$global:RegistrationState = [PSCustomObject]@{ 0 = 'Unknown' 1 = 'Registered' 2 = 'Unregistered' } $global:ConnectionState = [PSCustomObject]@{ 0 = 'Unknown' 1 = 'Connected' 2 = 'Disconnected' 3 = 'Terminated' 4 = 'PreparingSession' 5 = 'Active' 6 = 'Reconnecting' 7 = 'NonBrokeredSession' 8 = 'Other' 9 = 'Pending' } $global:ConnectionFailureType = [PSCustomObject]@{ 0 = 'None' 1 = 'ClientConnectionFailure' 2 = 'MachineFailure' 3 = 'NoCapacityAvailable' 4 = 'NoLicensesAvailable' 5 = 'Configuration' } $global:SessionFailureCode = [PSCustomObject]@{ 0 = 'Unknown' 1 = 'None' 2 = 'SessionPreparation' 3 = 'RegistrationTimeout' 4 = 'ConnectionTimeout' 5 = 'Licensing' 6 = 'Ticketing' 7 = 'Other' 8 = 'GeneralFail' 9 = 'MaintenanceMode' 10 = 'ApplicationDisabled' 11 = 'LicenseFeatureRefused' 12 = 'NoDesktopAvailable' 13 = 'SessionLimitReached' 14 = 'DisallowedProtocol' 15 = 'ResourceUnavailable' 16 = 'ActiveSessionReconnectDisabled' 17 = 'NoSessionToReconnect' 18 = 'SpinUpFailed' 19 = 'Refused' 20 = 'ConfigurationSetFailure' 21 = 'MaxTotalInstancesExceeded' 22 = 'MaxPerUserInstancesExceeded' 23 = 'CommunicationError' 24 = 'MaxPerMachineInstancesExceeded' 25 = 'MaxPerEntitlementInstancesExceeded' 100 = 'NoMachineAvailable' 101 = 'MachineNotFunctional' } #region color $global:colour1 = '#0D2E3F' $global:colour2 = '#FFB143' $global:TableSettings = @{ Style = 'cell-border' HideFooter = $true OrderMulti = $true TextWhenNoData = 'No Data to display here' EnableScroller = $true FixedHeader = $true } $global:SectionSettings = @{ BackgroundColor = 'grey' CanCollapse = $true HeaderBackGroundColor = $colour1 HeaderTextAlignment = 'center' HeaderTextColor = $colour2 HeaderTextSize = '10' BorderRadius = '15px' } $global:TableSectionSettings = @{ BackgroundColor = 'white' CanCollapse = $true HeaderBackGroundColor = $colour2 HeaderTextAlignment = 'center' HeaderTextColor = $colour1 HeaderTextSize = '10' } #endregion #$Global:Logourl = 'https://ioco.tech/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/ioco-logo.png' $Global:Logourl = 'https://c.na65.content.force.com/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id=0150h000003yYnkAAE&oid=00DE0000000c48tMAA' # Dot source public/private functions $publicFunctionsPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'Public/*.ps1' $privateFunctionsPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'Private/*.ps1' $public = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $publicFunctionsPath -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop) $private = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $privateFunctionsPath -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop) foreach ($file in @($public + $private)) { try { . $file.FullName } catch { throw "Unable to dot source [$($file.FullName)]" } } Export-ModuleMember -Function $public.BaseName |