#region Variables $maxsize = -1 $items $bins #endregion #region Helper functions function GetItems() { Param( [String]$Path ) $script:items = @() $its = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path foreach($it in $its) { $newItem = New-Object PSObject $newItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $it.Name $newItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FullName -Value $it.FullName $size = (Get-Size $it.FullName ).MB $newItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Size -Value $size $script:items += $newItem } } # Function to add new bin function addBin() { $bin = New-Object PSObject $bin | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Items -value (New-object System.Collections.Arraylist) $bin | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Size -Value 0 $script:bins += $bin } function NextFit() { $script:bins = @() $binIndex = 0; addBin foreach($i in $script:items) { $freeBinSpace = $script:maxsize - $script:bins[$binIndex].size if( $freeBinSpace -ge $i.Size) { $script:bins[$binIndex].Items.Add($i.FullName) > $null $script:bins[$binIndex].size += $i.size } else { addBin $binIndex ++ $script:bins[$binIndex].Items.Add($i.FullName) > $null $script:bins[$binIndex].size += $i.size } } } function FirstFit() { $script:bins = @() $binIndex = 0; addBin $added = 0 foreach($i in $script:items) { for( $b=0; $b -lt $script:bins.Count; $b++) { $freeBinSpace = $script:maxsize - $script:bins[$b].size if( $freeBinSpace -ge $i.Size) { $script:bins[$b].Items.Add($i.FullName) > $null $script:bins[$b].size += $i.size $added = 1 break } } if( $added -ne 0) { addbin $script:bins[$script:bins.Count-1].Items.Add($i.FullName) > $null $script:bins[$script:bins.Count-1].size += $i.size } } } function BestFit() { $script:bins = @() # Add the first bin addBin # Variables to hold the best fit bin $binwithminimumemptyspace = -1 $minimumemptyspace = $maxsize # Loop through files/folders foreach($i in $script:items) { # Loop through bins for specific file/folder $binwithminimumemptyspace = -1 $minimumemptyspace = $maxsize for( $b=0; $b -lt $script:bins.Count; $b++) { # Get bin's free space $freeBinSpace = $script:maxsize - $script:bins[$b].size # Reject bin if free space is less than needed if( ($freeBinSpace -lt $i.size) -or ($freeBinSpace -lt 0) ) { continue } # Compare to the bin where the item fits best if( ($freeBinSpace - $i.size) -lt $minimumemptyspace ) { $binwithminimumemptyspace = $b $minimumemptyspace = ($freeBinSpace - $i.size) } } # Check if bin is found or we need to add new bin if( $binwithminimumemptyspace -lt 0 ) { addBin $binwithminimumemptyspace = ($script:bins.Count - 1) } # Add item to the bin $script:bins[$binwithminimumemptyspace].Items.Add($i.FullName) > $null $script:bins[$binwithminimumemptyspace].size += $i.size } } #endregion #region FileSelection Function FileSelection() { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [String]$Path, [ValidateSet("BestFit","FirstFit","NextFit","All")] [String]$Method = "BestFit", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=2)] [Int]$MaximumSize, [switch]$Seperate ) if( -Not(Test-Path $Path)) { Write-Error "Could not locate source directory." return } $script:maxsize = $MaximumSize GetItems -Path $Path if( $Method -eq "BestFit" ) { BestFit } if( $Method -eq "NextFit") { NextFit } if( $Method -eq "FirstFit") { FirstFit } if( $Method -eq "All") { NextFit $nextfitbins = $Script:bins BestFit $bestfitbins = $Script:bins FirstFit $firstfitbins = $Script:bins $bestsolution = $bestfitbins if( $nextfitbins.Count -lt $bestsolution.Count ) { $bestsolution = $nextfitbins } if( $firstfitbins.Count -lt $bestsolution.Count ) { $bestsolution = $firstfitbins } } if( $Seperate ) { $bincounter = 0 $fullpath = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path + "\" for($j=0; $j -lt $Script:bins.Count; $j++) { $bincounter ++ $directoryname = ($fullpath + "Folder " + $bincounter) New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Path -Name ("Folder " + $bincounter) foreach($i in $bins[$j].items) { Move-Item -Path $i -Destination $directoryname -Force } } } else { $bins | Select-Object -Property Items, Size } } #endregion #region Exports Export-ModuleMember -Function FileSelection #endregion |