValue){ $EnvVarCollection = [PSCustomObject]@{ "Name" = $EnvVarName "Value" = $EnvVarValue } } # no EnvVar specified, prompt user if(-not $EnvVarCollection){ $Collecting = $True $EnvVarCollection = @() $n = 0 while($Collecting){ $n++ $EnvVarName = Read-Host -Prompt "Variable $n name (Enter when done)" # done collecting if(-not $EnvVarName){ $Collecting = $False Continue } $Message = "$EnvVarName value" # check if environment variable is currently set $SetValue = Get-EnvVarValueByName -Name $EnvVarName if($SetValue){ $Message = "$EnvVarName value [$SetValue]" } $EnvVarSecureString = Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt $Message $EnvVarValue = Get-SecureStringText -SecureString $EnvVarSecureString # use current environment variable set if($SetValue -and (-not $EnvVarValue)){ $EnvVarValue = $SetValue } $EnvVar = [PSCustomObject]@{ "Name" = $EnvVarName "Value" = $EnvVarValue } $EnvVarCollection += $EnvVar } } # nothing to do if(-not $EnvVarCollection){ Write-Warning "Nothing to do" return } if(-not $Password){ $Password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter password for CyaPassword `"$CyaPassword`"" -AsSecureString } $Key = Get-Key -CyaPassword $CyaPassword -Password $Password # convert hashtable to list of objects $EnvVarCollectionList = @() if($EnvVarCollection.GetType().Name -eq "Hashtable"){ $EnvVarCollection.Keys | ForEach-Object { $EnvVarName = $_ $EnvVarValue = $EnvVarCollection.$EnvVarName $EnvVarCollectionList += [PSCustomObject]@{ "Name" = $EnvVarName "Value" = $EnvVarValue } } $EnvVarCollection = $EnvVarCollectionList } $Cipherbundle = $EnvVarCollection | ConvertTo-Cipherbundle -Key $Key -Name $Name if($Cipherbundle.length -eq 1){ $CyaConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{ "Type" = "EnvVar" "CyaPassword" = $CyaPassword "Variables" = @($Cipherbundle) } }else{ $CyaConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{ "Type" = "EnvVar" "CyaPassword" = $CyaPassword "Variables" = $Cipherbundle } } } if($Type -eq "File"){ # set protect on exit if($ProtectOnExit -eq -1){ $Caption = "Protect on exit" $Message = "Would you like to automatically run Protect-CyaConfig (deletes unencrypted config files) on this config when unloading the Cya module or exiting powershell?" $Choices = "Yes", "No" $Default = 1 $Response = Invoke-ChoicePrompt -Caption $Caption -Message $Message -Choices $Choices -Default $Default $ProtectOnExit = 0 if($Response -eq "Yes"){ $ProtectOnExit = 1 } } # no files specified, prompt user if(-not $File){ $File = @() $Collecting = $True $n = 0 while($Collecting){ $n++ $FilePath = Read-Host -Prompt "File $n path (Enter when done)" if($FilePath){ if(-not (Test-Path $FilePath -PathType Leaf)){ Throw "File $FilePath not found" } $File += $FilePath }else{ $Collecting = $False } } } # nothing to do if(-not $File){ Write-Warning "Nothing to do" return } # if files were explicitly specified as strings or something, check each one $File | ForEach-Object { $FilePath = $_ if(-not (Test-Path $FilePath -PathType Leaf)){ Throw "File $FilePath not found" } if((Get-Item $FilePath).Length -eq 0){ Throw "File $FilePath is empty" } } # get the key if(-not $Password){ $Password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter password for CyaPassword `"$CyaPassword`"" -AsSecureString } $Key = Get-Key -CyaPassword $CyaPassword -Password $Password # encrypt all the files $FileCollection = $File | Get-Item | ConvertTo-Cipherbundle -Key $Key -Name $Name if($FileCollection.length -eq 1){ $CyaConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{ "Type" = "File" "CyaPassword" = $CyaPassword "ProtectOnExit" = [Bool]$ProtectOnExit "Files" = @($FileCollection) } }else{ $CyaConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{ "Type" = "File" "CyaPassword" = $CyaPassword "ProtectOnExit" = [Bool]$ProtectOnExit "Files" = $FileCollection } } } # nothing to do if(-not $CyaConfig){ Write-Warning "Nothing to do" return } # Create missing directory if(-not (Test-Path $CyaConfigPath)){ mkdir -p $CyaConfigPath | Out-Null } # write config file $CyaConfig | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Encoding Default $ConfigPath if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Get-CyaConfig $Name", "", "")){ Get-CyaConfig -Name $Name -Status } } } |