<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.1.4 .GUID 38c65711-1b10-4f0e-aa2a-c69d6fb4f8e4 .AUTHOR Pierre Smit .COMPANYNAME iOCO Tech .COPYRIGHT .TAGS api ctx ps .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Created [06/10/2021_21:23] Initial Script Creating Updated [07/10/2021_13:28] Script info updated for module Updated [03/11/2021_19:17] Info Update Updated [06/11/2021_16:48] Using the new api Updated [14/11/2021_07:05] Added more functions .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Reports on machine catalog, delivery groups and published desktops #> <# .SYNOPSIS Reports on system config .DESCRIPTION Reports on machine catalog, delivery groups and published desktops .PARAMETER APIHeader Use Connect-CTXAPI to create headers .PARAMETER Export In what format to export the reports .PARAMETER ReportPath Destination folder for the exported report. .EXAMPLE Get-CTXAPI_ConfigAudit -APIHeader $APIHeader -Export Excel -ReportPath C:\Temp #> # .ExternalHelp CTXCloudApi-help.xml Function Get-CTXAPI_ConfigAudit { [Cmdletbinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSTypeName('CTXAPIHeaderObject')]$APIHeader, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Excel', 'HTML', 'Host')] [string]$Export, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript( { (Test-Path $_) })] [string]$ReportPath = $env:temp ) $catalogs = @() Get-CTXAPI_MachineCatalogs -APIHeader $APIHeader | ForEach-Object { $catalogs += [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $_.Name OSType = $_.OSType AllocationType = $_.AllocationType AssignedCount = $_.AssignedCount AvailableAssignedCount = $_.AvailableAssignedCount AvailableCount = $_.AvailableCount AvailableUnassignedCount = $_.AvailableUnassignedCount IsPowerManaged = $_.IsPowerManaged IsRemotePC = $_.IsRemotePC MinimumFunctionalLevel = $_.MinimumFunctionalLevel PersistChanges = $_.PersistChanges ProvisioningType = $_.ProvisioningType SessionSupport = $_.SessionSupport TotalCount = $_.TotalCount IsBroken = $_.IsBroken MasterImageName = $ MasterImagePath = $_.ProvisioningScheme.MasterImage.XDPath } } $deliverygroups = @() $groups = Get-CTXAPI_DeliveryGroups -APIHeader $APIHeader foreach ($grp in $groups) { $SimpleAccessPolicy = $grp.SimpleAccessPolicy.IncludedUsers | ForEach-Object { $_.samname } $deliverygroups += [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $grp.Name MachinesInMaintenanceMode = $grp.MachinesInMaintenanceMode RegisteredMachines = $grp.RegisteredMachines TotalMachines = $grp.TotalMachines UnassignedMachines = $grp.UnassignedMachines UserManagement = $grp.UserManagement DeliveryType = $grp.DeliveryType DesktopsAvailable = $grp.DesktopsAvailable DesktopsUnregistered = $grp.DesktopsUnregistered DesktopsFaulted = $grp.DesktopsFaulted InMaintenanceMode = $grp.InMaintenanceMode IsBroken = $grp.IsBroken MinimumFunctionalLevel = $grp.MinimumFunctionalLevel SessionSupport = $grp.SessionSupport TotalApplications = $grp.TotalApplications TotalDesktops = $grp.TotalDesktops IncludedUsers = @(($SimpleAccessPolicy) | Out-String).Trim() } } $apps = @() $assgroups = @() $applications = Get-CTXAPI_Applications -APIHeader $APIHeader foreach ($application in $applications) { $IncludedUsers = $application.IncludedUsers | ForEach-Object { $_.samname } $application.AssociatedDeliveryGroupUuids | ForEach-Object { $tmp = $_ $assgroups += $groups | Where-Object { $ -like $tmp } | ForEach-Object { $ } } $apps += [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $application.Name Visible = $application.Visible CommandLineExecutable = $application.InstalledAppProperties.CommandLineExecutable CommandLineArguments = $application.InstalledAppProperties.CommandLineArguments Enabled = $application.Enabled NumAssociatedDeliveryGroups = $application.NumAssociatedDeliveryGroups AssociatedDeliveryGroupUuids = @(($assgroups) | Out-String).Trim() IncludedUsers = @(($IncludedUsers) | Out-String).Trim() } } $machines = @() Get-CTXAPI_Machines -APIHeader $APIHeader | ForEach-Object { $AssociatedUsers = $_.AssociatedUsers | ForEach-Object { $_.samname } $machines += [pscustomobject]@{ DnsName = $_.DnsName AgentVersion = $_.AgentVersion AllocationType = $_.AllocationType AssociatedUsers = @(($AssociatedUsers) | Out-String).Trim() MachineCatalog = $ DeliveryGroup = $ DeliveryType = $_.DeliveryType InMaintenanceMode = $_.InMaintenanceMode DrainingUntilShutdown = $_.DrainingUntilShutdown IPAddress = $_.IPAddress IsAssigned = $_.IsAssigned OSType = $_.OSType PersistUserChanges = $_.PersistUserChanges ProvisioningType = $_.ProvisioningType RegistrationState = $_.RegistrationState SummaryState = $_.SummaryState } } if ($Export -eq 'Excel') { [string]$ExcelReportname = $ReportPath + "\XD_Audit-$($APIHeader.CustomerName)-" + (Get-Date -Format + '.xlsx' $catalogs | Export-Excel -Path $ExcelReportname -WorksheetName Catalogs -AutoSize -AutoFilter $deliverygroups | Export-Excel -Path $ExcelReportname -WorksheetName DeliveryGroups -AutoSize -AutoFilter $apps | Export-Excel -Path $ExcelReportname -WorksheetName apps -AutoSize -AutoFilter $machines | Export-Excel -Path $ExcelReportname -WorksheetName machines -AutoSize -AutoFilter -Show } if ($Export -eq 'HTML') { [string]$HTMLReportname = $ReportPath + "\XD_Audit-$($APIHeader.CustomerName)-" + (Get-Date -Format + '.html' New-HTML -TitleText "$($APIHeader.CustomerName) Config Audit" -FilePath $HTMLReportname -ShowHTML { New-HTMLLogo -RightLogoString $CTXAPI_LogoURL New-HTMLHeading -Heading h1 -HeadingText $HeadingText -Color Black New-HTMLSection @SectionSettings -Content { New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Machine Catalogs' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable $catalogs } } New-HTMLSection @SectionSettings -Content { New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Delivery Groups' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable $deliverygroups } } New-HTMLSection @SectionSettings -Content { New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'Published Applications' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable $apps } } New-HTMLSection @SectionSettings -Content { New-HTMLSection -HeaderText 'VDI Devices' @TableSectionSettings { New-HTMLTable @TableSettings -DataTable $machines } } } } if ($Export -eq 'Host') { Write-Color 'Machine Catalogs' -Color Cyan -LinesAfter 2 -StartTab 2 $catalogs | Format-Table -AutoSize Write-Color 'Delivery Groups' -Color Cyan -LinesAfter 2 -StartTab 2 $deliverygroups | Format-Table -AutoSize Write-Color 'Published Applications' -Color Cyan -LinesAfter 2 -StartTab 2 $apps | Format-Table -AutoSize Write-Color 'VDI Devices' -Color Cyan -LinesAfter 2 -StartTab 2 $machines | Format-Table -AutoSize } } #end Function |