
.VERSION 1.0.4
.GUID ce76995e-894d-40ee-ac4a-f700cd9abd01
.AUTHOR Pierre Smit
.TAGS Citrix
Created [20/04/2021_12:17] Initital Script Creating
Updated [22/04/2021_11:42] Script Fle Info was updated
Updated [23/04/2021_19:03] Reports on progress
Updated [24/04/2021_07:21] added more api calls
Updated [05/05/2021_14:33] 'Update Manifest'

#Requires -Module PSWriteColor

Get monitoring data


Function Get-CTXAPI_MonitorData {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3)]
        [ValidateSet('us', 'eu', 'ap-s')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 4)]

    $timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
    $APItimer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
    $headers = [System.Collections.Hashtable]@{
        Authorization       = "CwsAuth Bearer=$($ApiToken)"
        'Citrix-CustomerId' = $customerId
        Accept              = 'application/json'
    $now = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffZ
    $past = ((Get-Date).AddHours(-$hours)).ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffZ')

        $datereport = (Get-Date) - (Get-Date).AddHours(-$hours)

        Write-Color -Text 'Getting data for:' -Color Yellow -LinesBefore 1 -ShowTime
        Write-Color -Text 'Days: ',([math]::Round($datereport.Totaldays)) -Color Yellow,Cyan -StartTab 4
        Write-Color -Text 'Hours: ',([math]::Round($datereport.Totalhours)) -Color Yellow,Cyan -StartTab 4 -LinesAfter 2

            ApplicationActivitySummaries = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\ApplicationActivitySummaries?$filter=(Granularity eq 60 and ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            ApplicationInstances         = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\ApplicationInstances?$filter=(ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            Applications                 = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\Applications') -headers $headers            
            Catalogs                     = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\Catalogs') -headers $headers
            ConnectionFailureLogs        = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\ConnectionFailureLogs?$filter=(ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            Connections                  = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\Connections?$apply=filter(ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            DesktopGroups                = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\DesktopGroups') -headers $headers
            DesktopOSDesktopSummaries    = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\DesktopOSDesktopSummaries?$filter=(Granularity eq 60 and ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            FailureLogSummaries          = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\FailureLogSummaries?$filter=(ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' )') -headers $headers
            Hypervisors                  = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\Hypervisors') -headers $headers
            LogOnSummaries               = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\LogOnSummaries?$filter=(ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            MachineFailureLogs           = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\MachineFailureLogs?$filter=(ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            MachineMetric                = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\MachineMetric?$filter=(CollectedDate ge ' + $past + ' and CollectedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            Machines                     = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\Machines') -headers $headers
            ServerOSDesktopSummaries     = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\ServerOSDesktopSummaries?$filter=(Granularity eq 60 and ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            SessionActivitySummaries     = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\SessionActivitySummaries?$filter=(Granularity eq 60 and ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            SessionAutoReconnects        = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\SessionAutoReconnects?$filter=(CreatedDate ge ' + $past + ' and CreatedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            Session                      = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\Sessions?$apply=filter(ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            Users                        = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\Users') -headers $headers
            #LoadIndexes = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\LoadIndexes?$filter=(ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' )') -headers $headers
            #LoadIndexSummaries = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\LoadIndexSummaries?$filter=(ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            LogOnMetrics                 = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\LogOnMetrics?$filter=(UserInitStartDate ge ' + $past + ' and UserInitStartDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            #Processes = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\Processes?$filter=(ProcessCreationDate ge ' + $past + ' and ProcessCreationDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            #ProcessUtilization = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\ProcessUtilization?$filter=(CollectedDate ge ' + $past + ' and CollectedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            ResourceUtilizationSummary   = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\ResourceUtilizationSummary?$filter=(ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            ResourceUtilization          = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\ResourceUtilization?$filter=(ModifiedDate ge ' + $past + ' and ModifiedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers
            SessionMetrics               = Export-Odata -URI ('https://api-' + $region + '\SessionMetrics?$apply=filter(CollectedDate ge ' + $past + ' and CollectedDate le ' + $now + ' )') -headers $headers

} #end Function