function Import-XDApp { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates broker application from imported object .DESCRIPTION Creates broker application from imported object .PARAMETER APP Broker Application to create .PARAMETER XDHOST XenDesktop DDC hostname to connect to .PARAMETER IGNOREENABLE Ignores setting the Enable flag .EXAMPLE $XDEXPORT.apps|import-xdapp Creates applications from imported app object #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$app, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$xdhost, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$ignoreenable ) begin{ Write-Verbose "BEGIN: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } Process { write-verbose "Proccessing App $($app.browsername)" if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($app.dgname)) { Set-XDAppEntitlement (get-brokerdesktopgroup -AdminAddress $xdhost $app.dgname) $xdhost } $appmatch = Get-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $xdhost -browsername $app.browsername -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($appmatch -is [Object]) { write-verbose "Setting App" $folder = $app.AdminFolderName if($folder -is [object]) { if ($folder -like $appmatch.AdminFolderName) { write-verbose "In correct folder" } else { if (-Not (Test-XDBrokerAdminFolder -folder $folder -xdhost $xdhost)) { write-verbose "Creating folder" new-xdadminfolder $folder $xdhost } write-verbose "Moving App to correct folder" Move-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $xdhost $appmatch -Destination $app.AdminFolderName $appmatch = Get-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $xdhost -browsername $app.browsername -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } set-xdexistingappobject -app $app -appmatch $appmatch -xdhost $xdhost -ignoreenable:$ignoreenable #makes sure to rename app to match if($appmatch.ApplicationName -notlike $app.ApplicationName) { write-verbose "Renaming Application..." rename-brokerapplication -AdminAddress $xdhost -inputobject $appmatch -newname $app.ApplicationName $appmatch = Get-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $xdhost -browsername $app.browsername } if((test-xdicon $app $appmatch $xdhost) -eq $false) { $icon = New-BrokerIcon -AdminAddress $xdhost -EncodedIconData $app.EncodedIconData $appmatch|Set-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $xdhost -IconUid $icon.Uid } clear-XDAppUserPerm $appmatch $xdhost set-XDAppUserPerm $app $appmatch $xdhost } else { write-verbose "Creating App" $folder = $app.AdminFolderName if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($folder)) { if (-Not (Test-XDBrokerAdminFolder -folder $folder -xdhost $xdhost)) { write-verbose "Creating folder" new-xdadminfolder $folder $xdhost } } if($app.multi -eq $false) { Write-Verbose "Single DG" #$dgmatch = get-brokerapplicationgroup -adminaddress $xdhost -name $app.dgname $appmatch = new-xdappobject -app $app -xdhost $xdhost -dgmatch $app.dgname } elseif($app.multi -eq $true -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($app.dgname)) { Write-Verbose "Multiple DG" #$dgmatch = get-brokerapplicationgroup -adminaddress $xdhost -name ($app.dgname|select-object -First 1) $appmatch = new-xdappobject -app $app -xdhost $xdhost -dgmatch ($app.dgname|select-object -First 1) } elseif($app.multi -eq $true -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($app.agname)) { Write-Verbose "NO DG BUT AG" #$agmatch = get-brokerapplicationgroup -adminaddress $xdhost -name ($app.agname|select-object -First 1) $appmatch = new-xdappobject -app $app -xdhost $xdhost -agmatch ($app.agname|select-object -First 1) } else { throw "Check application export. No delivery group or application group found" } } if($appmatch -is [Object]) { #sets browsername to match set-brokerapplication -adminaddress $xdhost -inputobject $appmatch -browsername $app.browsername|out-null $icon = New-BrokerIcon -AdminAddress $xdhost -EncodedIconData $app.EncodedIconData $appmatch|Set-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $xdhost -IconUid $icon.Uid set-XDAppUserPerm $app $appmatch $xdhost if($app|Select-Object -ExpandProperty FTA -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { foreach ($fta in $app.FTA) { New-XDFTAobject -xdhost $xdhost -fta $fta -newapp $app } } if(-not([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($app.tags))) { foreach ($tag in $app.tags) { write-verbose "Adding TAG $tag" add-brokertag -Name $tag -AdminAddress $xdhost -Application $ } } } else { Write-Warning "App Creation failed. Check for name conflict. An ApplicationName of $($app.ApplicationName) already exists when using the browser name of $($app.BrowserName)." } if($app.multi -eq $true) { Write-Verbose "Configuring App for multiple DG and AG" $app|Set-XDmultiApp -xdhost $xdhost } return $appmatch } end{Write-Verbose "END: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"} } |