
function Remove-XDDesktop
   Removes Desktop(s) machine
   Removes Desktop(s) machine
   Desktop machines to remove
   remove-xddesktop $desktop

[cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact='Low')]

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Removing desktop")) {
        if ($accts -is [object])
            foreach ($acct in $accts)
                Write-Verbose $acct.machinename
                #Placing machines in maintenance
                Set-BrokerMachine -MachineName $acct.machinename -InMaintenanceMode $true -adminaddress $xdhost

                #waiting for users to logoff
                if(Get-BrokerSession -MachineName $acct.machinename)
                #get all sessions and logoff all users
                Get-BrokerSession -MachineName $acct.machinename -adminaddress $xdhost|Stop-BrokerSession
                        Write-Verbose "Waiting for users to log off"
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
                        $sessions = Get-BrokerSession -MachineName $acct.machinename -adminaddress $xdhost
                    } while ($sessions)
                #powers down machine
                if($acct.PowerState -ne "Off")
                    $shutdowntask = New-BrokerHostingPowerAction -Action TurnOff -MachineName $acct.machinename -ActualPriority 0 -adminaddress $xdhost
                        Write-Verbose "Waiting for machine to power down"
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
                        $temptask = Get-BrokerHostingPowerAction -Uid $shutdowntask.Uid -adminaddress $xdhost
                    } until ($temptask.state -like "Completed")
                #Removes from the desktop group
                remove-BrokerMachine -MachineName $acct.MachineName -DesktopGroup $acct.DesktopGroupName -adminaddress $xdhost -Force|write-verbose
                #Unlocks the account
                Unlock-ProvVM -VMID (get-provvm -VMname $acct.hostedmachinename -adminaddress $xdhost).VMId -ProvisioningSchemeName $acct.CatalogName -adminaddress $xdhost|write-verbose
                #Remove from machine catalog
                Write-Verbose "Removing machine from hosting"
                remove-ProvVM -VMName $acct.hostedmachinename -ProvisioningSchemeName $acct.CatalogName -adminaddress $xdhost|write-verbose
                #Remove accounts from MC and AD
                Remove-AcctADAccount -IdentityPoolName $acct.CatalogName -ADAccountSid $acct.SID -RemovalOption Delete -adminaddress $xdhost|write-verbose

                #remove account from machine catalog
                remove-BrokerMachine -MachineName $acct.MachineName -adminaddress $xdhost -Force|write-verbose

            Write-Warning "No accounts found to remove.."