.SYNOPSIS Watches the current path for changes to CSharp files and initiates a build of the project. .DESCRIPTION Watches the current directory and sub-directories for changes to C-Sharp files; initiating a build of the project to which the changed file belongs. .PARAMETER copytarget (Optional) defines an additional target directory where the updated dll gets copied .EXAMPLE # Standard call, builds project file > cd "D:\path\to\my\project" > D:\path\to\my\project> Start-CSharp-Watch > ------------------------- # Overload, builds project file and copies dll to the supplied directory > cd "D:\path\to\my\project" > D:\path\to\my\project> Start-CSharp-Watch "my" "d:\path\to\my\website\bin" #> function Start-CSharp-Watch([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$copytarget) { $global:robocopytarget = $copytarget write-host "CSharp-Watch is watching for file changes..." -foregroundcolor Green Write-Host "CSharp-Watch target copy path is '$global:robocopytarget'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray $existingEvents = get-eventsubscriber foreach ($item in $existingEvents) { if ($item.SourceObject.Path -eq $global:EventSourcePath) { Unregister-event -SubscriptionId $item.SubscriptionId write-host "Unsubscribed from: "$item.SourceObject.Path -foregroundcolor Gray } } $global:FileChanged = $false # dirty... any better suggestions? $folder = get-location $global:EventSourcePath = $folder $filter = "*.*" $watcher = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $folder, $filter -Property @{ IncludeSubdirectories = $true EnableRaisingEvents = $true } Register-ObjectEvent $watcher "Changed" -Action { $global:FileChanged = $true $global:ChangedPath = $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath } > $null While ($true){ While ($global:FileChanged -eq $false){ # We need this to block the IO thread until there is something to run # so the script doesn't finish. If we call the action directly from # the event it won't be able to write to the console Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } # a file has changed, run our stuff on the I/O thread so we can see the output if ($global:ChangedPath -match "(\.cs~|.cs$)") { # this is the bit we want to happen when the file changes write-host "Locating csproj file..." if ($global:ChangedPath) { write-host "File was changed: '$global:ChangedPath'" $pathParts = "$global:ChangedPath".Split("\\") $end = $pathParts.Count - 1 $testPath = $pathParts[0..$end] -join "\" write-host "Testing path $testPath" $csproj = Get-ChildItem -path $testPath *.csproj For ($i = 0; $i -le 20; $i++) { $newEnd = $end - $i $newPath = $pathParts[0..$newEnd] -join "\" $csproj = Get-ChildItem -path $newPath *.csproj write-host "$i. trying: $newPath, csproj: $csproj" if ($csproj) { write-host "Found on $i, at $newPath, $csproj" break } } if ("$csproj".EndsWith(".csproj")) { write-host "Ready: $newPath\$csproj" $msbuild = "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" & $msbuild ("$newPath\$csproj", "/target:Build", "/p:configuration=debug", "/verbosity:m", "/p:PostBuildEvent=") # yes, i am skipping post-build events # we have variables to use to try copy the resulting dll, so give it a try if ($global:robocopytarget) { write-host "Copying the binaries to '$global:robocopytarget'" write-host "CSPROJ File directory at '$newPath'" write-host "CSPROJ File file at '$csproj'" $dllName = $csproj -replace ".csproj" #$currentDll = @(Get-ChildItem -Recurse "$newPath" "*$dllName*.dll")[0].FullName write-host "CURRENT DLL is called '$dllName'" robocopy "$newPath\bin" "$global:robocopytarget" "*$dllName*.dll" /NFL /NDL /NJH /nc /ns /np } } } } # reset and go again $global:FileChanged = $false } } <# .SYNOPSIS Unsubscribes current path from the watch event. .DESCRIPTION Unsubscribes current path from the watch event. .EXAMPLE > cd "D:\path\to\my\project" > D:\path\to\my\project> Stop-CSharp-Watch #> function Stop-CSharp-Watch() { $existingEvents = get-eventsubscriber ForEach ($item in $existingEvents) { if ($item.SourceObject.Path -eq $global:EventSourcePath) { Unregister-event -SubscriptionId $item.SubscriptionId write-host "Unsubscribed from: "$item.SourceObject.Path -foregroundcolor Gray } } break } |