<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 0.1.1 .GUID 30604ec8-78ac-49d4-956e-2e4d9368b85f .AUTHOR Pierre Smit .COMPANYNAME iOCO Tech .COPYRIGHT .TAGS ctx ps .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Created [14/11/2021_03:31] Initital Script Creating Updated [14/11/2021_07:05] Added more functions .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Set the color for html reports #> <# .SYNOPSIS Set the color and logo for HTML Reports .DESCRIPTION Set the color and logo for HTML Reports. It updates the registry keys in HKCU:\Software\CTXCloudApi with the new details and display a test report. .PARAMETER Color1 New Background Color # code .PARAMETER Color2 New foreground Color # code .PARAMETER LogoURL URL to the new Logo .EXAMPLE Set-CTXAPI_ReportColors -Color1 '#d22c26' -Color2 '#2bb74e' -LogoURL '' #> # .ExternalHelp CTXCloudApi-help.xml Function Set-CTXAPI_ReportColors { [Cmdletbinding()] PARAM( [string]$Color1 = '#061820', [string]$Color2 = '#FFD400', [string]$LogoURL = '' ) $mod = Import-Module CTXCloudApi -Force -PassThru $file = Get-Item (Join-Path $mod.ModuleBase -ChildPath '\Private\Reports-Colors.ps1') Import-Module $file.FullName Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\CTXCloudApi -Name Color1 -Value $($Color1) Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\CTXCloudApi -Name Color2 -Value $($Color2) Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\CTXCloudApi -Name LogoURL -Value $($LogoURL) Import-Module CTXCloudApi -Force [string]$HTMLReportname = $env:TEMP + '\Test-color' + (Get-Date -Format + '.html' $HeadingText = 'Test | Report | ' + (Get-Date -Format dd) + ' ' + (Get-Date -Format MMMM) + ',' + (Get-Date -Format yyyy) + ' ' + (Get-Date -Format HH:mm) New-HTML -TitleText 'Report' -FilePath $HTMLReportname -ShowHTML { New-HTMLLogo -RightLogoString $CTXAPI_LogoURL New-HTMLHeading -Heading h1 -HeadingText $HeadingText -Color Black New-HTMLSection @SectionSettings -HeaderText 'Test' -Content { New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Test2' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable (Get-Process | Select-Object -First 5) } New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Test3' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable (Get-Service | Select-Object -First 5) } } } } #end Function |